2023. “Compliance, procrastination and refusal: American COVID-19 vaccination trust and value orientation,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang and Jaein Lee. Vaccine, 41(34): 4950-4957. [SCI, SCIE, SCOPUS]
2022. “Globalization and Social Distance: Multilevel Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigrants in the European Union,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. PLoS ONE, 17(10): e0274988. [SCIE, SCOPUS]
2020. "Good for the Common Good: Sociotropic Concern and Double Standards toward High‑ and Low‑Skilled Immigrants in Six Wealthy Countries," co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Social Indicators Research, 152: 473-493. [SSCI, SCOPUS]
2019. “Beyond Palatable: White Privilege and Western Immigrant Restaurateurs in Postcolonial Taiwan.” International Area Studies Review, 22(2): 168-185. [SCOPUS] [PDF]
2018. “Hidden Western Migrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan: Transcultural Capital, Transnational Network Capital and Legal Constraints” (in Chinese). Social Analysis, 17: 47-90. [PDF]
2014. “Beyond Economic Interests: Attitudes toward Foreign Workers in Australia, the United States and East Asian Countries,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Sociological Research Online, 19(3), 15. [SSCI]
2012. “Middle Class International Migration: French Nationals Working in the UK.” Advances in Applied Sociology, 2(2): 120-126.
2010. “Cultural Capital and Cross-Border Career Ladders: Western Professional Migrants in Taiwan.” International Sociology, 25(1): 123-143. [SSCI, SCOPUS] . Included in Significant Research Achievements of Academia Sinica 2010, Taipei: Academia Sinica, p. 74.
2010. “Work in Cultural Translation: Workplace Encounters in Taiwanese Firms with Western Migrant Employees.” Pp. 105-125 in Intercultural Relations in Asia: Migration and Work Effectiveness, edited by Chan-hoong Leong and John W. Berry. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
2009. “The American Biomedical Industry under Academia Capitalism: Implications of Taiwan.” (in Chinese) Journal of Social Science, 3(2): 119-154.
2008. "20 Years of the Cross-strait Social Exchange," (in Chinese) co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai, pp. 269-295 in Development and Change of Cross-strait Relations Over the Past 20 Years, edited by Yin-Long You. Taipei: Straits Exchange Foundation.
2007. “A Comparative Study of the Spatial Agglomeration of Foreign and Domestic Leading Firms Operating in Taipei,” (in Chinese) co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Survey Research, 22: 7-37.
2006. “Reverse Brain Drain: Government Policy and Corporate Strategies for Global Talent Searches in Taiwan.” Asian Population Studies, 2(3): 239-256. [SSCI, SCOPUS]
2006. “Gender Issues and Family Concerns for Women with International Careers: Female Expatriates in Western Multinational Corporations in Taiwan.” Women in Management Review (Currently published as: Gender in Management: An International Journal), 21(5)(July): 376-392. [SCOPUS] . Included in Significant Research Achievements of Academia Sinica, 2006/2007, Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp. 110-112.
2006. “City Development and the Change of Spatial Allocation of Foreign Corporate Headquarters in Taipei City,” (in Chinese) co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Journal of Taiwan Studies, 1:109-150.
2004. “Mapping Global Manufactuing Insturies and Service in Taipei City: A Spatial Portrayal of Agglomeration and Historical Development,” (in Chinese) co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Soochow Journal of Sociology, 16: 61-97.
2004. “Utilizing Multiethnic Resources in Multinational Corporations: Taiwan-based firms in Silicon Valley,” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, 32: 101-147. [TSSCI]
2001. “Dutch Financial Services Firms in Taiwan Since the 1980s." Pp. 463-474 in Transnational Companies: 19th-20th Centuries, edited by Hubert Bonin, Christophe Bouneau, Ludovic Cailluet, Alexandre Fernandez and Silvia Marzagalli. Paris: PLAGE.
2000. “Introduction: Embeddednedd Perspectives on the change of Institutions, Interfirm Networks, and Labor Markets," co-authored with Brian Uzzi. Pp. 1-10 in Embeddedness and Corporate Change in a Global Economy, edited by Rueyling Tzeng and Brain Uzzi. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
2000. “Business Globalization and Local Embeddedness: The Case of Foreign Investment in Taiwan." Pp. 211-237 in Embeddedness and Corporate Change in a Global Economy, edited by Rueyling Tzeng and Brain Uzzi. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
2000. “A Sociological Perspective on the Problem of Efficiency in State-owned Enterprises-An Analytical Comparison between France and Taiwan.” (in Chinese) Sun Yat-sen Management Review, 8(1): 13-36. [TSSCI]
1997. “Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia: Implications of Regional Economic Integration in the Western Society.” Asian Profile, 25(5) (October): 373-385.
1996. “Career Orientation of Expatriates in Multinational Corporations.” EurAmerica, 26(2): 93-120. [TSSCI]
1995. “The Transformation of the Economic Structure and the Change of Individual Work Orientation in the United State.” (in Chinese) Pp.31-60 in Studies of Social Structures in the United States and Taiwan, edited by Chin-Fen Chang and Rueyling Tzeng. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
1995.“International Labor Migration through Multinational Enterprises.” International Migration Review, 29(1): 139-154. [SSCI]
1993.“Beyond Dependent Development-Some Reflections on Taiwan's Foreign Investment in the United States.” (in Chinese) Journal of Chinese Sociology, 17: 79-100.
2022. “Parents’ Attitudes toward the Vaccination Mandates,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang, Ken Ka-wo Fung, Jaein Lee, Jiun-Da Lin. Paper presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association. November 12-13, Taiwanese Sociological Association & Department of Social Development, National Pingtung University, Pingtung, Taiwan.
2022. “Who Supports Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates in US?,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang, Jiun-Da Lin, Jaein Lee. Paper presented at Conference on Population, Family and Health. July 29, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
2019. “Globalization and the Influences of Western Culture on Taiwan.” Paper presented at the 32th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey: Globalization and Culture. September 26, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
2018. “Attitude toward Providing Publicly Funded Healthcare to Immigrants -- A Comparative Study across US, Sweden, Germany, Taiwan, Japan and Korea.” Paper presented at International Conference on Population, Family and Health: Global Perspectives. July 18-19, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
2017. “Who Supports for Extending Publicly Funded Health Care to Immigrants? -- A Comparative Study across US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Portugal and Taiwan.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR 70th Annual Conference-Public Opinion and Policy-making. July 15-17, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
2016. “Migration and Health: Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States Compared.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR Regional Conference “Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change”. September 15-17, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Moscow, Russia.
2016. “Subjective Well-being Compared between Immigrants and Natives across East and West Countries.” Paper presented at Conference on Family and Health: A Global Perspective. July 26, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015. “European Immigration Classism: Attitudes toward ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Immigrants.” Paper presented at International Conference on WAPOR 68th Annual Conference-The Networks of Public Opinion: New Theories, New Methods. June 16-19, The World Association for Public Opinion Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014. “Western Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan and the Link of Global Business.” Paper presented at International Conference on The Future of Social Relations: Rethinking Prejudice and Togetherness in Times of Crises. May 21-23, University of Sheffield , Sheffield, UK.
2013. “Are Immigrant Restaurants Disadvantaged? Western Immigrants Opening Restaurants in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association. November 30-December 1, Taiwanese Sociological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
2013. “Beyond Economic Interests: Attitudes toward Foreign Workers in Australia, the United States and East Asian Countries,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Paper presented at the 2013 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies-Leadership Transition in Asia: New Orders or New Problems? October 26-27, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2012. “Western Immigrants Opening Western Restaurants in Taiwan: Beyond Ethnic Economy.” Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: SOC2012-0370. Paper presented at 6th Annual International Conference on Sociology. May 7-10, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece.
2011. “Beyond Ethnic Economy: Immigrant Restaurants Owned by Westerners in Taiwan.”Paper presented at the 2nd IEAS Conference on Contemporary European and American Societies. May 18-19, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2010. “EU's Middle Class Mobility Via Migration: The Case of French Nationals Working in UK.”Paper presented at the International Conference on Migration, Identity, and Social Cohesion in Europe. December 15-16, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2010. “International Middle Class Migration and Mobility: French Nationals Working in the UK.” Paper presented at Trinity Immigration Initiative International Conference on New Migration, New Challenges. June 30 - July 3, Trinity College Dublin,Dublin, Ireland.
2009. “A Comparative Study of the American and Taiwanese Biomedical Industries.” Paper presented at Workshop on Organization, Industry and Market. December 11, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2009. “Becoming Foreign Employers: Western Migrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan,”Paper presented at First IEAS Conference on Contemporary European and American Societies. September 10-11, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2008. “From Employees to Employers: Western Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan,”Paper presented at First ISA Forum of Sociology: Sociological Research and Public Debate, International Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain.
2007. “20 Years of the Cross-strait Social Exchange and Related Problems,” co-authored with Ming-Chang Tsai. Paper presented at 20th Anniversary of Opening on Cross-Strait Exchange and Interaction, Straits Exchange Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
2007. “Westerners Working for Taiwanese Firms: Cultural Encounters at the Workplace.” Paper presented at ‘In and Out of Asia’: Migrating Talent, Globalising Cities. November 19-21, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Migration Research Cluster) & Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2006. “Getting Ahead via Language/Cross-cultural Skills: Western Professional Migrants in Taiwan.” Paper presented at XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology: The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalizing World. July 23-29, International Sociological Association, Durban, South Africa.
2005. “City Development and the Changing Location of Corporate Headquarter Offices—Multinational Corporations in Taipei City from 1993-2001,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at Cross Border/Dialogue: 2005 GIS Conference of Natural Science and Socio-Humanities. May 2, Tung-Nan Institute of Technology, Taipei.
2004. “Globalization and the Local Impacts of Industrial Locations: Spatial Patterns of Foreign and Domestic Firms Operating in Taiwan,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: Social Change in the Age of Globalization. July 7-11, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China.
2003. “Global Management of Chinese Enterprises from a ‘Guanxi’ Perspective: a Case Study of Taiwan-based Firms in Silicon Valley.” Paper presented at the Cross-strait Conference on Chinese Cultural Development and Economic Globalization. November 8-15, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Huangshan, Anhui, China.
2002. “Reverse Brain Drain: Cross-border Talent Searches in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on the National Science Council’s Research Projects in Sociology, 1998-2000. December 14-15, Taiwanese Sociological Association, Taichung.
2002. “Mapping Global Manufacturing and Services in Taiwan,” co-authored with Chyong-Fang Ko. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies. October 26-27, University of Southern California, California, U.S.A.
2002. “Ethnic Networks in Transnational Businesses: Taiwan-based Firms in Silicon Valley.” Paper presented at the Sixth European Business History Congress. August 22-24, Helsinki, Finland.
2002. “Female Expatriates in Multinational Corporations: Gender and Career/Family Conflicts.” Paper presented at The XV World Congress of Sociology. July 7-13, Brisbane, Australia.
2001. “Western White Collar Employees in Taiwan Firms.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Economic and Social Perspectives on Globalization. May 17, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
2000. “Dutch Multinational Banking in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Fourth Conference of the European Business History Association: Enterprises Involved in Internationalization, Multinationalization, Worldwide Expansion, and Globalization. September 15-16, Bordeaux, France.
1999. “Behind ‘Away from Home’: A Preliminary Study of Women Expatriates in Multinational Corporations in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Gender, Age and Verbal Ability. December 17, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
1998. “Multinational State-owned Enterprises in the World Economy: Extension of the Logic of State-owned Enterprises in the Domestic Market.” Paper presented at the Conference on the National Science Council’s Research Projects in Sociology. January 16, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
1997. “Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia: Implications of Regional Economic Integration in the Western Society.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association 92nd Annual Meeting. August 9-13, Toronto, Canada.
1997. “Myths in Business Globalization: The Case of Foreign Investment in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change: International Perspectives on Business Firms and Economic Life. May 9-10, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
1994. “The Transformation of the Economic Structure and the Change of Individual Work Orientation in the United State.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social Structure and Social Change-Analyses of and Comparison between the United States and Taiwan. May 27, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
1993. “Multinationals at the Crossroads.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association 88th Annual Meeting. August 13-17, Miami, Florida.
1993. “International Labor Migration through Multinational Enterprises.” Paper presented at the Conference on Social and Economic Aspects of International Migration. June 4-6, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
1992. “Under Chinese Management: A Case Study in the United States.” Paper presented at Workshop on Enterprises, Social Relations and Cultural Practices: Studies on the Chinese Societies. September 15-17, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei (co-sponsored by Boston University).