A Study on Regulatory Schemes Governing
Consumption Information Disclosure
Based on German Consumer Information Act
Ning-Hsiu Lee
Department of Law, Chinese Culture University
No. 55, Hwa-Kang Rd., Yang-Ming-Shan, Taipei 11114, Taiwan
People have always understand that food is their primary need,
but today consumers can only passively receive information, mainly
through labels, media reports, and advertisements. Can consumers, by
demanding that governments require the disclosure of all relevant in-
formation, gradually shift from being passive to proactive in receiving
information? Take for example Germany’s Law on Improvement of
Health-related Consumer Information, hereinafter the German Con-
sumer Information Act, which explicitly gives everyone the right to
request that the government disclose consumption information, and
streghthens the dimention, which consumers may actively request.
Currently, Taiwan’s regulatory scheme on information disclosure is
based on the Freedom of Government Information Law. The German
legislative framework and practical experience might capture Taiwan’s
attention and provoke discussion of consumer information disclosure
regulation, and allow consumers a chance to better protect their
Key Words
Consumption Information, Right of Access to Infor-
mation, German Consumer Information Act, The
Freedom of Government Information Law, Exemptions
from Disclosure, Balance of Legal Interests