Important Research Achievements
  • and
[2023] Why human prejudice is so persistent: A predictive coding analysis Why human prejudice is so persistent: A predictive coding analysis
  • Social Epistemology, 37(6), 1-19. (SSCI, A&HCI) (doi: 10.1080/02691728.2023.2237942)
Although the relationship between prejudice and predictive coding has attracted more attention recently, many important issues remain to be investi... (more......)

[2023] The EU’s Proposed Anti-coercion Instrument: Legality and Effectiveness The EU’s Proposed Anti-coercion Instrument: Legality and Effectiveness
The close integration of the world economy and global interdependence has introduced an opportunity for a foreign nation to interfere in the sovere... (more......)

[2023] Retelling Chinese Stories in the Era of Global China: On Ha Jin’s Immigrant Novels Retelling Chinese Stories in the Era of Global China: On Ha Jin’s Immigrant Novels
  • Contemporary Literature, 63(3), 399-423. (doi:10.3368/cl.63.3.399)
Examining Ha Jin’s novels, especially those on contemporary Chinese American experiences in the crossfires of US-China competition, this arti... (more......)

[2023] Compliance, procrastination and refusal: American COVID-19 vaccination trust and value orientation Compliance, procrastination and refusal: American COVID-19 vaccination trust and value orientation
  • VACCINE, 41(34), 4950-4957. (
Introduction COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy studies, most of which were completed prior to the release of the vaccine, speculated on factors ... (more......)

[2023] Sino-American Relations under the Trump Administration Sino-American Relations under the Trump Administration
  • Taipei City: Wu-Nan Book Inc., 2023. 552 pages.
本專書《川普政府中美關係專題研究》收錄的六篇論文,曾發表於2022年3月中央研究院歐美所舉行的「2017-2021年川普政府美中臺關係及其影響」研討會。專書也收錄川普政府美中臺關係的重要文獻。川普總統人格特質特殊,領導方式、不可預測性備受爭議。習近平對內強勢統治、對外改變周邊現狀,加上美中貿易... (more......)

[2023] The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait
  • New Taipei City: Linking Publishing, 2023, 374 pages.
冷戰期間,美國與中國有相當長的時期不重視南海與東海。美國是超級強權,外交政策有優先順序,沒有出現問題的地區常不在它的雷達上;中國則是睡醒的大國,一覺醒後發現有核心利益卻長期忽視或力有未逮。 這種情況近年出現轉變,在習近平上任前,便先有中國與菲律賓的南海黃岩島漁船衝突事件,接續有日本民主... (more......)

[2022] From the Cultural Cold War to the Cold War Culture: the Literary Communication and Cultural Politics of World Today From the Cultural Cold War to the Cold War Culture: the Literary Communication and Cultural Politics of World Today
To curtail the expansion of the “Communist Bloc” led by the USSR, the United States of America carried out cultural diplomacy missions ... (more......)

[2022] Wisdom: A Skill Theory Wisdom: A Skill Theory
  • 76 pages, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi:
What is wisdom? What does a wise person know? Can a wise person know how to act and live well without knowing the whys and wherefores of his own ac... (more......)

[2022] Civil Philosophy Civil Philosophy
  • Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2022, 384 pages.
Taiwan sits in a special place where the US-dominated Western civilization and the classical civilization inherited from East Asia collide. The pos... (more......)

[2022] "Rule by Algorithms? A Preliminary Study on the Tension Between the Rule of Law and AI" "Rule by Algorithms? A Preliminary Study on the Tension Between the Rule of Law and AI"
Artificial legal intelligent systems have been extensively developed to perform various legal tasks. However, rare discussions focus on the questio... (more......)

[2022] “A Marriage of Convenience: A Critique of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment” “A Marriage of Convenience: A Critique of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment”
  • Age of Ferment: Developments in Asian–European Trade Relations, pp. 163-178, Tokyo, Japan: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS).
This chapter examines the dramatic developments of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) and explores what brought the EU and Ch... (more......)

[2022] The Struggle Between Democracy and AI Under Neoliberalism The Struggle Between Democracy and AI Under Neoliberalism
AI developed in healthy democratic societies bears little resem-blance to that developed in plutocracies or oligarchies. The AI that has thrived in... (more......)

[2021] Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond
Delving into export restrictive measures this book links the key areas of WTO law, public international law, investment and competition law to expo... (more......)

[2021] Re-Articulations: Trajectories of Foreign Literature Studies in Taiwan Re-Articulations: Trajectories of Foreign Literature Studies in Taiwan
Re-Articulations: Trajectories of Foreign Literature Studies examines the introduction, interpretation, and interrogation of western literature in ... (more......)

[2021] Practical Wisdom, Well-Being, and Success Practical Wisdom, Well-Being, and Success
  • PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH. (A&HCI, EBSCO Publishing) (doi: 10.1111/phpr.12797)
Practical reasoning is necessary for human survival and flourishing, and it is the condition that makes possible the economic, social, political an... (more......)

[2020] The EU Banking Union: Theories and Policies The EU Banking Union: Theories and Policies
The global financial crisis of 2008 highlighted many shortcomings of banking supervision in the EU, in particular, the general limitation of bankin... (more......)

[2020] Surviving Democracy--Mitigating Climate Change in A Neoliberalized World Surviving Democracy--Mitigating Climate Change in A Neoliberalized World
Is democracy, in its neoliberalized form, responsible in part for bringing us to the brink of self-destruction and the policy inertia that is doing... (more......)

[2020] The African American Women in the Dilemma, 1920-1950 The African American Women in the Dilemma, 1920-1950
African Americans were not truly freed at the end of the Civil War. Rather, in 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court legitimated many Southern state laws re... (more......)

[2019] Transpacific Asymmetries: Masao Miyoshi and Asian American Studies Transpacific Asymmetries: Masao Miyoshi and Asian American Studies
  • Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture, 46(3), 89-115.
This article address the issue of asymmetry in the transpacific imagination by returning to and unpacking the work of Masao Miyoshi who though trai... (more......)

[2019] EU External Relations under the Lisbon Treaty: Legal and Policy EU External Relations under the Lisbon Treaty: Legal and Policy
This book systemically examines how the EU obtains and exercises its external competence and how this competence-exercising is overseen by legislat... (more......)

[2019] Phronesis and Techne: The Skill Model of Wisdom Defended Phronesis and Techne: The Skill Model of Wisdom Defended
Contemporary philosophers have contributed to the development of the skill model of wisdom, according to which practical wisdom is practical skill.... (more......)

[2018] On the Sit-chûn Scholars of Taiwanese Philosophy On the Sit-chûn Scholars of Taiwanese Philosophy
This paper examines a specific set of pre-war Taiwanese philosophers, called the Sit-chûn scholars. Sit-chûn means “existence&rdq... (more......)

[2018] Chinatown and Beyond: Ava Chin, Urban Foraging, and a New American Cityscape Chinatown and Beyond: Ava Chin, Urban Foraging, and a New American Cityscape
  • ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 25.1 (2018): 5-24.
In this essay, I consider how urban foraging reconnects urbanites’ body with the materiality of the city through flâneurs’ leisur... (more......)

[2018] Challenges of the EU General Data Protection Regulation for Biobanking and Scientific Research Challenges of the EU General Data Protection Regulation for Biobanking and Scientific Research
  • Journal of Law, Information and Science, 25(1) (2018): EAP. 1-20.
This paper discusses challenges arising from the application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the context of biobanking and b... (more......)

[2018] Former Nazi Officers in the Near East: German Military Advisors in Syria, 1949–56. Former Nazi Officers in the Near East: German Military Advisors in Syria, 1949–56.
  • The International History Review 40/4 (2018): 732-751.
In the early days of the Cold War, Syria was the first Arab country where former army officers of the Nazi Germany played an active role as militar... (more......)

[2017] Back to the City: Urban Agriculture and the Reimagining of Agrarianism in Novella Carpenter's Farm City Back to the City: Urban Agriculture and the Reimagining of Agrarianism in Novella Carpenter's Farm City
In this essay, I examine how Novella Carpenter, while paying dutiful homage to the American agrarian ideal, diverges from dominant agrarian discour... (more......)

[2017] Brexit and Its Impact on the UK’s Plural Legal System Brexit and Its Impact on the UK’s Plural Legal System
  • National Taiwan University Law Journal, 46 (2017): 1017-1114.
Abstract This paper discusses the legal problems and constitutional challenges caused by Brexit and its impact on the UK’s plural legal s... (more......)

[2016] Gender-role Expectations and Fertility Rates in EU Member States Gender-role Expectations and Fertility Rates in EU Member States
        The author uses data from the European Values Study 2008 to investigate possible links between gender-related attitudes... (more......)

[2016] A Comparison of Educational Differences on Physical Health, Mortality and Healthy Life Expectancy in Japan and the United States. A Comparison of Educational Differences on Physical Health, Mortality and Healthy Life Expectancy in Japan and the United States.
  • Chi-Tsun Chiu, Mark D. Hayward and Yasuhiko Saito
  • Journal of Aging and Health 28 (2016): 1256-1278.
Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study examined the educational gradient of health and mortality between two long-lived populations: Japan an... (more......)

[2015] Das Steinlager Allendorf. Zur Geschichte der Kriegsgefangenenlager deutscher Gnerälen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Das Steinlager Allendorf. Zur Geschichte der Kriegsgefangenenlager deutscher Gnerälen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
  • Zeitschrift für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde 120 (Dec. 2015), 189-206.
The article "Das Steinlager Allendorf. Zur Geschichte der Kriegsgefangenenlager deutscher Gnerälen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg" (The ... (more......)

[2015] Claiming the Sacred: Indigenous Knowledge, Spiritual Ecology, and the Emergence of Eco-cosmopolitanism Claiming the Sacred: Indigenous Knowledge, Spiritual Ecology, and the Emergence of Eco-cosmopolitanism
  • Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 12.1 (June 2015): 71-84.
This essay examines the persistent engagement with cosmopolitan inclusivity through the endorsement of indigenous sacredness in works of ethnograph... (more......)

[2015] Democratic Implications of the Treaty of Lisbon Democratic Implications of the Treaty of Lisbon
How did the Treaty of Lisbon fare in addressing the EU’s democratic deficit? The main criticism regarding the democratic implications of Euro... (more......)

[2014] Confidence-Building Measures in the South China Sea and Implications for USTaiwan-China Relations Confidence-Building Measures in the South China Sea and Implications for USTaiwan-China Relations
  • Yann-huei Song and Kenyuan Zou (eds), Major Law and Policy Issues in the South China Sea, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014, pp. 257-276.
China and ASEAN are committed to the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and the 2011 Implementation Guidelines that ... (more......)

[2014] What Action Comprehension Tells Us About Meaning Interpretation What Action Comprehension Tells Us About Meaning Interpretation
  • Communicative Action: Selected Papers of the 2013 IEAS Conference on Language and Action, Singapore: Springer, 2014, pp. 125-137.
Despite intensive debates regarding instrumental action and word meaning, few studies have examined their relationship. In this work, I first analy... (more......)

[2014] A Study of the Obama Administration’s Policy and Position on the South China Sea Issue A Study of the Obama Administration’s Policy and Position on the South China Sea Issue
  • 裘兆琳編,《中美關係專題研究2009-2011》,台北:中央研究院歐美研究所,2014,頁49-78。
This article examines changing or unchanged policy position of the U.S. government, in particular under the Obama Administration, on the South Chin... (more......)

[2013] After-School Tutoring and the Distribution of Student Performance After-School Tutoring and the Distribution of Student Performance
Findings from recent studies indicate that the use of afterschool tutoring is not unique to East Asia and may have become more popular across count... (more......)

[2013] Transpacific Articulations: Study Abroad and the Remaking of Asian America Transpacific Articulations: Study Abroad and the Remaking of Asian America
  • Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2013, 224 pages.
Transpacific Articulations studies Chinese students’ literary and political activities in the United States and beyond from the 1850s to the ... (more......)

[2013] Examining Administrative Effect on Changes in TANF Caseloads in the United States Examining Administrative Effect on Changes in TANF Caseloads in the United States
  • Lee-Joy Cheng ;Seng-Lee Wong
  • Administration in Social Work, 37(1) (2013), 39-58.
In 2011, the U.S. government spent $940 billion on means-tested welfare assistance – much more than what it spent on public education and nat... (more......)

[2012] WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution
  • Leiden, Netherlands/Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff. 2012.
Abstract This book illustrates how the constitutional feature of the WTO – allowing separate customs territories to become a Member &ndas... (more......)

[2012] 他者 他者
  • 臺北:允晨文化出版公司,2012年。184頁。
我最早把英文的 the Other 譯成異己,大抵就是非我族類的意思。這是中文現成的用語,看起來頗為貼切,至少易懂,也不會那麼突兀。可是隨著學術界逐漸引進有關 the Other 的討論,不知從何時開始,這個用詞出現了新的翻譯:他者。這個譯詞慢慢流行起來,結果兩岸三地竟然不約而同採用了同樣的譯... (more......)

[2012] Beyond Symbolic Representation: Women’s Political and Economic Influences on Women’s Rights and Benefits in the United States Beyond Symbolic Representation: Women’s Political and Economic Influences on Women’s Rights and Benefits in the United States
  • 《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,第16卷第1期 (2012年),頁59-86。
Among affluent industrialized nations, the United States provides the fewest rights and benefits for women. While previous literature focused on ex... (more......)

[2011] 歐盟與美國生物科技政策 歐盟與美國生物科技政策
生物科技乃一技術密集與資本密集的新興產業,隨著技術成熟,已逐漸應用於農業、醫藥、食品、化工、能源、環保等產業。         生技產業與生技產品由於涉及產品安全、風險評估、人權保障、道德倫理、貿易政策等科學證據、法... (more......)

[2011] The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations
The rise of China as a great power in East Asia, the return of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) as the ruling political party in Taiwan, and new ... (more......)

[2011] Life Writing Life Writing
In the history of Western literature, life writing--a category which includes autobiography, biography, diary, epistles, memoir, travels, etc.-- is... (more......)

[2010] 離散與家國 離散與家國
  • 《管見之外:影像文化與文學研究》(周英雄教授七秩壽慶論文集),(臺北:書林出版有限公司,2010年),頁149-182。
〈離散與家國〉這篇論文是個人晚近對離散議題的思考與研究成果。本文首以若干離散敘事突顯不同敘事之間的獨特歷史經驗與其所牽涉的複雜問題,並強調避免將這些敘事同質化或一體化的重要性。離散的當代意義顯然必須超越寂寞、悲情、苦難、怨懟等傳統上離散經驗所造成的心理或情感反應。離散應該是個饒富生產性的空間,... (more......)

[2010] Cultural Capital and Cross-Border Career Ladders: Western Professional Migrants in Taiwan Cultural Capital and Cross-Border Career Ladders: Western Professional Migrants in Taiwan
The author argues that cultural capital is an important but neglected aspect of developing cross-border careers, and that it is especially importan... (more......)

[2010] Essays on the Death Penalty in Europe and America Essays on the Death Penalty in Europe and America
In studying European and American civilizations, we found that in human rights protection, Europe is far more advanced than even the United Nations... (more......)

[2009] The EU Human Rights Policies The EU Human Rights Policies
  • Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 2009.
Human rights is a core value of the European Union. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has a constitutional effect after the T... (more......)

[2009] Image alignment in multimodal metaphor Image alignment in multimodal metaphor
  • Editor(s): Charles Forceville & Eduardo Urios-Aparisi, Multimodal metaphor, 2009, pp.197-212.
This chapter focuses on how image alignment as a design strategy figures in the construction of multimodal metaphors. Six editorial cartoons from T... (more......)

[2009] Race of the Interviewer and the Black-White Test Score Gap Race of the Interviewer and the Black-White Test Score Gap
There is a frequently demonstrated test score gap between African Americans (blacks) and European Americans (whites) in the United States. Several ... (more......)

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