2025/01/08 12:00PM
Displaced by war: The future of population & housing in Europe
2024/12/18 03:00PM
Midnight in The Century? How The West Abandoned Palestine
2024/12/17 02:00PM
2024/12/17 05:00PM
Economic Cooperation in the Shadow of Contested Sovereignty新書座談會
2024/12/13 02:30PM
2024/12/13 04:30PM
AI, Normality, and Oppressive Things
2024/12/10 11:30AM
2024/12/10 12:30AM
Knowledge Luncheon:Transfiguring "Paradise on Earth": Gardening and World-making Practices in the American Organic Movement
2024/11/25 02:30PM
2024/11/25 04:30PM
Stories We Tell: Facts, Fidelity, and Generative AI
2024/11/21 02:30PM
2024/11/21 05:00PM
Aesthetics and Virtual Reality
2024/10/17 02:30PM
2024/10/17 04:30PM
Shallowness of Liberalism in Postcolonial Asia
2024/10/14 02:30PM
2024/10/14 04:30PM
Methodologies and Communities in Comparative Philosophy
2024/10/10 04:00PM
Mindfulness in Activism — A Conversation with Clover Hogan
2024/10/04 03:00PM
2024/10/04 04:30PM
State of Exception: uì沖繩kap金門ê文學思考新冷戰
The EU External Relations under the US-China Great Power Competition
2024/09/27 10:30AM
2024/09/27 12:00PM
Maintaining Diverse Interests in Philosophy: A Conversation with Prof. Harvey Lederman
2024/09/26 03:00PM
Regulating the lifecycle of Healthcare AI: Considerations from Research to Deployment
2024/09/18 02:30PM
2024/09/18 04:30PM
Book Launch Forum: The Translocal Island of Okinawa
2024/09/13 11:00AM
Healthcare Seeking within Intersectional Marginalization: How LGBTQ+ People of Color Navigate Barriers to Care in the U.S.
2024/09/12 02:00PM
Literary Nature Writing and the More-Than-Human Garden
2024/09/09 08:00AM
2024/09/10 12:00PM
Taiwan's Security and US-China Great Power Competition
2024/08/27 02:30PM
How to Communicate over 100,000 Years? Nuclear Memory and the Management of the Future
2024/08/05 02:30PM
2024/08/05 04:30AM
Colonial Experiences and Contemporary Laws
2024/07/18 10:00AM
2024/07/19 05:00PM
Population, Family and Health: Global Perspectives
2024/07/11 10:00AM
Investigating Global Welfare Regimes from the Social Protection Perspective
2024/06/28 10:30AM
2024/06/28 12:30PM
Switching Diplomatic Recognition between Taiwan and China: Economic and Social Impact 新書發表會
2024/06/21 09:30AM
Who Owns Democracy, and Our Planet?
Tâi-oân tong-chiân thiáu-chiàn hē-lia̍t káng-chō
2024/05/27 02:30PM
2024/05/27 04:30PM
Dworkin’s Secular Liberalism: Partnership Democracy and Unfinished Business
2024/05/23 09:00AM
Seed Activism: Patent Politics and Litigation in the Global South
2024/04/30 02:30PM
2024/04/30 04:30PM
Baroque Revenge: From Shakespeare to Park Chan-wook
2024/04/16 09:30AM
2024/04/16 03:00PM
Workshop on Democratic Backsliding and Erosion of Rule of Law
2024/04/16 02:00PM
2024/04/16 03:00PM
Change of Mind: Why U.S. Foreign Policy Elites Change Their Views on China
2024/04/15 09:50AM
2024/04/15 04:30PM
Double Book Talk on Democracy and Citizenship
2024/04/15 10:30AM
The Governance of Genomic Data and AI in a Globalised Research Context: Recent Standards and Initiatives
2024/03/27 10:00AM
2024/03/27 12:00PM
The Legislative Trends and International Practices of Facial Recognition Technology: Models, Features, and Driving Forces
2024/03/20 10:00AM
2024/03/20 12:00PM
The Responsibility Gap of AI and Possible Solutions
2024/03/19 09:00AM
Ecotheology and Literature: Prospects and Challenges
2024/03/06 09:00AM
2024/03/07 05:00PM
Meaning and Reality in Social Context II
2024/02/27 09:00AM
The Four Day Week: Economic, Wellbeing and Climate Impacts
2024/02/20 09:00AM
Rewilding and Re-rooting: Ecotherapy with the Earth Spirits of Local Folklore
2024/02/19 02:30PM
Webinar on Julian Assange and Press Freedom
2024/01/23 02:30PM
2024/02/23 04:30PM
The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait and the United States
2024/01/11 01:30PM
Climate Justice Design: Bridging Justice Theory and Design Practice in Nature-based Solutions for Community Resilience
2023/12/14 09:30AM
2023/12/14 12:00PM
Discriminatory Clubs: The Geopolitics of International Organizations 新書發表會
2023/12/08 10:00AM
Demystify Artificial Intelligence and Technology Outlook
2023/12/06 09:30AM
Sharing Place & Sharing Power with Animals
2023/11/24 02:30PM
2023/11/24 03:30PM
2023 Survey Results of the “American Portrait”
2023/11/22 02:00PM
2023/11/22 04:00PM
Infrastructures of Activism and Surveillance
2023/11/21 02:30PM
2023/11/21 04:30PM
The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: The Current State of Play
2023/11/20 02:00PM
2023/11/20 04:00PM
Generative AI as Theatrical Performance in Heterotopia
2023/10/31 02:30PM
2023/10/31 04:30PM
Generating Moral Machines: The Capability of Large Language Models in Capturing Human Moral Judgments Across Cultures
Climate Change and Energy Security in the EU and the USA
2023/10/04 02:30PM
2023/10/04 04:30PM
The Chinese Question: The Gold Rushes and Global Politics
2023/10/04 02:30PM
Who has the final say? Your communication is not my communication? The reality of energy policy communication
2023/09/19 10:00AM
Thinking with Islands in the Anthropocene
2023/08/18 10:00AM
2023/08/18 12:00PM
The Ukraine War and Its Implications for The World
2023/07/18 10:00AM
2023/07/18 12:00PM
2023/06/29 08:30AM
2023/06/30 05:30PM
Intersections and Relations: Asian/American Studies in Global Frames
2023/06/19 10:00AM
2023/06/19 12:00PM
Fundamental Issues in Generative Artificial Intelligence and Law
2023/06/15 04:30PM
2023/06/15 06:00PM
Small States in International Relations
2023/06/14 05:00PM
2023/06/14 06:30PM
Taiwan-U.S. Relations in an Era of Great Power Competition
2023/05/30 10:00AM
2023/05/30 12:00PM
Contracts, Inequality and the State: A Comparative Study of Common Law, Civil Law and Judicial Behavior of Chinese Courts during the Pandemic (This lecture is given in Chinese.)
2023/05/08 10:00AM
2023/05/08 12:00PM
Enhanced Governance for Facial Recognition Technology in the Public Sector
2023/04/14 09:00AM
Religion, Nature, and the Future of Religion & Nature
2023/03/23 02:00PM
Nature Based Solutions: What's the Problem?
2023/01/12 04:00PM
2023/01/12 05:30PM
U.S. Foreign Policy, the U.S.-China-Taiwan Triangle, and Public Opinion in Taiwan Results of the American Portrait Survey
2022/12/08 09:00AM
Agrarianism, Spirituality, and the Ecopoetics of Hope: A Conversation with Norman Wirzba
2022/12/06 12:00PM
Bad Medicine?: The Legal Legacy of Japanese American Wartime Incarceration and the Precarious Politics of Remembering Injustice
2022/12/01 09:00AM
2022/12/02 05:00PM
Institute of European and American Studies 50th Anniversary Celebration Seminar Series (4): 2022 “New Developments in Legal Philosophy”
2022/11/29 10:00AM
2022/11/29 12:00PM
2022/10/20 02:30PM
2022/10/20 04:30PM
Should Taiwan's Economy Degrow?
2022/10/14 03:30PM
Extraction Ecologies and the Post-Extractive Imagination
2022/09/27 09:00AM
2022/09/27 11:00AM
Why Carbon Prices and Dividends for Taiwan?
2022/09/27 02:30PM
2022/09/27 04:00PM
Taiwan and the “New Cold War”
2022/08/16 02:30PM
2022/08/16 05:00PM
Webinar on Pelosi's Taiwan Visit and China's Military Drills
2022/06/27 02:00PM
2022/06/27 04:00PM
The Problem of Object Realism
2022/06/06 12:30AM
Enemies or Model Farmers?: Settler Colonialism and the Agricultural Projects in the Japanese American War Relocation Centers
2022/05/04 09:00AM
2022/05/06 04:35PM
The EU External Relations under the Global Change Conference
2022/04/28 09:00PM
2022/04/28 10:30PM
2022/03/22 09:00AM
2022/03/23 05:00PM
歐美所50周年所慶 系列研討會 (1) ─「2017-2021年川普政府美中台關係及其影響」學術研討會
2022/03/08 04:00PM
RIHSS Online Book Workshop
onald Dworkin Online Reading Group
2022/02/14 10:00AM
2022/01/21 02:00PM
2022/01/21 05:00PM
Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond新書座談會
2022/01/18 09:45AM
2022/01/18 12:00PM
Gaullism in the World Politics of the 21st Century
2021/12/22 02:00PM
2021/12/22 03:30PM
Fundamental Rights under Covid-19: an European Perspective on Videoconferencing in Court
2021/11/09 09:00AM
Stories of Encounters in Karen Tei Yamashita's Through the Arc of the Rain Forest: An Asian American Ecocritical Reading
2021 Taiwan Graduate Students Conference on European Studies
2021/09/16 02:00PM
Workshop on EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
2021/05/29 01:00PM
2021/05/29 06:00PM
Roundtable: COVID-19 and the WHO: China's and Taiwan's Role in International Organisations and the Multilateral Order
2021/05/20 03:00PM
“In Search of Our Frontier”: Entangled Histories of Early Japanese America and Imperial Japan
2021/05/07 02:00PM
2021/05/07 05:30PM
2021/04/27 02:30PM
The Revisionist History of EU Legal Integration Through the Lens of Federation Theory (This lecture is given in Chinese.)
2021/04/13 02:30PM
2021/04/13 05:30PM
2021/03/31 09:30AM
2021/03/31 11:00AM
Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate and Sinophobia: A Global Analysis
2021/02/23 02:30PM
2021/02/23 04:30PM
Viruses, Environment and Literary Imagination: Recent Euroamerican Disease Narratives (This lecture is given in Chinese.)