ABC-CLIO & Greenwood Ebook Collection
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in HTML format for Android/IOS OS, and printed up to 50 pages
Academic Search Complete (ASC)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
African American Poetry (1667-1930)
African Writers Series (1782-1900)
Agricultural Statistics Annual
Almanac of American Politics
ProQuest Ebook Central
Concurrent user limit: 1
2016 (EBSCO)
American Doctoral Dissertations 1933-1955
Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities, DDAAU 1933-1955 (Abstracts)
American Drama (1714-1915)
American Poetry (1650-1920)
Annual Bibliography of English Language & Literature (ABELL)
Anthroplogical Literature
APA PsycArticles
ProQuest ; 1894-
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest ; 1806-
Mobile device please link directly
Archives Unbound:Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League
Archives Unbound : China Maritime Customs Service: The Customs' Gazette, 1869-1913
Archives Unbound:Chinese Civil War and U.S.-China Relations: Records of the U.S State Department's Office of Chinese Affairs,1945-1955
Archives Unbound : General George C. Marshall's Mission to China, 1945-1947
Archives Unbound:Japan at War and Peace, 1930-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files
Archives Unbound:Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day Life
Archives Unbound:Papers of Old Shanghai: Business, Banking, and Insurance , 1874–1949
Archives Unbound: Papers of Old Shanghai: Miscellanies, 1853-1945
Archives Unbound: Papers of Old Shanghai: Press, Education, Healthcare, and Charity , 1863-1948
Archives Unbound:Papers of Old Shanghai: Social Shanghai: a Magazine for Men and Women, 1906-1912
Archives Unbound:Papers of Old Shanghai: Societies and Clubs, 1890-1942
Archives Unbound:Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945
Archives Unbound : Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941
Archives Unbound : Political Relations and Conflict between Republican China and Imperial Japan, 1930-1939: Records of the U.S.
Archives Unbound : Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908-1942
Archives Unbound:Subject Files of US State Department’s Office of the Republic of China Affairs (1951-1978)
Archives Unbound : The Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council
ArticleFirst (1990- )
ARTstor Digital Library
Beck Online
Beck Online. Verwaltungsrecht Kohlhammer
Bentham Ebook
Bible in English (1782-1900)
Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH)
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
Bloomsbury Ebook
(internal user)Bluebook
Book of the States Archive 1935-
Council of State Governments
Book of the States 1982-
Council of State Governments
Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
(internal user)BorderLex
Boston Globe (1872 - 1993)
Mobile device please link directly
British Library Flickr (Photos sharing)
British Periodicals (1681-2005)
Mobile device please link directly
Cairn Journals (Full collection)
Cambria Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Cambridge Core
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Canadian Poetry (1667-1930)
Caselaw Access Project
CEPR Discussion Papers (Center for Economic Policy Research)
Chadwyck-Healey Literature Collections
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can not be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Chicago manual of style
Chicago Tribune? (1849 - 1999)
Mobile device please link directly
China: Culture and Society
China : Trade, Politics & Culture 1793-1980
China and the Modern World : Diplomacy and Political Secrets 1860-1950
China and the Modern World : Hong Kong, Britain and China: The Rise and Fall of Empires (1841–1951)
China and the Modern World: Imperial China and the West, 1815-1881
China and the Modern World : Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949)
China and the Modern World : Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China, 1854-1949
China Data Online
China Data Center, University of Michigan
Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953)
Chinese Students’ Monthly Online
Classification Web
Library of Congress
Password needed, please contact the library
Columbia University Press Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded 40 page each time.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Congressional Hearings Digital Collection (1824-present)
Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection 1789-2009
Contemporary Literary Criticism
v.343 2013-
Please click < What's Inside >,and click <Contemporary Literary Criticism>.
Corpus de la litterature narrative du Moyen Age au XXe siecle
Corpus des dictionnaires de l'Academie francaise
CRC NetBase
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in pdf format, and can be printed 1 chapter pages each log in
De Gruyter Ebook
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Despatches from United States Consuls at Amoy 1844 –1906
National Archives
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie Online (DNB)
Dictionary of Literary Biography
2013~2019 V.373~385
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Digital Dissertations Consortium (DDC)
Digital National Security Archive. Berlin Crisis, 1958-1962
Digital National Security Archive. China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998
Digital National Security Archive. Presidential Directives on National Security from Truman to Clinton, Part I & II
Digital National Security Archive. U.S. Espionage and Intelligence, 1947-1996
NewDigital National Security Archive. U.S. Foreign Policy in the Carter Years, 1977-1981
Digital National Security Archive. U.S. Intelligence and China: Collection, Analysis and Covert Actiom
Digital National Security Archive. U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part I & II, 1954-1975
Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-2013
Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
E-Duke Journal Scholarly Collection (Expanded)
Early American Fiction (1774-1875)
Early American Imprints (EAI)
Texts can be viewed and printed, and can not be downloaded
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Early English Prose Fiction (1500-1700)
East India Company
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format for 40% pages.
EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete (ASC)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
EBSCOhost eBook Collection電子書 (Formerly: NetLibrary)
Texts can be viewd, download inn pdf file, and printed up to 60 pages
Mobile device please link directly, or, download Bluefire Reader.
EconLIT with Full Text
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Economic Research (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Economist Historical Archive 1843-2015
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare (1782-1900)
eHRAF World Cultures
Eighteenth Century Collection Online (ECCO I, ECCO II)
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Eighteenth-Century Fiction (1700-1780)
Electronic Enlightenment
Elsevier Ebooks on ScienceDirect
Texts can be viewed in html/epub/pdf format. Texts can be downloaded and printed in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
Emerald eBook Series
Texts can be viewed in html/epub/pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
English Drama (1280-1915)
English Poetry (600-1900)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
EThOS (British Library Electronic Theses Online Service)
British Library Electronic Theses Online Service
EU Law
(internal user)EUobserver
Including OJEU (L) & OJEU (C)
Europa - European Union
Including how the EU work, Eurostat, Eurobarometer, Newsroom
Europe Daily Bulletin Online_1+
i.e Bulletin Quotidien Europe fulltext
Preceding title: DanteNet
Password needed, please contact the library
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM)
Financial Times
Password needed for Sinica users, please contact the library
Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2010
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
FirstSearch (for International Librayr Loan)
Foreign Office Files: China, 1919-1980
Adam Matthew Digital
1919-1929:Kuomintang, CCP and the Third International
1930-1937:The Long March, civil war in China and the Manchurian Crisis
1938-1948:Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory
1949-1956:The Communist revolution
1957-1966:The Great Leap Forward
1967-1980:The Cultural Revolution
Introduction & Guidance
Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS) 1861-1958/60
Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS) 1952-
FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, US
FRED includes more than 240,000 economic and financial time series data from U.S. and international sources.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Gender Equality Data and Statistics
World Bank
Grand dictionnaire universel du 19e siecle
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)
Mobile device please link directly
Handbooks in Economics Series
Texts can be viewed in pdf format and can be downloaded
HathiTrust Digital Library Catalog (Hathi Trust Digital Library Catalog)
HeinOnline. Law Journal Library
HighWire Press Ejournal
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
IBSS : International Bibliography of the Social Science
Mobile device please link directly
ICPSR data
Account/Password needed, please register online first on
Academia Sinica campus computer
IEAS ICPSR (ICPSR News,ICPSR Summer Program)
NewIEEE Xplore
IEEE. Including IEEE Spectrum.
iGroup Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded 40 page each time.
Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
ILOSTAT Database
International Labour Organization (ILO)
IMF - IFS ( International Financial Statistics )
International Monetary Fund
IMF Direction of Trade Statistics
International Monetary Fund
InCites JCR (Journal Citation Reports)
Previous title as JCR
In the First Person
Alexander Street Press
Informa Health Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in html format
InfoSci Books
IGI Global published books.
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format/Html format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Intelex Past Master
texts mostly in English
Intelex Past Masters
Including: Descartes:Oeuvres complètes, Oeuvres complètes de Blaise Pascal, and, G. W. Leibniz: Philosophische Schriften, Spinoza: Opera,Joseph de Maistre
International Bibliography of the Social Science (IBSS)
CSA ; 1951-
Mobile device please link directly
International Financial Statistics
International Political Science Abstracts
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
IOS Press Books Online
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
Japan Times Archives, 1897-1970
Journal Citation Reports web (JCR)
Title changed as InCites JCR
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android
Kafkas Werke im WWW
Karger Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
L & B Ebook
Texts can be viewed and downloaded, and can be printed 1 pages each time
Each book only can be viewed within 30 days, then please download again
Leipziger Kommentar StGB Online (2014-2025)
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Linguistics Abstracts Online
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
CSA; 1973-
Mobile device please link directly
Literary Theory
Literature Collections
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can not be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Los Angeles Times (1881-2000)
Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926
Texts can be downloaded and printed in pdf format
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926
Texts can be downloaded and printed in pdf format
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978
Texts can be downloaded and printed in pdf format
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Making of the Modern World 1450-1850 (MOMW)
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Max Weber Gesamtausgabe
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
2023 cancel order
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
McGraw-Hill E-Book Collection
Texts can be viewed and downloaded, and can be printed 1 pages each time
Each book only can be viewed within 30 days, then please download again
Messenger 1850-1947
MLA Directory of Periodicals
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
MLA International Bibliography
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Texts can be viewed in pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed , up to 10 pages
National Jukebox
Library of Congress
NBER working paper series
New Oxford Companion to Law
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
New York Times
Including today''s news
Pwd / Account setup on computers in Sinica campus can access all news files.
New York Times (1980- )
Mobile device please link directly
Password needed for Sinica users outside campus, please contact the library
New York Times (1851-2021)
Mobile device please link directly
Password needed for Sinica users outside campus, please contact the library
Newspaper Source
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Nineteenth Century Collection Online (NCCO). Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Nineteenth Century Collections Online:Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780-1925
Ninettenth-Century Fiction (1782-1900)
International Labour Organization
Former title: ILOLEX
North China Herald Online
OCLC Connexion
Password needed, please contact the library
OCLC FirstSearch
OCLC WorldCat Discovery (New Version)
ODS ; United Nations Official Documents System
UN ; Free
Please click here to read ODS Introduction
OED2 (Oxford English Dictionary 2)
Old HK newspapers collection
OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson)
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Oral History Online
Orbis─very large companies
2023 cancel order
OVID Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Medical Collection eBook
Texts can be viewed, printed and downloaded in html format
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Constitutions of the World
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Oxford Dictionaries – English
Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law
Oxford English Dictionary 2 (OED 2)
Oxford Handbooks Online
Law 2013
Linguistics 2012-current
Music 2012-2019
Philosophy 2012-current
Psychology 2012-2019
Religion 2012-2019
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History
Oxford Journals Archive. Humanities, Law, Social Sciences Collections ( -1996)
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Oxford Journals Online (1996- )
NewOxford Research Encyclopedias. Asian History
Oxford Research Encyclopedias. International Studies
NewOxford Research Encyclopedias. Linguistics
Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Politics
Oxford Scholarship Online Collection
Texts can be viewed in html format, printed and downloaded in pdf format
Palgrave connect eBooks
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in pdf format for Android/IOS OS
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: Jay C. and Lucile C. Oliver and YMCA China, 1905-1979
PapersFirst (1993- )
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Peter Lang Ebook
Philosopher's Index with Full Text
Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009 )
ProceedingsFirst (1993- )
Project Euclid
Cornell University
Project Muse Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
Project MUSE Journals PLUS+ Package
Johns Hopkins University ;
Project Muse Premium Collection
Johns Hopkins University
Project Syndicate
ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection (1824-present)
ProQuest Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection 1789-
ProQuest Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)
Dissertations after 1997 can be downloaded the first 24 pages
Please click here to Digital Dissertation Consortium
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Ebook Central
exts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format for 40% pages.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- Chicago Tribune (1849 - 1999)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- Los Angeles Times (1881-2000)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- South China Morning Post (1903-2001)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The Boston Globe (1872 - 1993)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The New York Times (1851-2021)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The New York Times (1980- )
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The Wall Street Journal (1889-2013)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The Washington Post (1877-2008)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest Historical Newspapers -- The Washington Post (1987- )
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
ProQuest Regulatory Insight
ProQuest Research Library (formerly as: Academic Research Library)
Mobile device please link directly
ProQuest US Newstream (1980- )
ProQuest U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection (1789-1979 ) & Maps
RDA Toolkit
American Library Assoication
RDA Toolkit Original Site
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP-Online)
SAGE Ebook
Texts can be viewed, printed and be downloaded in pdf format, 1 chapter each time
Schillers Werke im WWW
Login name is your AS email address. Please register if you do not have an account.
ScienceDirect Ebook
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can be downloaded
SDOL (Elsevier Server)
SDOS (Elsevier Taiwan Mirror Site)
Serials Directory
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Sherpa RoMeo Publisher Copyright Policies & Self-Archiving
SIAM Reference Collection
Texts can be viewed in pdf format. Texts can be printed and downloaded in pdf format, 40 page each time
Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
Social Theory
Texts can be viewed and printed in pdf format, and can not be downloaded
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
SocINDEX with Full Text
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
SourceOECD Statistics
South China Morning Post (1903-2001)
Springer Link Ejournal
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Springer Link Ebook
Texts can be viewed in pdf format, and can be downloaded and printed 1 chapter each time
Springer Publishing Ebook
SSCI (1900- ) / AHCI (1975- )
SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
Statesman's Yearbook (1864- ) (by volume)
Statistical Abstract: Historical Statistics 1878-2012
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1878- 1950 (Fraser) Please click here
Statistical Database of the Economic Commission for Europe
UNECE Statistical Division
Taiwan Today
Government Information Office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Taylor & Francis Ebook
Texts can be viewed in html format for Android/ISO OS. Texts can be printed at most 30 pages each time, and be copy-pasted at most 10 pages each time
Taylor & Francis ejounals
Teacher Reference Center
Mobile device please link directly, or, download EBSCOhost Apps from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
Thieme eBook
Texts can be viewed and downloaded in pdf format
Times Digital Archive (TDA) (1785-1985)
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Password needed for Sinica users outside campus, please contact the library
Times Literary Supplement (TLS) Historical Archive (1902-2014)
Please click here to HUSO platform to access CLC, ECCO, EEBO, EHA, MOML, MOMW, PAO, OJDA, Social Theory, TDA, TLS and SOJA databases
Please click here to Artemis platform to access ECCO, FT, ILN, NCCO, MOMW, TDA, TLS databases
Twentieth-Century African American Poetry
Twentieth-Century American Poetry
Twentieth-Century Drama (1890-2004)
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
Please click < What's Inside >,and click <Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism>.
2013 - 2020 v.285 - v.394
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
UN ; Free
Please click here to read UNCTADstat Table of content
Please click here to read Handbook of Statistics fulltext
United Nations Databases
United Nations Official Documents System (ODS)
Please click here to read ODS Introduction
United States Census Bureau
US Congressional Documents and US Congressional Serials Set
HEIN ONLINE ; Click US Congressional Documents or US Congressional Serials Set
U.S. Congressional Serial Set (1957- )
Click here to find 1774-1875 (US Congressional Documents and Debates)
Click here to find 1833-1917 (US Serial Set)
U.S. Declassified Documents Online (DDO)
US Department of Commerce, BEA, Bureau of Economic Analysis
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009
US Newstream (1980- )
U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection (1789-1979 ) & Maps
W. B. Yeats Collection (1782-1900)
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal (1889-2013)
Mobile device please link directly
Washington Post (1877-2008)
Mobile device please link directly
Washington Post (1987- )
Mobile device please link directly
(internal user)Washington Times
Web of Science (WOS)
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System
Password needed, please contact the library
Westlaw Classic
Wiley Online Library Ebook
Texts can be viewed, downloaded and printed in html format and pdf format for Android/IOS OS, 1 chapter each time
Wiley Online Library
Wiley StatsRef : statistics reference online
New Women's Studies Archive
以女性視角探討十九世紀和二十世紀的歷史,彙集全球檔案館藏與婦女研究相關之珍稀手稿、專著、報紙、期刊等文獻資料,是從事婦女史、性別研究、社會史等領域學者的重要研究材料。本庫分為以下四個部分,2024年先購入Archive 1-2提供研究使用。
1. Issues and Identities(議題與身份)
2. Voice and Vision(聲音與願景)
3. Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922(美國古文物學會珍本,1820-1922年)
4. Female Forerunners Worldwide(全球女性先驅者)
Woodhead Ebook (Science Direct Platform)
World DataBank
World Development Indicators
World Bank
World Development Report
World Bank
World Economic Outlook Databases
World Inequality Database
World Scientific Ebook
Texts can be viewed in html, PDF format. Texts can be printed and download
World War II Archives
WorldCat Discovery (New Version)
WorldCat FirstSearch (for International Librayr Loan)
WorldCat Identities
Yearbook of International Organizations