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  • Update Date:2020-08-17


IEAS CD-ROM Collection list

1. 21ST世紀電腦英漢辭典
495.13028 T918
2. 1987 Economic Censuses
R338.4 N622
3. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.Equal employment opportunity file
331.12 C332
4. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.Summary tape file 1
R304.6021 C332
5. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.Summary tape file 3
R304.6021 C332
6. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.Public use Microdata samples
R304.6021 C332a 1993
7. 1992 Economic Census CD-ROM.Nonemployer statistics
R338.4 EC74
8. 1992 Economic Census CD-ROM.Report Series Disc
R338.4 EC74
9. American Journey : History in Your Hands : Women in America
345.40973 Am35
10. American Leaders
973 Am35
11. American National Election Studies, 1948-1994
300.72 IC7
12. American National Election Studies, 1948-1997
300.72 IC7
13. A right to die?The Dax Cowart Case
344.73 An22
14. Basic Instruments and Selected Documents
382.91 B292
15. Call and Response
810.8 C13
16. CensusCD
310 C332
17. Congressional masterfile 2
312.2 M841 / 328 C76
18. Computers,teachers,peers:Science learning partners
507.12 L649
19. County business Patterns 1989 and 1990
331.125 C382
20. DiscLit:American Authors
016 D631am
21. DiscLit:British Authors
016 D631br
22. DiscLit:World Authors
016 D631wo
23. The DRI : McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Economies on CD-ROM
330 D83
24. Duns Asia/Pacific key business enterprises 1997/98
338.7 D923 1997-98
25. ECSA 1995 Conference Papers on CD-ROM
341.2422 Eu74eu
26. European research directory 97 : a file of vocational training research projects
331.11 Eu74 1997
27. Europe from A to Z [optical disc] : guide to European integration
337.142 W426
28. Francois Mitterrand : dEpinay a lElysee (1971-1981) : lhommage du Parti socialiste
944.0838 M698
29. General social surveys, 1972-1998 : cumulative codebook
300.72 G286
30. GSOEP, Waves 1-11 and Syracuse University PSID-GSOEP Equivalent data File
330.943 G929
31. GSOEP 1984-1995 and PSID-GSOEP Equivalent File 1980-1994
330.943 G929a
32. Hello Europe [optical disc] : a youth guide to Europe and the European Union
341.2422 H369
33. Health and well-being of older adults
300.72 H349
34. Historical Statistics of the United States on CD-ROM
R317.3 H629ca
35. Human Resource Management
658.3 M426
36. ICPSR---Civil Justice Survey of State Courts, 1992:United States
300.72 C499
37. ICPSR---Data on Crime and Community
300.72 D263
38. ICPSR---Health and well-being of older adults
300.72 H349
39. ICPSR---Longitudinal data on crime
300.72 Ic7
40. ICPSR---Minority research data
300.72 M666
41. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1983-1986
300.72 Ic7
42. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1987-1988
300.72 Ic7
43. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1989-1990
300.72 Ic7
44. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1991
300.72 Ic7
45. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1992
300.72 Ic7
46. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1993
300.72 Ic7
47. ICPSR---National correction reporting program 1994
300.72 Ic7
48. ICPSR--- National correction reporting program 1995
300.72 Ic7
49. ICPSR--- Panel study of income dynamics
330 P192
50. ICPSR---Panel study of income dynamics
330 P192
51. ICPSR---Periodic release CD-ROM for New releases(1996-2000/06)
300.72 Ic7
52. ICPSR---Toward a Healthy America : selected research data collections from the health and medical care archive at ICPSR
300.72 T65
53. ICPSR---Violence research data
300.72 V812
54. ICPSR--- Violence research data 2nd edition
300.72 V812
55. Information Ondisc
025.06547 In3
56. Information USA
020.973 In3
57. Innopac光碟片
58. The International whos who
R 920 In 8 2002
59. Juris CD-ROM : Sozialrecht
344 J979 1996
60. Juris CD-ROM: Sozialrecht
344 J979 1997
61. Landmark documents in american History
973 L235
62. The New Grolier multimedia encyclopedia
031 N42gr
63. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature
810.8 N821
64. OECD social expenditure database 1980-1997
336.39 Or3 2000
65. The other sides of the stories,ethnic newswatch
305.8 Et38et
66. The Republic of China Yearbook 1998
R951.005 C441
67. The Republic of China yearbook 1999
R951.005 C441
68. The Republic of China yearbook 2000
R 951.005 C441
69. The results of the uruguay round
341.754 R313
70. Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy
R 100 R765
71. Social trends 1970-1995
314.2 So13
72. Truths & fictions : a journey from documentary to digital Photography
779.092 M575
73. Unbekannte kapitel des zweiten weltkriegs : Hitler: dokumente aus den geheimarchiven des KGB
943.086 H638hia english/german
74. UNS/SABIR : United Nations system/selected agencies bibliographic information records
341.23 Un3
75. USA counties
R 307.76021 Us1
76. U. S. atlas
912.73 Us1
77. U.S. imports, 1972-1994 : data and concordances
382.50973 Un1
78. Women : partners in development
305.4 W842a
79. Women R
305.42 W842wo
80. World atlas : users guide, version 3.0 for IBM PC and compatibles
R 912.028 W893 c.2----c.5
81. World guide : users guide
912 W893
82. World development
R330.9005 W893de 2000
83. 中央研究院
062.1 5017
84. 中華民國出版年鑑(民國八十七年)
R 487.7058 5622
85. 中華民國科技白皮書 : 科技化國家宏圖
309.2 6028
86. 五南六法判解全書:專業版(民85)
R 582.18 4448 85/ c.2
87. 五南六法判解全書:專業版(民86)
R 582.18 4448 86/ c.2
88. 行政院所屬各機關因公出國報告書目錄光碟系統
R015 1148
89. 金剛般若波羅蜜經
221.44 2430
90. 林語堂先生圖像文物專輯(三)(四):百年誕辰紀念
782.88  4430
91. 英語話台北:如何向老外介紹台北
805.188 8947
92. 臺灣地區現藏大陸期刊聯合目錄光碟資料庫(中華民國八十六年十月)
012.7 7428