Tsai, Cheng-hung & Ku, Hsiu-lin (2025). “Why AI May Undermine Phronesis and What to Do about It,” AI and Ethics. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung & Ku, Hsiu-lin (2024). “Sport, Technology, and Achievement: When the Use of Technology in Elite Sports Is Justified,” Physical Education Journal. Special Issue: Precision Sports Research and Technology Applications.
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2024). “Phronesis and Emotion: The Skill Model of Wisdom Developed,” Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy 43: 1011-1019. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2023). “Wisdom as Knowing How to Live Well: An Epistemological Exploration,” Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies 47:33-64. pdf
Ku, Hsiulin & Tsai, Cheng-hung (2022). “Phronesis-Oriented Philosophical Counselling: Focusing on Semantic Sentiment,” (in Chinese), Universitas 49(12): 77-98. link
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2022). “Practical Wisdom, Well-Being, and Success,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104(3): 606-622. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2022). “Beyond Intuitive Know-How,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2022). “Habit: A Rylean Conception,” Philosophies 7(2): 45. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2021). “Wen-Kwei Liao’s Philosophical Enterprise” (in Chinese), in R. Wu and K. Wu (eds.), Selected Papers of Joshua Wen-Kuei Liao (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press), pp. 11-13.
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2020). “Phronesis and Techne: The Skill Model of Wisdom Defended,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98(2): 234-247. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2020). “Artificial Wisdom: A Philosophical Framework,” AI & Society 35(4): 937-944. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung & Lien, Chinfa (2018). “On How to Defend or Disprove the Universality Thesis,” in M. Mizumoto, S. Stich, and E. McCready (eds.), Epistemology for the Rest of the World (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 267-278. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2018). “Wen-Kwei Liao’s Moral Intuitionism” (in Chinese), in T. Hung and D. Deng (eds.), Enlightenment and Rebellion: 100 Years of Taiwanese Philosophy (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press), pp. 155-184.
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2016). “Ethical Expertise and the Articulacy Requirement,” Synthese 193(7): 2035-2052. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2015). “Knowledge of Language in Action,” Philosophical Explorations 18(1): 68-89. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2014). “The Structure of Practical Expertise,” Philosophia 42(2): 539-554. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2014). “Techne and Understanding,” NTU Philosophical Review 47: 39-60. pdf
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2014). “Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology,” (in Chinese), Universitas 41(3): 121-141. pdf; Eng. ver
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2014). “Virtue Epistemology and the Philosophy of Education” (in Chinese), in Y. Chou et al. (eds.), Philosophy of Education 2012 (Taipei: Pro-Ed), pp. 371-386.
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2011). “The Metaepistemology of Knowing-How,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10(4): 541-556. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2011). “Linguistic Know-How: The Limits of Intellectualism,” Theoria 77(1): 71-86. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2010). “Practical Knowledge of Language,” Philosophia 38(2): 331-341. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2009). “Is Knowing-How a Species of Knowing-That?” (in Chinese), in R. Chen (ed.), The Art of Analysis (Taipei: Pro-Ed), pp. 63-88. pdf
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2008). “A Virtue Semantics,” South African Journal of Philosophy 27(1): 27-39. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2006). “On the Epistemology of Language,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 44(4): 677-696. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2006). “Can Knowing-How Skepticism Exist?” accepted by The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 2006. pdf
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2006). “Can, or Should, Dummett Solve the Delivery Problem?” Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy, 2006, 28(1): 21-43. doi
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2003). “Dummett’s Notion of Implicit Knowledge,” Philosophical Writings 24: 17-35.
Tsai, Cheng-hung (2002). “Generalizing and Normalizing Quine's Epistemology,” Philosophical Writings 19&20: 3-21. pdf
“After Civil Philosophy: How Civil Wisdom Is Possible”, presented at the conference “Civil Philosophy”, held by Academia Sinica, Taipei, 4-5 May, 2023.
“Practical Wisdom: A Fully Articulated Theory”, presented at Soochow University, Taipei, 28 April 2021.
“From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Wisdom”, presented at the HSS & AI Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 13 April 2019.
“The Idea of Intelligent Habit”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge and Action, Soochow University, Taipei, 19 January 2018.
“AI Robots and Moral Reasoning”, presented at the Department of Philosophy, Tunghai University, Taichung, 15 January 2018.
“AI Robots and Moral Reasoning”, presented at the Workshop on AI and Philosophy, held by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, 25 December 2017. pdf
“How Is Moral Knowledge Possible? W. K. Liao’s Moral Foundationalism vs. Dewey’s Moral Coherentism”, presented at the monthly meeting of the Taiwan Philosophical Association, 7 September 2016.
“How Is Moral Knowledge Possible? W. K. Liao’s Moral Epistemology”, presented at the conference “The Absorption and Transformation of European and American Philosophy”, Taipei, 14 July 2016.
“Virtue and Skill”, presented at the Workshop on Education and Philosophy, Taipei, 14 May 2016.
“Practical Reasoning and the Skill Model”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge and Action, Taipei, 20 April 2016.
“The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning: Three Views”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge and Action, Shanghai, China, 3 November 2015.
“Practical Wisdom as Expert Skill”, presented at the Workshop on Morality, Knowledge and Practical Wisdom, Suzhou, China, 30 October 2015.
“Ethical Expertise and the Articulacy Requirement”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge, Action, and Virtue, Shinagawa, Japan, 31 May 2015.
“Ethical Expertise and the Articulacy Requirement”, presented at the Workshop on Logic and Knowledge, Taipei, 22 November 2014.
“Ethical Expertise and the Articulacy Requirement”, presented at the Annual Conference of the Taiwan Philosophical Association, Taipei, 2 November 2014.
“Ethical Expertise and the Articulacy Requirement”, presented at the Workshop on Philosophy, held by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, 27 September 2014.
“Moral Skills”, presented at the Workshop on “Virtue: Epistemic and Moral”, Taipei, 12 March 2014.
“Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology”, presented at the Annual Conference of the Taiwan Philosophical Association, Hsinchu, 27 October 2013.
“Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology”, presented at the 23th World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, Greece, 6 August 2013.
“Techne and Understanding”, presented at the Faculty Research Workshop, Soochow University, Taipei, 10 April 2013.
“Techne and Understanding”, presented at the Workshop on “Virtue: Epistemic and Moral”, Soochow University, Taipei, 27 March 2013.
“Virtue Epistemology and the Philosophy of Education”, presented at the Workshop on Philosophy of Education, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 24 November 2012.
“Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology”, presented at the Workshop on Virtue, Taipei, 30 May 2012.
“Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology”, presented at the Workshop on Philosophy, held by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, 12 May 2012.
“Xunzi and Virtue Epistemology”, presented at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, Seattle, USA, 7 April 2012.
“Knowledge of Language in Action”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge and Logic, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 15 January 2012.
“The Metaepistemology of Knowing-How”, presented at the Workshop on Philosophy, held by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, 14 May 2011.
“Knowledge of Language in Action”, presented at the Annual Conference of the Taiwan Philosophical Association, Taipei, 24 October 2010.
“Knowledge of Language in Action”, presented at the Faculty Research Workshop, Soochow University, Taipei, 22 May 2010.
“Consciousness and Knowledge-How”, presented at the Workshop on Chinese Philosophy and Virtue Epistemology, Taipei, 13 May 2010.
“Linguistic Know-How: The Limits of Intellectualism”, presented at the Workshop on Philosophy, held by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, 8 May 2010.
“Language and Agency”, presented at the Workshop on Body, Cognition, and Meaning (IV), Taipei, 21 November 2009.
“Language and Knowledge”, presented at the Workshop on Knowledge, Virtue, and Intuition, Taipei, 13 March 2009.
“Is Knowing-How a Species of Knowing-That”, presented at the Workshop on “Philosophers’ Concern with Science”, Taipei, 14 December 2008.
“Normativity and Theories of Meaning”, presented at the Faculty Research Workshop, Soochow University, Taipei, 29 March 2008.
“A Virtue Semantics”, presented at the Workshop on Experience and Truth (IV), Taipei, 10 November 2007.
“On the Conceptualist Ontology of Language”, presented at the Workshop on Realism and Anti-Realism, Taipei, 23 June 2007.