ABC-CLIO & Greenwood Ebook Collection
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in HTML format for Android/IOS OS, and printed up to 50 pages
Almanac of American Politics
ProQuest Ebook Central
Concurrent user limit: 1
2016 (EBSCO)
Bentham Ebook
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
Bloomsbury Ebook
(internal user)Bluebook
Cambria Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Cambridge Core
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Chicago manual of style
Columbia University Press Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded 40 page each time.
Contemporary Literary Criticism
v.343 2013-
Please click < What's Inside >,and click <Contemporary Literary Criticism>.
CRC NetBase
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in pdf format, and can be printed 1 chapter pages each log in
De Gruyter Ebook
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Dictionary of Literary Biography
2013~2019 V.373~385
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Early American Fiction (1774-1875)
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format for 40% pages.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
EBSCOhost eBook Collection電子書 (Formerly: NetLibrary)
Texts can be viewd, download inn pdf file, and printed up to 60 pages
Mobile device please link directly, or, download Bluefire Reader.
Eighteenth Century Collection Online (ECCO I, ECCO II)
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Elsevier Ebooks on ScienceDirect
Texts can be viewed in html/epub/pdf format. Texts can be downloaded and printed in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
Emerald eBook Series
Texts can be viewed in html/epub/pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS) 1861-1958/60
Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS) 1952-
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Grand dictionnaire universel du 19e siecle
Handbooks in Economics Series
Texts can be viewed in pdf format and can be downloaded
HathiTrust Digital Library Catalog (Hathi Trust Digital Library Catalog)
iGroup Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded 40 page each time.
Informa Health Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in html format
InfoSci Books
IGI Global published books.
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format/Html format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
IOS Press Books Online
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android
Karger Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
L & B Ebook
Texts can be viewed and downloaded, and can be printed 1 pages each time
Each book only can be viewed within 30 days, then please download again
Max Weber Gesamtausgabe
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
2023 cancel order
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
McGraw-Hill E-Book Collection
Texts can be viewed and downloaded, and can be printed 1 pages each time
Each book only can be viewed within 30 days, then please download again
Texts can be viewed in pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed , up to 10 pages
New Oxford Companion to Law
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
OED2 (Oxford English Dictionary 2)
OVID Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in html format
Oxford Constitutions of the World
Oxford Dictionaries – English
Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law
Oxford English Dictionary 2 (OED 2)
Oxford Handbooks Online
Law 2013
Linguistics 2012-current
Music 2012-2019
Philosophy 2012-current
Psychology 2012-2019
Religion 2012-2019
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History
NewOxford Research Encyclopedias. Asian History
Oxford Research Encyclopedias. International Studies
NewOxford Research Encyclopedias. Linguistics
Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Politics
Oxford Scholarship Online Collection
Texts can be viewed in html format, printed and downloaded in pdf format
Palgrave connect eBooks
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
Peter Lang Ebook
Project Muse Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
ProQuest Ebook Central
exts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format for 40% pages.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP-Online)
SAGE Ebook
Texts can be viewed, printed and be downloaded in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
ScienceDirect Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
SIAM Reference Collection
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded in pdf format, 40 page each time
Social Theory
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can not be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Springer Link Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed 1 chapter each time
Springer Publishing Ebook
Statesman's Yearbook (1864- ) (by volume)
Statistical Abstract: Historical Statistics 1878-2012
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1878- 1950 (Fraser) Please click here
Taylor & Francis Ebook
Texts can be viewed in html format for Android/ISO OS. Texts can be printed at most 30 pages each time, and be copy-pasted at most 10 pages each time
Thieme eBook
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in pdf format
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
Please click < What's Inside >,and click <Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism>.
2013 - 2020 v.285 - v.394
Wiley Online Library Ebook
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Wiley StatsRef : statistics reference online
Woodhead Ebook (Science Direct Platform)
World Scientific Ebook
Texts can be viewed in html, PDF format. Texts can be printed and download
Yearbook of International Organizations