A. Ph. D. Thesis
Legal Aspects of EC External Trade Relations with Taiwan, Ph. D. thesis (University College London, 1995), 221 pages.
B. Articles
The EU’s New China Policy: The Dimension of Trade Relations, Issues & Studies, Vol. 34, No. 7, July 1998, pp. 85-115. (SSCI, Google Scholar Citation: 6)
The Principle of Mutual Recognition: The EU’s Practice and Development, World Competition, Vol. 22, No. 2, June 1999, pp. 135-155. (Wiley Citation: 14)
The EC’s Autonomous Trade Policy Towards Taiwan, European Foreign Affairs Review , Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn 2000, pp. 337-358. (Scopus, Citation: 5)
The Human Rights Clause in the European Union’s External Trade and Development Agreements, European Law Journal, Vol. 9, No. 5, December 2003, pp. 677-701. (SSCI, Citation: 128)
The European Central Bank’s External Relations with Third Countries and the IMF, European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, Autumn 2004, pp. 323-346. (Scopus, Citation: 10)
The ECB’s Membership in the IMF: Legal Approaches to Constitutional Challenges, European Law Journal, Vol. 11, No. 6, November 2005, pp. 802-822. (SSCI, Wiley Citation: 21)
Biotechnology and the WTO: A Review of Some Selective Issues, Journal of International Biotechnology Law, Vol. 3 , Issue 2, March/April 2006, pp. 45-56.
Thomas Cottier, Der-Chin Horng, et al., June 2006, “Report of International Law on Biotechnology,”Report of the Seventy-Second Toronto Conference (London: International Law Association, 2006), pp. 741-759. (NSC 95-3112-H-001-001)
Der-Chin Horng July 2008, "The EU Constitution," in Significant Research Achievements of Academia Sinica, Academia Sinica 2008, Revised Edition, pp. 112, 113.
Der-Chin Horng, August 2008, "Biotechnology, Consumer Protection and WTO Law," International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-Third Conference (London: International Law Association, 2008), pp. 197-201.
Der-Chin Horng and Bernard O'Connor, "Market Access and International Trade Regulation-GATT, SPS and TBT Agreements," International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-Third Conference (London: International Law Association, 2008), pp. 180-188.
Der-Chin Horng, December 2010, " The EU Model for a Taiwan-China Free Trade Agreement," Chinese(Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Vol. 26, pp. 35-55. (Scopus, Citation: 4)
Der-Chin Horng, December 2010, “The ECB under the Lisbon Treaty: The Impact on the ECB’s Constitutional Status and External Relations,” EurAmerica, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 887-922. (TSSCI)
Thomas Cottier, Der-Chin Horng, et al., August 2010, “Final Draft Report and Draft Recommendation,” and Resolution No: 5/2010, in International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-Fourth Conference. The Hague Conference. (London: ILA), 27 pages. (24, 26–27, Recommendation points 3, 4, 6, 25, 27, 30).
Der-Chin Horng, April 2012, “Reshaping the EU’s FTA Policy in a Globalizing Economy: The Case of the EU-Korea FTA,” Journal of World Trade, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 301-326. (SSCI, Citation: 23)
Der-Chin Horng, August 2012, "International Law on Biotechnology," in International Law and Institution, UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee (eds.), in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 27 pages. (Citation: 4)
Der-Chin Horng, "World Trade Organization on Consumer Protection," 2014 Discussion Interim Report, International Protection of Consumer Committee, Report of the 76th International Law Association Washington Conference (London: International Law Association, August 2014), pp. 548-550.
Claudia Lima Marques, Dan Wei, Der-Chin Horng, et al., "2014 Discussion Interim Report - International Protection Consumer," Report of the 76th International Law Association Washington Conference. (London: International Law Association, August 2014), pp. 527-570.
Der-Chin Horng, November 2016, "The EU Food Police. Its Lessons for Taiwan," Journal Global Policies and Governance, Vol. 5, No, 2, pp. 93-108.
Der-Chin Horng, November 2016, “Risk Assessment in the European Food Safety Authority and Its Lessons for Taiwan,” in Chang-fa Lo, Nigel N. T. Li and Tsai-yu Lin (eds.), Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order: A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma. Singapore: Springer, pp. 395-407.
Claudia Lima Marques, Dan Wei, Der-Chin Horng, et al., "Report on International Protection of Consumers, Johannesburg Conference (2016)," Report of the 77th International Law Association Conference (London: International Law Association, August 2017), pp. 341-386.
Der-Chin Horng, 2017, "Taiwan Practices in the WTO Main Activities: 2002-2015," The Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Vol. 33, pp. 228-251. (Scopus, Citation: 1)
Der-Chin Horng, 2018, "Brexit and Its Impact on the UK's Plural Legal System," 2017 Significant Research Achievements of Academia Sinica (Taipei: Academia Sinica, October 2018), pp. 46-47.
Der-Chin Horng, November/December 2018, "Consumer Protection in the EU Banking Union: The Case of the European Deposit Insurance Scheme," Revista de Direito do Consumidor(Consumer Law Review), Vol. 27, No. 120, pp. 229-240.
Claudia Lima Marques, Dan Wei, & Der-Chin Horng, et al., 2019, "Interim Report (2017-2018)," International Protection of Consumers, International Law Association Sydney Conference Report (2018). London: ILA, 2019. pp. 499-532.
Der-Chin Horng, “The EU Food Reference Laboratory and Its Lessons for Taiwan and China,” in Ts'ui-jung Liu and Micah Muscolino (eds.), Changes in the Land, Water, and Air: Perspectives on Environmental History in East Asia. (New York: Routledge, 2021), pp. 159-176.
Der-Chin Horng, April 2022, “Reshaping the EU-China and China-UK Trade Relations after Brexit,” Journal Transition Studies Review, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 97-108.
Der-Chin Horng, February 2024, "The EU's Vaccine Diplomacy in the WHO," European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol 29, No. 1, pp. 35-66. (Scopus)
Der-Chin Horng, August 2024, “The EU’s Energy Crisis Management to the Russian-Ukraine War,” European Energy and Environmental Law Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 173-184.(Scopus)
Der-Chin Horng, October 2024, "The US CHIPS Act and Its Impact on the WTO and China," Journal of World Trade, Vol. 58, Issue 5, pp. 781-806. (SSCI)
C. Books (in Chinese)
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (Taipei: Sharing, 2002), 450 pages. (2nd print, 2005)
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2004), 369 pages.
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (Taipei: Sharing, 2013), 2nd ed., 693 pages.
Selected Issues in WTO Law and Policy (Taipei, Sharing, 2017), 3rd ed., 721 pages.
The EU Banking Union: Theories and Policies (Taipei: Taiwan University Press, 2020), 550 pages. (MOST Research Project Book, MOST 104-2420-H-001-010-MY4)
D. Editions (in Chinese)
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),European Union Banking Liberalization, Research Report(Taipei: The National Science Council, R.O.C., 1996), 201 pages.
Cen-Chu Shen and Der-Chin Horng (eds.),European Union: Theory and Practice(Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies [IEAS], 1998), 474 pages.
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),European Union's Economic and Trade Policies(Taipei: IEAS, 2000), 350 pages.
Special Issue on European Union: Law and Policies,EurAmerica, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 2001, pp. 627-895.
Special Issue on European Union Human Rights,EurAmerica, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 1-202.
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),European Union Human Rights(Taipei: IEAS, October 2006), 457 pages.
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),The EU Constitution(Taipei: IEAS, August 2007), 350 pages.
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),The EU Human Rights Policies(Taipei: IEAS, November 2009), 477 pages.
Der-Chin Horng (ed.),Biotechnology Policy in the EU and the USA(Taipei: IEAS, November 2011), 766 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, Chwen-Wen Chen (eds.),The EU Law: Principles and Practices I (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, May 2015), 395 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, Chwen-Wen Chen (eds.),The EU Law: Principles and Practices II(Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, June 2015), 416 pages.
E. Articles (in Chinese)
US-EU and WTO Agricultural Trade Policy: A Contextual Study, EurAmerica, Vol. 26, No. 2, June 1996, pp. 33-91.
Environment and Trade: The GATT/WTO Dimension, EurAmerica, Vol. 27, No. 1, March 1997, pp. 1-89.
Competition Policy: The US-EU and UN Dimension, in Yann-Huei Song and Ching Kae Chiao (eds.), Participations of the Selected European and American States in the United Nations (Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, 1997), pp. 301-375.
Voluntary Export Restraints, EurAmerica, Vol. 27, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 1-110.
Legal Aspects of the Euro, EurAmerica, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 1999, pp. 171-272.
The WTO Dispute Settlement System, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, July 1999, pp. 247-316.
European Community Banking Liberalization, EurAmerica, Vol. 29, No. 3, September 1999, pp. 77-141.
Regional Economic Integration and the GATT/WTO, National Taiwan University Law Journal , Vol. 29, No. 4, July 2000, pp. 209-257.
Reciprocity and EC’s Trade Policy in Banking Sector, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), European Unio.s Economic and Trade Policies (Taipei: IEAS, 2000), pp. 133-202.
WTO Case Study: Korea - Dairy Products, National Chengchi University Law Review, Vol. 64, December 2000, pp. 427-461.
Banking Supervision System in the European Union, EurAmerica, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 2001, pp. 819-895.
The Human Rights Clause in the EU’s Trade and Development Agreements - Law and Practice, in EurAmerica, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 143-202.
Independence of the European Central Bank, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 33, No. 5, September 2004, pp. 215-278.
The Disputes over the European Union.s Moratorium on GM Food , in Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2005, pp. 405-451.
Biotechnology and the WTO: Selected Issues, On Theories and Institutions of Law , Essays in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma, (Taipei: Angle Pub., 2006), pp. 289-345.
The Role of the Euro in International Economy, Political Science Review, No. 29, September 2006, pp. 9-30.
Introduction: The EU's Idea and Formation of Human Rights, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), The European Union Human Rights (Taipei: IEAS, 2006), pp. 1-10.
EU Enlargement and the Europeanization of EU's Human Rights, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), The European Union Human Rights (Taipei: IEAS, 2006), pp. 215-270.
The Jurisprundence of the EU Constitution, EurAmerica, Vol. 37, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 255-321.
Introduction: The EU Constitution and the Future of the European Union, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), The EU Constitution(Taipei: IEAS, 2007), pp. 1-12.
European Central Bank, in David Wei-Feng Huang (ed.), The Organization and the Operation of EU, 2nd ed., Taipei: Wunan, December 2007, pp. 415-456.
Report on 2007 ILA Conference on Biotechnology and International Trade: With Special Reference to Human Rights, Genetic Discrimination and Consumer Protection, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2008, pp. 229-252.
The Precautionary Principle in the WTO Law and Practice, Newsletter of Academia Sinica, Vol. 1180, 24 July 2008, pp. 2-3.
Introduction The EU Human Rights—From Idea to Practice, EurAmerica, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 503-508. (TSSCI)
Consumer Rights in the GM Food Labelling: EU Law and Practice, EurAmerica, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 509-578. (TSSCI)
WTO Case Study—EU Export Subsidies on Sugar, Issues & Studies, Vol. 47, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 1-31. (TSSCI)
The Significance and Impacts of EU Enlargement on the Euro Area and New Member States, EurAmerica, Vol. 40, No. 1, March 2010, pp. 133-200.
G20 London Summit and Its Impact on China—U.S. Economic Relations, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2010, pp. 55-89.
The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank, in Catherine Li (ed.), New Era of the European Union's Economic & Trade Policies, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, May 2011, pp. 68-129.
Europeanization of the Precautionary Principle, Soochow Journal of Political Science, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 1-56.
Introduction: Debates on Biotechnology Policy in the EU and the USA, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), Biotechnology Policy in the EU and the USA (Taipei: IEAS, 2011), pp. 1-34.
The Risk Analysis System of the European Food Safety Authority, in Der-Chin Horng (ed.), Biotechnology Policy in the EU and the USA (Taipei: IEAS, 2011), pp. 35-125.
Current WTO Core Issues: Observations from the WTO Website and Public Fora, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2011, pp. 267-291.
The EU's Policy on the New Generation Free Trade Agreements, EurAmerica, Vol. 42, No. 4, December 2012, pp. 673-752. (TSSCI)
European Debt Crisis and EU Fiscal Reform, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2012, pp. 155-195.
The EU Climate Change Policy: Law, Strategy and Practice, Technology Law Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, December 2012, pp. 97-189.
An Introduction to Climate Change and Policy Responses by the EU and the USA, EurAmerica, Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2013, pp. 1-25.
ECB's Responses to the Financial Crisis, in Catherine Li & Hsien-Feng Lee (eds.), The New Economic and Financial Policies of the EU under the Shadow of European Debt Crisis (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2013), pp. 3-40.
Source of the European Union Law, Hwa Kang Law Review, Vol. 57, December 2014, pp. 1-42.
2014 European Parliament Elections - Significance and Implications, Chinese(Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2014, pp. 123-139.
The European Union Energy Law and Policy - Development and Limitation, Taipei University Law Review, Vol. 93, March 2015, pp. 183-244.
EU Food Safety Institutions: Lessons for Taiwan's Food Safety Reform, National Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 44, November 2015, pp. 1163-1236.
The EU Biotechnology and Food Safety Policy, The Taiwan Law Review, No. 248, January 2016, pp. 147-159.
The EU Agricultural Multi-Functionality Policy, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 12, No. 1, June 2016, pp. 1-21.
Greek Debt Crisis: Its Implications and Lessons for Taiwan, The Taiwan Law Review, No. 254, July 2016, pp. 92-117.
The Italian Food Safety System and Food Police Framework, Review of Global Politics, No. 55, July 2016, pp. 51-84.
Introduction: Food Safety Jurisprudence and Debates, EurAmerica, Vol. 46, No. 4, December 2016, pp. 443-456.
The ECB Single Supervisory Mechanism, National Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2016, pp. 1851-1937.
Brexit and the Future of UK-EU Relations, Chinese Political Science Review, No. 63, 2017, pp. 33-61.
The EU Humanitarian Aid: Law and Practices, The Monism between International Law and National Law, Vol. 2 (Taipei: Juihsing Books, 2017), pp. 439-488.
Brexit and Its Impact on the UK's Plural Legal System, National Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 46 Special Issue, November 2017, pp. 1017-1114.
The EU Import Control on Animal Products, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 13, No. 2, December 2017, pp. 219-270.
The EU Single Resolution Mechanism, The Chengchi Law Review, No. 151, December 2017, pp. 151-251.
Deposit Insurance Mechanisms in the European Union and Implications for Taiwan, Chung Yuan Financial & Economic Law Review, No. 39, December 2017, pp. 1-78.
The EU Regulation of the Shadow Banking, Fu Jen Law Review, No. 54, December 2017, pp. 281-359.
Brexit Development and Outlook, The Taiwan Law Review, No. 281, October 2018, pp. 78-91.
The EU-China Investment Agreement Negotiation, Issues & Studies, Vol. 58, No. 1, March 2019, pp. 143-189.
Brexit and Its impacts on the EU-China Trade Relations, Review of Global Politics, No. 67, July 2019, pp. 1-10.
Risk Assessment in Food Safety: A Comparison Between China and the EU, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 15, December 2019, pp. 1-54.
EU Development Strategy and Legal Control of Automated Vehicles, EurAmerica, Vol. 50, No. 2, June 2020, pp. 349-431.
ECB Exchange Rate Policy: Development and Challenges, EurAmerica, Vol. 51, No. 3, September 2021, pp. 433-494.
The EU Food Donation Law and Practices: Its Implications for Taiwan, Fu Jen Law Review, Vol. 62, December 2021, pp. 213-313.
The UK Innovation Strategy and Digital Strategy-Development and Challenges, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 18, No. 2, December 2022, pp. 61-112.
The EU's Circular Economy Law and Policy: Lessons for Taiwan, Fu Jen Review, Vol. 64, December 2022, pp. 205-294.
The WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement: Negotitations, Law and Impacts, Chinese (Taiwan) Review of International and Transnational Law, Vol. 19, No. 2, December 2023, pp. 121-167.
The EU Strategy and Regulation on Disinformation, Chinese Political Science Review, No. 76, December 2023, pp. 1-48.
The ECB's Single Exchange Rate Policy: Development and Challenges,The Decision-Making System of European Union (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press,2024), pp. 307-386.
F. Conference Papers/ Discussion Papers
The EC Trade Law and Its Implication on the EC-Taiwan Trade Relations, 4th International Conference on Studies of Chinese Economic and Trade Law, Beijing University, 30-31 March 1998, 16 pages.
The Contribution of the EU’s Legal Rule to the Development of International Economic Law: The Principle of Mutual Recognition, Symposium on EU Law and Its Influence on Japan and Third Countries, Kyoto University, 15 November 1998, 25 pages.
The EU’s Autonomous Trade Policy Towards Taiwan, paper presented at the Third Wellington Conference on World Affairs, Local, National, Regional and Global, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-3 December 1999, 48 pages.
The Euro and It’s Implications on International Monetary System, The 12th Convention of Chinese Academics and Professionals in Europe, 14-16 July 2000, Brussels, Belgium, 5 pages.
Legal Aspects of the ECB’s External Relations, International Conference on EU External Relations: Competition, Cooperation, Association, and Accession, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 11-12 September 2001, 29 pages.
European Studies in Taiwan, International Conference on European Studies in China, Beijing: Chinese Association for European Studies, 20-21 October 2001.
The EU’s Trade Relations with Taiwan Under the WTO System, International Symposium: Implications of European Integration, Taipei: IIR, National Chengchi University, 4 June 2002, 2 pages.
Constitutional Challenges of the ECB’s Membership in the IMF, International Conference on The Constitutionalization of the EU, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 12-13 December 2003, 25 pages.
The EU Trade Policy Outlook for 2004, The Symposium on the Prospect of EU 2004, Taipei: National Chengchi University, 6 February 2004, 5 pages.
Biotechnology and the WTO: A Review of Some Conceptual Issues, paper presented at the Swiss/Taiwan Scientific Seminar 2005 on Biotechnology and Public Health in the Gene-Era: Ethical, Legal, Social and Political Aspects, Zurich: University of Zurich,17-18 August 2005, 25 pages.
EC‘s Constitution and the Future of European Integration, discussion paper presented at Round Table on the Prospect of European Integration, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 9 January 2006, 3 pages.
What Lessons of the EU Model for a Taiwan - China Free Trade Agreement, paper presented at the International Conference on EU Relations with Taiwan and China, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 1-2 December 2006, 28 pages.
Biotechnology, Consumer Protection and WTO Law, paper presented at ILA Conference on Biotechnology and International Trade, Switzerland: World Trade Institute, University of Berne, 16/17 November 2007, 27 pages. (NSC 96-3112-H-001-001)
Economic Aspects of the EU Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty, paper presented at the 2007 International Conference on the Development of International Law, Taipei: School of Law, Soochow University, 28 December 2007, 16 pages.
Thomas Cottier, Der-Chin Horng, et al., 17-21 August 2008, "International Law on Biotechnology", paper presented at The ILA Rio Biennial Conference, Brazil: Rio, ILA, 49 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, Bernard O'Connor, 17-21 August 2008, "Market Access and International Law", paper presented at The ILA Rio Biennial Conference, Brazil: Rio, ILA, pp. 21-35.
The Impacts of EU Enlargement on the Euro Zone, paper present at the Conference on EU Enlargement, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 24-25 October 2008, 38 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 4/5 December 2008, "The ECB under the Lisbon Treaty: The Impact on the ECB’s Constitutional Status and External Relations", paper presented at International Conference on EU-Asian Relations in the 21st Century, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 26 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 21 April 2009, Discussion paper on "Food Safety System in the European Union," Expert Meeting at the European Food Safety Authority, Parma: the EFSA, 3 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 19-20 June 2009, Discussion paper on "Draft Recommendation of the Report of the Biotechnology and International Law Committee, ILA," Bern: World Trade Institute, University of Bern, 5 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 31 December 2009, Discussion paper on "Theorizing the Internalization of Human Rights in Taiwan after the ratification of the Two Covenants, at Asian Conference on International and Comparative Law, Taipei: Soochow University, 3 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 24-25 September 2011, "WTO Govermance and the Harmonization of National Trade Laws," paper presented at Exchange and Integration of the Contemporary Legal Systems, The First International Conference on Comparative Law and Global Common Law, Beijing: College of Comparative Law, China University of Political Science and Law, 25 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 19 December 2011, Discussion Paper on "EU Debt Crisis and Investment Agreement with Mr. Joachim Steffens and Professor Hungdah Su," Workshop on EU Debt and Investment Agreement, Taipei: EUTW.
Der-Chin Horng, 30 December 2011, Discussion Paper on "Corporate Compliance Program and Corporate Criminal Liability in Japan," 2011 Taipei Conference on International and Comparative Law, Taipei: Soochow University, 2 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 22-25 October 2015, "Risk Assessment in the EFSA and Its Lessons for Taiwan," paper presented at East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2015) Conference, Japan: Kagawa University, 22 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 23-24 November 2016, "Brexit: Its Causes and Impacts," paper presented at Brexit, and the European Union and Implications for the Asia-Pacific, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica.
Der-Chin Horng, 26-31 October 2017, "The EU Food Reference Laboratory and Its Lessons for Taiwan," paper presented at The Fourth Conference of East Asian Environmental History, Tianijin, China: Association for East Asian Environmental History(AEAEH), Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences(CSES), Institute of Ecological Civilization, Nankai University.
Der-Chin Horng, 28-29 June 2018, "Brexit and the Future UK-EU Trade Relations," paper presented at 2018 EUSA-AP Conference, Taipei: EUTW, 22 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 19-23 August 2018, "Consumer Protection in the EU Banking Union," paper presented at International Protection of Consumer Committee, 78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, Sydney: Australian Branch (ILA), 13 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 19 October 2018, "Revisit Brexit Development and Outlook," paper presented at 2018 EUTW FORM V, Taipei: EUTW, 7 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 9-10 May 2019, "The EU’s Development Strategy and Legal Framework for the Automated Vehicle," paper presented at Interdisciplinary Conference on AI Development and Challenges in the EU and the USA, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 47 pages.
Der-Chin Horng, 11 November 2021, "EU Development Strategy and Legal Control of Automated Vehicles," paper presnted at Academic Forum on Ethics Rules of Autonomous Vehicles & Presentation of Ethics Guidelines for the Industry Development of Autonomous Vehicles, Kaohsiung: College of Law, National Kaohsiung University.
Der-Chin Horng, 18 November 2022, "The Russian-Ukraine War and the EU's Future," paper presented at The 5th Wenzao European Forum: Europe 2022 and Beyond: Through Crises to Resilience-Opening New Chapters, Kaohsiung: Wenzao University of Language.
Der-Chin Horng, 1 December 2022, "The EU-Taiwan Trade Cooperation under the Direction on Sustainability due diligence," paper presented at 2022 Taiwan-Europe Joint Conference on Business and Human Rights: Latest Development of International Law on Business & Human Rights, Taipei: Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. & European Union External Action.
G. EU Conferences Organizer/ Coordinator
Conference on European Union: Theory and Policy, 24-25 May 1996.
Conference on European Union Economic and Trade Policies, 20-21 March 1998.
Symposium on Euro and European Integration, 11 March 1999.
Conference on Selective Core Issues in European Union Law and Policies, 17 November 2000.
Conference on European Union Human Rights, 10 December 2002.
Conference on The Constitutional Treaty and the Future of European Union, 7 October 2005.
International Conference on EU Relations with Taiwan and China, 1-2 December 2006.
3rd Conference on European Union Human Rights, 19-20 October 2007.
Biotech Law and Policy in the EU and the USA, 22-23 October 2009.
Climate Change and Policy Responses by the EU and the USA, 21-23 October 2010.
Energy Security and Policy Responese by the EU and the USA, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 17-18 May 2013.
EU Forward Study Workshop, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 2 September 2014.
The EU Law, Taipei: National Taiwan University/Taiwan EU Center, 17 May 2014.
The EU Public Form: Greek Debt Crisis and the Bail-out Referendum, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 13 July 2015.
Food Safety in the EU and the USA, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 1-2 October 2015.
2nd Food Safety in the EU and the USA, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 30 September 2016.
Interdisciplinary Conference on AI Development and Challenges in the EU and the USA, 9-10 May 2019.
A Comparative Study on the COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Mechanism between Taiwan, the EU and the USA, 30-31 October, 2020.
Workshop on the EU Study in the IEAS, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, November 27, 2020.
The EU External Relations under the Global Change Conference, 4-6 May, 2022.
Workshop on the EU Study in the IEAS, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, December 9, 2022.
Climate Change and Energy Security in the EU and the USA, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 5-6 October, 2023.
The EU External Relations under the US-China Great Power Competition, Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 4, 7 October 2024.