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  • Publish Date:2016/10/11
    Modify Date:2025/01/08
Cheng-Yi Lin
  • Position:Research Fellow
  • TEL:+886-(02)-3789-7275
  • FAX:+886-(02)-2782-7616
  • Email:cylin@sinica.edu.tw
  • Assistant’s Name:Yu-Peng Wang
  • Assistant’s Phone:+886-(02)-3789-7234
  • Assistant’s Email:wangtyi@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Cheng-Yi Lin


  • National Chengchi University (B.A., 1978)
  • National Chengchi University (M.A., 1982)
  • University of Virginia (M.A., 1984)
  • University of Virginia (Ph. D., 1987)


  • Ph.D in foreign affairs from the University of Virginia in 1987
  • 1988-1994 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
  • 1994-present Research Fellow
  • January 1995-February 1998 Deputy Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
  • March 1998-August 2003 Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
  • 2004-2005 Director of Institute of International Relations at National Chengchi University
  • 2003-2004 Senior Advisor to the ROC National Security Council
  • 2016-2018 Vice Minister of the ROC Mainland Affairs Council
  • 2018-2020 CEO of Institute for National Defense and Security Research


  • International Relations
  • Sino-American Relations
  • National Security Policy


  • Editorial board member of Issues & Studies
  • Editorial board member of Mainland China Studies
  • Editorial board member of Soochow Journal of Political
  • Editorial board member of National Defense Journal
  • Editorial board member of Prospect Quarterly
  • Editorial board member of Journal of Strategic and Security Analyses
  • Member of the academic advisory committee, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica
  • Member of the academic advisory committee, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
  • CEO, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica
  • Convener of Political Science Program, National Science Council


Journal Articles

  1. Lin, Cheng Yi (1992). The Legacy of the Korean War: Impact on US-Taiwan Relations. Journal of Northeast Asian Studie, 11(4): 40-57.
  2. Lin, Cheng Yi (1993). Political Change in Taiwan: Transition to Democracy? (co-authored with Shao-Chuan Leng) The China Quarterly, 136: 805-839.
  3. Lin, Cheng Yi (1995). Taiwan’s Security Strategies in the Post-Cold War Era. Issues & Studies, 31(4): 78-97.
  4. Lin, Cheng Yi (1996). The U.S. Factor in the 1958 and 1996 Taiwan Straits Crises. Issues & Studies, 32(12): 14-32.
  5. Lin, Cheng Yi (1997). Taiwan’s South China Sea Policy. Asian Survey, 37(4): 323-339.
  6. Lin, Cheng Yi (2000). The US Role in Taiwan-China Security Relations. Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, 1: 43-66. University of Maryland School of Law.
  7. Lin, Cheng Yi (2001). Confidence-Building Measures in the Taiwan Strait. American Foreign Policy Interests, 23(2) (2001), pp. 78-89.
  8. Lin, Cheng Yi (2004). Taiwan’s Campaign for United Nations Participation. Krakowskie Studia Miedzynarodowe(Poland), 1: 39-50.
  9. Lin, Cheng Yi (2004). China, the US and the Security of Taiwan. Asian Affairs (Hong Kong), 23: 33-46.
  10. Lin, Cheng Yi (2006). Democracy, Divided National Identity, and Taiwan’s National Security. (co-authored with Wen-cheng Lin) Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 1(2): 69-87.
  11. Lin, Cheng Yi (2007). The Rise of China and Taiwan’s Response: The Anti-Secession Law as a Case Study. Issues & Studies, 43(1): 159-188.
  12. Lin, Cheng Yi (2007). Strategic Ambiguity, Strategic Clarity, or Dual Clarity: U.S. Policy Debates over the Prevention of aTaiwan Strait Crisis. Prospect Journal: Taiwan Forum, 1: 1-35.
  13. Lin, Cheng-Yi  (2010). Crafting Closer Cross-Strait Relations in the Global Financial Crisis. Vietnam Social Science Review, 3: 15-34.
  14. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2012). Lingering Territorial Dispute and Taiwan-Japan-US-China Relations. Asian Studies, 58, 4: 25-36.
  15. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2013). Cross-Strait Détente and Implications for U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 25, 3: 415-434.
  16. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2015). Xi Jinping, the U.S., and New Model of Major Country Relations. Prospect Journal, 13, 1-34.
  17. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2016). The ROC-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty and Its Constraints on President Chiang Kai-shek. Academia Historica Journal, 47:119-166.
  18. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2016). Obama’s South China Sea Policy: China’s Response and Implications for Taiwan. Soochow Journal of Political Science Journal, 34, 1: 1-72.
  19. Lin, Cheng-Yi (with Jonathan Spangler) (2016). China’s Diplomatic, Security, and Legal Perspectives on the South China Sea Disputes. Prospect Journal, 15, 57-84. 
  20. Lin, Cheng-Yi (with Hung-chun Chen) (2017). ROC-US Dispute Over Diaoyutai Sovereignty and Oil Exploration in the East China Sea, 1969-1972. Academia Historica Journal, 53: 109-172.
  21. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2020). The Cybersecurity Problem in U.S.-ChinaRelations. Prospect Journal, 21,4: 1-57.
  22. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2020). Cyber Strategy of the U.S. and China and Its Possible Implications for Taiwan. National Defense Journal, 35,4: 23-52.
  23. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2021). Taiwan and American Perception and Analysis of China’s Sharp Power. Security and Intelligence Studies, 4,1: 1-47.
  24. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Sustainable Development Goals. Development Focus Quarterly, 5: 16-23.
  25. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2021). Influence Competition in U.S. and China’s Vaccine Diplomacy. Taiwan Strategists, 11: 19-38.
  26. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2022). President Obama's Policy Responses to the Sino-Japanese Diaoyutai Dispute and Its Implications. National Defense Journal, 37,1: 1-34.
  27. Lin, Cheng-yi (2022). U.S. National Security Strategy and the Biden Administration's Challenges in the Indo-Pacific, Taiwan Strategists, 15: 23-47. 
  28. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2022), The Principle of ‘Estoppel’ and Beijing’s Sovereignty Claims over the Taiwan Strait, Global Taiwan Brief, 7,4: 7-10.
  29. Lin, Cheng-yi (2023). The Taiwan-Related Laws Signed by President Trump: The Policy Implications,  EurAmerica, 53,2: 159-223. 

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Lin, Cheng Yi (1985). Principle and Means in China’s Third World Policy. In Kenneth W. Thompson (ed.), American Moral and Political Leadership in the Third World (pp. 145-158). Lanham: University Press of America.
  2. Lin, Cheng Yi (1985). The 1958 Quemoy Crisis and U.S. Leadership. In Kenneth W. Thompson (ed.), U.S. Leadership in Asia and the Middle East (pp. 71-100). Lanham: University Press of America.
  3. Lin, Cheng Yi (1990). Taipei’s ADB Policy and Its Implications for Taiwan’s External Relations. In Yun-Han Chu (ed.), The Role of Taiwan in International Economic Organizations (pp. 63-78). Taipei: Institute for National Policy Research.
  4. Lin, Cheng Yi (1991). The U.S. Factor in Taiwan’s Political Development, 1979-1989. In Jaw-Ling Joanne Chang (ed.), R.O.C.-U.S.A. Relations (pp. 125-156). Taipei: Institute of American Culture, Academia Sinica.
  5. Lin, Cheng Yi (1993). The U.S. Factor in the Political Future of Taiwan and Hong Kong. In Kenneth W. Thompson (ed.), The Virginia Papers on the Presidency (pp. 143-173). Lanham: University Press of America.
  6. Lin, Cheng Yi (1997). The Taiwan Factor in Asia-Pacific Regional Security. In Takashi Inoguchi and Grant B. Stillman (eds.), Northeast Asian Regional Security:The Role of International Institutions (pp. 98-117). New York: The United Nations University.
  7. Lin, Cheng Yi (1998). The New World Order and Taiwan’s International Role. In Kenneth W. Thompson (ed.), China, Taiwan, Japan, The United States, and the World (pp. 171-187). Lanham: University Press of America.
  8. Lin, Cheng Yi (1998). Taiwan’s Defence Policy: Threat Assessment and Security Strategies. In Bjorn Moller (ed.), Security, Arms Control and Defence Restructuring in East Asia (pp. 199-219). Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
  9. Lin, Cheng Yi (1999). The New US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines and Taiwan’s Security. (co-authored with Wen-cheng Lin). Symposium on Japan-U.S. Alliance and Asia Pacific Security (pp. 105-119). Taipei: Taiwan Research Institute.
  10. Lin, Cheng Yi (2001). The Tacit U.S-Taiwan Military Alliance and China’s Perception. (co-authored with Ji You). In Yoichi Funabashi(ed.), Alliance Tomorrow: Security Arrangemants after the Cold War (pp. 109-139). Tokyo: Tokyo Foundation.
  11. Lin, Cheng Yi (2002). National Defense and the Changing Security Environment. (co-authored with Wen-cheng Lin). In Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao (eds.), Assessing the Lee Teng-hui Legacy in Taiwan’s Politics (pp. 241-263). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  12. Lin, Cheng Yi (2008). Taiwan's Security under the Rise of China. In Hans J. Giessmann(ed.), Security Handbook 2008 Emerging Powers in East Asia: China, Russia and India. (pp. 189-208). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
  13. Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael  and Lin, Cheng-yi (2009). The Rise of China: An Overall Assessment. In Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao and Cheng-Yi Lin (eds.), Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 3-18) London: Routledge.
  14. Lin, Cheng-yi  and Lin, Wen-cheng (2009). A Rising China and Hu Jintao’s Taiwan Policies. In Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao and Cheng-Yi Lin (eds.), Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 284-302) London: Routledge. 
  15. Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael  and Lin, Cheng-yi (eds.) (2009). Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 284-302) London: Routledge. 
  16. Lin, Cheng-yi. The Security Implication of Cross-Strait Competition in the South Pacific from a Taiwanese Perspective. In Anne-Marie Brady (ed.), Looking North, Look South—China, Taiwan, and South Pacific (pp. 113-133) Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.
  17. Lin, Cheng-yi and Denny Roy (eds.) (2011). The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  18. Lin, Cheng-yi and Chou, Tom. (2011). Introduction. In Lin, Cheng-yi and Denny Roy (eds.), The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations (pp. 1-12). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  19. Lin, Cheng-yi (2011). A Status Quo with Different Interpretations: Taiwan, China, the United States, and Security in the Taiwan Strait. In Lin, Cheng-yi and Denny Roy (eds.), The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations (pp. 71-100). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.  
  20. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2014). Confidence-Building Measures in the South China Sea and Implications for US-Taiwan-China Relations. In Yann-huei Song & Keyuan Zou (eds.), Major Law and Policy Issues in the South China Sea: European and American Perspectives (pp. 257-275). Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
  21. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2014). Taiwan's National Defense Transformation, Taiwan's Security and US-Taiwan Relations. In Jean-Pierre Cabestan & Jacques deLisle (eds.), Political Changes in Taiwan under Ma Ying-jeou: Partisan Conflict, Policy Choices, External Constraints and Security Challenges (pp. 195-213). Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  22. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2016). The Rise of China and Its Implications for US-Taiwan Relations. In Gunter Schubert (ed.), Taiwan and the "China Impact": Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 261-281). London: Routledge.
  23. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2016). Taiwan-US Security Relations. In Gunter Schubert (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (pp. 482-498). London: Routledge.
  24. Lin, Cheng-Yi (with Ian Storey). (2016). Introduction. In Ian Storey and Cheng-Yi Lin (eds.). The South China Sea Dispute: Navigating Diplomatic and Strategic Tensions (pp. 1-20). Singapore: Yusof Ishak Institute.
  25. Lin, Cheng-Yi (with Anne Hsiu-an Hsiao). (2016). Taiwan's Evolving Policy towards the South China Sea, Dispute, 1992-2016. In Ian Storey and Cheng-Yi Lin (eds.), The South China Sea Dispute: Navigating Diplomatic and Strategic Tensions (pp. 74-103). Singapore: Yusof Ishak Institute.
  26. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2016). Taiwan's East and South China Sea Policies and the US Factor. In Masahide Ishihara, Eiichi Hoshino and Yoko Fujita (eds.), Self-Determinable Development of Small Islands (pp. 115-130). Singapore: Springer.
  27. Lin, Cheng-Yi. (2016). Chinese Response to Obama’s Rebalancing to Asia Strategy. In David W.F. Huang (ed.), Asia Pacific Countries and the U.S. Rebalancing Strategy (pp. 85-102). New York: Springer Nature.
  28. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2018). Cross-Strait Détente? The Evolution of the US Taiwan-China Triangle in the Ma Ying-jiu Era. In André Beckershoff, Gunter Schubert (ed.), Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in Taiwan - Hopeful Beginning, Hopeless End? (pp. Ch.13). London: Routledge. 
  29. Lin, Cheng-Yi  (with Wei, Chih-Hung) (eds.) (2021). Sino-American Relations: 2012-2016. Taipei: The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  30. Lin, Cheng-Yi  (2023).The Most Dangerous Place around the Taiwan Strait. Taipei: Linking.
  31. Lin, Cheng-Yi  (eds.) (2023). Sino-American Relations under the Trump Administration. Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Inc.
  32. Lin, Cheng-Yi (2024). Lessons from the Ukraine War for China, the U.S., and Taiwan. In Norah M. Huang, Jagannath Panda, & Tatsuo Shikata (Eds.), In Defense of the Liberal International Order (pp. 67-77). Pentagon Press (with the Prospect Foundation, Kajima Institute of International Peace, & Institute for Security and Development Policy).
  33.  Lee, James & Cheng-Yi Lin (2025). Taiwan-U.S. Relations. In Gunter Schubert (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (2nd ed., Ch.31). Abingdon / New York: Routledge.