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  • Publish Date:2016/10/11
    Modify Date:2024/06/21
Tzu-Wei Hung
  • Position:Research Fellow
  • TEL:886-2-37897261
  • Email:htw@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • Assistant’s Name:Esther Liao
  • Assistant’s Phone:886-2-37897222
  • Assistant’s Email:layoutniao@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Tzu-Wei Hung


  • PhD in Philosophy, Kings College London, 2011.
  • MPhilStud in Philosophy of Psychology, Kings College London, 2007.
  • BA in Philosophy, National Taiwan University, 1999.


  • Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica,Taiwan(2023-Present)
  • President, Taiwan Philosophical Association (2024-2026)
  • STSS Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, USA (2022-2023)
  • [Declined] Visiting Scholars Program, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, USA (2022-2023)
  • Executive Secretary (2015-2019) and supervisor (2020-), National Committee for the Division of Logic, Methodology, & Philosophy of Science, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
  • Assistant Research Fellow (2012-2017) & Associate Research Fellow (2017-2023), Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • [Declined] Tenure-track assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University (2012)
  • Member (2009-) and board member (2019-2023), Taiwan Association for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Representative of H&F group for London Region, Amnesty International UK (2009)
  • Hospital assistant for HIV/AIDS prevention, Kimironko Health Center, Kigali, Rwanda (2009); Volunteer for AIDS and domestic violence prevention, MACRO, Uganda (2009)
  • Paratrooper, Aviation and Special Forces Command, Taiwan Army (1999-2001)
  • Emergency medical technician (1996-1999; 2023-)
  • Radio host, Voice of Ocean Radio Keelung (1996)


  • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
  • Social Philosophy
  • Taiwanese Philosophy
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  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of East Asian Philosophy, Springer (2019-present)
  • Executive Secretary (2015-2018) & Supervisor (2020-present), National Committee for the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (LMPS), International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
  • Editor-in-chef, Centennial Anthology of Taiwanese Philosophy Series, National Taiwan University Press (2018-present)
  • Chief investigator, Thematic Research Program, Academia Sinica (2017-2019)
  • Member, Information Technology Services Advisory Board, Academia Sinica (2020-present)
  • Member, Generative Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica (2023-present)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Academia Sinica Newsletter (2020、2021)
  • Executive Editor, EurAmerica (2021-2022)
  • Project coordinator, IEAS (2013-2015; 2018-2020)
  • Head of Computing Office, IEAS, Academia Sinica (2014)


  • 2022-2023 Outstanding Research Award, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
  • 2022-2023 Stanford-Taiwan Social Science Fellowship Program
  • 2022-2023 Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholars Program (Declined)
  • 2021-2023 Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 2016-2018 Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 2017-2023 Special Outstanding Talent Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • 2009-2010 Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  • 2005-2008 Taiwan Merit Scholarship, National Science Council, Taiwan.




I. Predictive processing in Cognitive and Artificial Systems 

II. Language &  Social Cognition 

  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2024). Memory and knowledge in transitional justice. In Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu (ed.) The Ethics of Historical Memory: From Transitional Justice to Overcoming the Past. National Taiwan University Press (In Mandarin).
  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2019). How did language evolve? Some reflections on the language parasite debateBiological Theory, 14(4): 214-223.
  • Yen, Chun-ping & Hung, Tzu-wei, (2019). New data on the linguistic diversity of authorship in philosophy journal.  Erkenntnis, 84(4): 953-974.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2018). Brain Science and Free Will: An Analysis of thier Causal Relevance. Journal of Life Education (In Mandarin)
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2018). On Susan Hurley’s Shared Circuits Model of Action Learning. NCCU Philosophical Journal, (39)37-70.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2016). Defusing Social Conflicts? A Critical Note on Haidt’s Cognitive Model. SOCIETAS: A Journal for Philosophical Study of Public Affairs 58: 129-173 (In Mandarin)
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2016). Rationality and Escherichia coli. In Tzu-wei Hung and Timothy Joseph Lane (eds.) Rationality: Constraints and Contexts. Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2015). How Sensorimotor Interactions Enable Sentence ImitationMinds and Machines, (25) 4: 321-338.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2014). Why the Enzyme Model of Modularity Fails to Explain Higher Cognitive Processes. National Taiwan University Philosophical Review 48.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2014). What Action Comprehension Tells Us About Meaning Interpretation. In Tzu-wei Hung (ed.)Communicative Action: Selected Papers of the 2013 IEAS Conference on Language and Action. Springer.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2013). Syntactic Processing in the Behavior-Based Architecture of the Mind. In Jan Romportl, Pavel Ircing, Eva Zackova, Michal Polak, and Radek Schuster (eds.) Beyond AI: Artificial Golem Intelligence—Proceedings of the International Conference Beyond AI 2013, Pilsen: University of West Bohemia..
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2020). Philosophy of Cognitive Science. In Linton Wang (ed.) Mandarin Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan  (In Mandarin)
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2017). Cognitive Architecture. In Linton Wang (ed.) Mandarin Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan  (In Mandarin)

III.  Taiwanese Philosophy

  • Hung, Tzu-wei (forthcoming). Equity and Marxist Buddhism. Australasian Philosophical Review.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2023). Public Philosophy in Taiwan: From thought resistance to social dialogue. In Jo-shui Chen (ed.) Public Humanities and the Case of Taiwan: Reflections and Practices. National Taiwan University Press (In Mandarin).
  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2023). From Tradition to Extremism: The Evolution of Confucian Conservativism. Indigenous Pychological Research in Chinese Societies 60:87-98 (In Mandarin)
  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2021). The continuity between Hung Yao-hsün's early and late philosophyJournal of Japanese Philosophy. Vol.7: 59-80. SUNY Press. 
  • Hung, Tzu-wei (2019). On the Sit-chûn Scholars of Taiwanese Philosophy. Philosophy East and West 69(4): 973-993.
  • Pong, Foong-ee & Hung, Tzu-wei (2019). The Kyoto School’s Influence on Taiwanese Philosophy under Japanese Rule (1895-1945). Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan. V3: 70-88.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei & Deng, Duen-min (2018). Introduction to Enlightenment and Rebellion. In Tzu-wei hung and Duen-min Deng (eds) Enlightenment and Rebellion: 100 years of Taiwanese philosophy. National Taiwan University Press (In Mandarin).
  • Hung, Tzu-wei & Gao, Jun-He (2018). Whose philosophy? Whose history? the past and future of Taiwanese philosophy. In Tzu-wei hung and Duen-min Deng (eds) Enlightenment and Rebellion: 100 years of Taiwanese philosophy. National Taiwan University Press (In Mandarin).
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2016). The Genealogy of Early Formosan Philosophy. In Tzu-wei Hung (ed.) Existential Engagement: Philosophy in Taiwan, the Japanese Era. Academia Sinica & Linking Publishing (In Mandarin).
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2014). The Prometheus of Formosan Philosophy: Hung Yao-hsün’s Ontological Construction and Contribution,Humanitas Taiwanica 81 (In Mandarin)






  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2011). How the Shared Circuits Model Explains Language Processing. PhD Dissertation, Kings College London. 
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2007). The Integration of Information in the Higher Cognitive System. MPhilStud Dissertation, Kings College London.
  • Hung, Tzu-wei, (2004). Williamson on Vagueness and Sorites Paradox. MA Dissertation, National Taiwan University.


Projects in progress

  1. On the Persistency and Heterogeneity of Prejudice: A Predictive Coding Analysis (IEAS)
  2. Equity and Marxist Buddhism (IEAS) 
  3. The Dynamics of Personal Autonomy: A Comprehensive Framework for Evaluating Human-carebot Interactions (with HKU and NYCU)
  4. Predictive Policing and Algorithmic fairness (IEAS)
  5. The language effect in cognitive warfare (with INDSR)