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  • Publish Date:2016/10/11
    Modify Date:2024/08/05
Rueyling Tzeng
  • Position:Research Fellow
  • TEL:+886-(02)-37897278
  • FAX:+886-(02)-27827616
  • Email:rtzeng@sinica.edu.tw
  • Assistant’s Name:Wen-Chi Chang
  • Assistant’s Phone:+886-(02)-37897271
  • Assistant’s Email:yochiyan@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Rueyling Tzeng


  • Ph.D. May 1992 State University of New York at Stony Brook (Sociology)
  • B.A. June 1981 National Taiwan University (Sociology)


  • 2010- Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • 2011-2013 Research Fellow & Deputy Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • 1998-2010 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • 1993-1998 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • 1993-1998 Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University.


  • International Migration
  • Organizational Sociology
  • Economic Sociology


  • 2018/03/12-2020/03/11. CEO of IRB on Humanities & Social Science Research, Academia Sinica.
  • 2017/09/01-2022/03/31. Member of IRB on Humanities & Social Science Research, Academia Sinica.
  • 2017/08/01-2019/07/31. Coordinator, Thematic Research Project of Social Development and Policy in the US and Europe, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • 2017/04/15-2021/04/14. Member of the Board of Directors, Population Association of Taiwan.
  • 2010-2011, 2003, 2001. Editorial Board, EurAmerica: A Journal of European and American Studies.
  • 2009 - 2010. Member of Population Policy Committee, Academia Sinica.
  • 2008-2010. Editorial Board, Taiwanese Journal of Sociology.
  • 2003. Executive Editor, EurAmerica: A Journal of European and American Studies. This journal received the National Science Council Award for Outstanding Academic Journal in Taiwan from 2002 to 2004.
  • 2000. Library Head, Institute of European and American Studies, Academic Sinica.




  • 2022.  “Parents’ Attitudes toward the Vaccination Mandates,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang, Ken Ka-wo Fung, Jaein Lee, Jiun-Da Lin. Paper presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association. November 12-13, Taiwanese Sociological Association & Department of Social Development, National Pingtung University, Pingtung, Taiwan.
  • 2022. “Who Supports Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates in US?,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang, Jiun-Da Lin, Jaein Lee. Paper presented at Conference on Population, Family and Health. July 29, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2019. “Globalization and the Influences of Western Culture on Taiwan.” Paper presented at the 32th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey: Globalization and Culture. September 26, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2018. “Attitude toward Providing Publicly Funded Healthcare to Immigrants -- A Comparative Study across US, Sweden, Germany, Taiwan, Japan and Korea.” Paper presented at International Conference on Population, Family and Health: Global Perspectives. July 18-19, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2017. “Who Supports for Extending Publicly Funded Health Care to Immigrants? -- A Comparative Study across US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Portugal and Taiwan.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR 70th Annual Conference-Public Opinion and Policy-making. July 15-17, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2016. “Migration and Health: Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States Compared.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR Regional Conference “Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change”. September 15-17, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Moscow, Russia.
  • 2016. “Subjective Well-being Compared between Immigrants and Natives across East and West Countries.” Paper presented at Conference on Family and Health: A Global Perspective. July 26, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2015. “European Immigration Classism: Attitudes toward ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Immigrants.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR 68th Annual Conference-The Networks of Public Opinion: New Theories, New Methods. June 16-19, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2014. “Western Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan and the Link of Global Business.” Paper presented at International Conference on The Future of Social Relations: Rethinking Prejudice and Togetherness in Times of Crises. May 21-23, University of Sheffield , Sheffield, UK. 
  • 2013. “Are Immigrant Restaurants Disadvantaged? Western Immigrants Opening Restaurants in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association. November 30-December 1, Taiwanese Sociological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2013. “Beyond Economic Interests: Attitudes toward Foreign Workers in Australia, the United States and East Asian Countries,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Paper presented at the 2013 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies-Leadership Transition in Asia: New Orders or New Problems? October 26-27, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2012. “Western Immigrants Opening Western Restaurants in Taiwan: Beyond Ethnic Economy.” Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: SOC2012-0370. Paper presented at 6th Annual International Conference on Sociology. May 7-10, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece.
  • 2011. “Beyond Ethnic Economy: Immigrant Restaurants Owned by Westerners in Taiwan.”Paper presented at the 2nd IEAS Conference on Contemporary European and American Societies. May 18-19, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2010. “EU's Middle Class Mobility Via Migration: The Case of French Nationals Working in UK.”Paper  presented at the International Conference on Migration, Identity, and Social Cohesion in Europe. December 15-16, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2010. “International Middle Class Migration and Mobility: French Nationals Working in the UK.” Paper presented at Trinity Immigration Initiative International Conference on New Migration, New Challenges. June 30 - July 3, Trinity College Dublin,Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2009. “A Comparative Study of  the American and Taiwanese Biomedical Industries.” Paper presented at Workshop on Organization, Industry and Market. December 11, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  • 2009. “Becoming Foreign Employers: Western Migrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan,”Paper presented at First IEAS Conference on Contemporary European and American Societies. September 10-11, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2008. “From Employees to Employers: Western Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan,”Paper presented at First ISA Forum of Sociology: Sociological Research and Public Debate, International Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2007. “20 Years of the Cross-strait Social Exchange and Related Problems,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Paper presented at 20th Anniversary of Opening on Cross-Strait Exchange and Interaction, Straits Exchange Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2007. “Westerners Working for Taiwanese Firms: Cultural Encounters at the Workplace.” Paper presented at ‘In and Out of Asia’: Migrating Talent, Globalising Cities. November 19-21, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Migration Research Cluster) & Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • 2006. “Getting Ahead via Language/Cross-cultural Skills: Western Professional Migrants in Taiwan.” Paper presented at XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology: The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalizing World. July 23-29, International Sociological Association, Durban, South Africa.
  • 2005. “City Development and the Changing Location of Corporate Headquarter Offices—Multinational Corporations in Taipei City from 1993-2001,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at Cross Border/Dialogue: 2005 GIS Conference of Natural Science and Socio-Humanities. May 2, Tung-Nan Institute of Technology, Taipei.
  • 2004. “Globalization and the Local Impacts of Industrial Locations: Spatial Patterns of Foreign and Domestic Firms Operating in Taiwan,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: Social Change in the Age of Globalization. July 7-11, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China.
  • 2003. “Global Management of Chinese Enterprises from a ‘Guanxi’ Perspective: a Case Study of Taiwan-based Firms in Silicon Valley.” Paper presented at the Cross-strait Conference on Chinese Cultural Development and Economic Globalization. November 8-15, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Huangshan, Anhui, China.
  • 2002. “Reverse Brain Drain: Cross-border Talent Searches in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on the National Science Council’s Research Projects in Sociology, 1998-2000. December 14-15, Taiwanese Sociological Association, Taichung.
  • 2002. “Mapping Global Manufacturing and Services in Taiwan,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies. October 26-27, University of Southern California, California, U.S.A.
  • 2002. “Ethnic Networks in Transnational Businesses: Taiwan-based Firms in Silicon Valley.” Paper presented at the Sixth European Business History Congress. August 22-24, Helsinki, Finland.
  • 2002. “Female Expatriates in Multinational Corporations: Gender and Career/Family Conflicts.” Paper presented at The XV World Congress of Sociology. July 7-13, Brisbane, Australia.
  • 2001. “Western White Collar Employees in Taiwan Firms.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Economic and Social Perspectives on Globalization. May 17, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 2000. “Dutch Multinational Banking in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Fourth Conference of the European Business History Association: Enterprises Involved in Internationalization, Multinationalization, Worldwide Expansion, and Globalization. September 15-16, Bordeaux, France.
  • 1999. “Behind ‘Away from Home’: A Preliminary Study of Women Expatriates in Multinational Corporations in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Gender, Age and Verbal Ability. December 17, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 1998. “Multinational State-owned Enterprises in the World Economy: Extension of the Logic of State-owned Enterprises in the Domestic Market.” Paper presented at the Conference on the National Science Council’s Research Projects in Sociology. January 16, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 1997. “Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia: Implications of Regional Economic Integration in the Western Society.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association 92nd Annual Meeting. August 9-13, Toronto, Canada.
  • 1997. “Myths in Business Globalization: The Case of Foreign Investment in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change: International Perspectives on Business Firms and Economic Life. May 9-10, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 1994. “The Transformation of the Economic Structure and the Change of Individual Work Orientation in the United State.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Analyses of and Comparison between the United States and Taiwan. May 27, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 1993. “Multinationals at the Crossroads.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association 88th Annual Meeting. August 13-17, Miami, Florida.
  • 1993. “International Labor Migration through Multinational Enterprises.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social and Economic Aspects of International Migration. June 4-6, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 1992. “Under Chinese Management: A Case Study in the United States.” Paper presented at Workshop on Enterprises, Social Relations and Cultural Practices: Studies on the Chinese Societies. September 15-17, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei (co-sponsored by Boston University).