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IEAS Map and Atlas Collection list

No. Title ISSN Note AS Library Catalog
1 1992 election results / National Journal Election Data Services, Inc LM 911.73 N21362el 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
2 2002 chart of armed conflict LM 355.0332 M599 2002 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
3 2003 chart of armed conflict LM 355.0332 M599 2003 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
4 2012 chart of conflict / The International Institute for Strategic Studies LM 355.0332 M599 2012 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
5 2016 military balance chart : Gulf region missile defence LM 355.0332 M599 2016 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
6 Afghanistan and Pakistan Afghanistan, land in crisis / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353afb 2001 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
7 Africa ; Africa threatened / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., Chief Cartographer LM 912 N21353af 1990 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
8 Africa, a storied landscape ; Africa, the human footprint / National Geographic Maps LM 912 N21353afa 2005 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
9 Alaska / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353al 1994 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
10 Allendorfer Sprengstoffwerke DAG und WASAG / von Hans-Jürgen Wolff LM 623.4527 w8327 2010 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
11 American heritage pictorial atlas of United States history / by the editors of American heritage R 912.973 Am35 AS Library Catalog
12 Asia-Pacific Economic engine : western Pacific Rim / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer design--Allen Carroll LM 912 N21353as 1989 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
13 Atlas for marine policy in Southeast Asian seas / edited by Joseph R. Morgan and Mark J. Valencia for the East-West Environment and Policy Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii R 912 At65 AS Library Catalog
14 Atlas for marine policy in the East Asian seas / edited by Joseph Morgan and Mark J. Valencia for the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii R 333.91 At65 AS Library Catalog
15 Atlas of American frontiers / Martin Ridge R 973 R435 AS Library Catalog
16 Atlas of early American history : the Revolutionary era, 1760-1790 / Lester J. Cappon, editor-in-chief ; Barbara bartz Petchenik, cartographic editor ; John Hamilton Long, assistant editor ; William B. Bedford...[et al], research associates ; Nancy K. Mor R 911.73 At651 1976 AS Library Catalog
17 Atlas of economic development / by Norton Ginsburg  ; With a foreword by Bert F. Hoselitz, and pt. 8, a statistical analysis by Brian J.L. Berry R 912.133 G435 AS Library Catalog
18 Atlas of population patterns in metropolitan Los Angeles and Orange counties, 1990 / by Eugene Turner and James P. Allen 304.6 T852 AS Library Catalog
19 Atlas of the American Revolution / map selection and commentary by Kenneth Nebenzahl  ; narrative text by Don Higginbotham R 912.973 N279 AS Library Catalog
20 Atlas of the universe / Patrick Moore R 520 M785 AS Library Catalog
21 Atlas of world history R 911 At65 1993 AS Library Catalog
22 Battles of the Civil War A Nation transformed by civil war / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, chief cartographer text, Lynne Warren, author Nancie Majkowski, researcher LM 973.7 N21353 2005 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
23 Battles of the Civil War ; A Nation transformed by civil war / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine ; Allen Carroll, chief cartographer ; text, Lynne Warren, author ; Nancie Majkowski, researcher LM 973.7 N21353 2005 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
24 Beneath the oceans Mauna Kea, the world's tallest mountain / National Geographic Society map, Martin Gamache bathymetric relief, Tibor G. Toth design, Elaine H. Bradley text, Jane Vessels research Taryn L. Salinas map edit, Julie A. Ibinso LM 912 N21353oc 2012 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
25 Beneath the oceans ; Mauna Kea, the world's tallest mountain / National Geographic Society ; map, Martin Gamache ; bathymetric relief, Tibor G. Toth ; design, Elaine H. Bradley ; text, Jane Vessels ; research ; Taryn L. Salinas ; map edit, Julie A. Ibinso LM 912 N21353oc 2012 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
26 Book of the world 912 B644 AS Library Catalog
27 California Coastal California / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353caa 1993 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
28 Caspian Region, promise and peril Caspian Sea / produced by National Geographic Maps for the National geographic magazine Allen Carroll, director of cartography design--Robert E. Pratt relief--Tibor Tóth art--C. Bruce Morser research--Debbie J LM 912 N21353ca 1999 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
29 Changing climate / National Geographic LM 577.22 n21353 2007 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
30 China / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ch 1991 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
31 Close-up : U.S.A., Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society William T. Peele, chief cartographer David W. Cook, associate chief cartographer LM 912 N21353cla 1977 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
32 Close-up: U.S.A., the Southwest Close-up: U.S.A., Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society William T. Peele, chief cartographer Richard K. Rogers, assistant chief cartographer LM 912 N21353cl 1977 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
33 Congressional Quarterly presents the 102nd Congress and the nation's governors LM 911.73 C76095 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
34 Dawn of humans : [eastern hemisphere] / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912.1 N21353 1997 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
35 Earthquake risk, a global view ; Earthquakes, living with the threat / produced by National Geographic Maps LM 551.22 N21353 2006 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
36 Earth's fractured surface Living on the edge : [West Coast of U.S.] / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ea 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
37 Egypt's Nile Valley / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353eg 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
38 Endangered earth The world / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, chief cartographer text by Douglas B. Lee, NGS senior staff LM 912.1 N21353wo 1988 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
39 Europe Europe in transition / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine Allen Carroll, chief cartographer design, Sally S. Summerall LM 912 N21353eu 2005 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
40 Europe ; Europe in transition / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine ; Allen Carroll, chief cartographer ; design, Sally S. Summerall LM 912 N21353eu 2005 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
41 Export production in tropical Africa : by commodity or group and by percent of total value in 1957 / William A. Hance, Vincent Kotscher, [and] Richard Peterec LM 912 G2922af 1960 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
42 France Historical France, evolution of a nation / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer design, Allen Carroll, director, John F. Dorr, Sally Suominen-Summerall art, Richard Schle LM 912 N21353fr 1989 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
43 Germany A traveler's map of Germany / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ge 1991 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
44 Goode's world atlas / [edited by] Edward B. Espenshade, Jr. [and] Joel L. Morrison R 912 G613 1970 AS Library Catalog
45 Goode's world atlas / Edited by Edward B. Espenshade, Jr R 912 G613 AS Library Catalog
46 Goode's World atlas / Edward B. Espenshade, Jr., editor Joel L. Morrison, senior consultant R 912 G613 1982 AS Library Catalog
47 Great peoples of the past. Ancient Egypt The Egyptians / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine Allen Carroll, Chief Cartographer LM 912 N21353grb 2001 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
48 Great peoples of the past. Mongol Khans and their legacy / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353gr 1996 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
49 Great peoples of the past. The Mesoamericans Ancient Mesoamerica / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353gra 1997 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
50 Gulf of Mexico, a geography of offshore oil Gulf of Mexico, layers of life / by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Society LM 363.7382 N21353 2010 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
51 Hawaii Rediscovering Hawaii / produced by the Cartographic Division of National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ha 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
52 Heart of the Rockies Above the Rockies through digital eyes / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society image created by Robert Stacey and Jim Knighton, WorldSat International, Inc LM 912 N21353ro 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
53 Heavens Star birth in the Orion Nebula / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, Chief Cartographer research, Lisa R. Ritter, Andrew J. Wahll design, Robert E. Pratt star chart data, Wil Tirion LM 912 N21353he 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
54 Historical atlas of political parties in the United States Congress, 1789-1989 / Kenneth C. Martis, author and editor ; Ruth Anderson Rowles, cartographer ; Gyula Pauer, production cartographer R 912 M366hi AS Library Catalog
55 Historical atlas of United States Congressional districts, 1789-1983 / author and editor, Kenneth C. Martis ; cartographer and assistant editor, Ruth Anderson Rowles  ; compilation draftsmen, David Durham, Brian Raber, Thomas Kokernak ; research assistant R 912 M366 AS Library Catalog
56 Holy Land, special places of the world / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ho 1989 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
57 Illustrated atlas of the world R 912 R156 1993 AS Library Catalog
58 Indonesia / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353in 1996 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
59 International atlas : Der Internationale Atlas. El Atlas internacional. L'Atlas international / [Editors: Russell L. Voisin and others] R 912 In8 AS Library Catalog
60 Italy Historical Italy / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer design, Sally S. Summerall LM 912 N21353it 1995 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
61 Jack the Ripper : Whitechapel map 1888 / Geoff Cooper and Gordon Punter LM 364.1523 C785 2003 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
62 Jerusalem The Old City, Jerusalem / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353je 1996 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
63 Land of the Maya, a traveler's map The ancient Maya world / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353maf 1989 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
64 Making of Canada. Atlantic Canada / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ma 1993 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
65 Making of Canada. British Columbia / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353maa 1992 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
66 Making of Canada. Ontario / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mab 1996 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
67 Making of Canada. Prairie Provinces / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mac 1994 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
68 Making of Canada. Quebec / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mad 1991 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
69 Making of Canada. Yukon and Northwest Territories The North / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mae 1997 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
70 Mapmaker's art : an illustrated history of cartography / John Goss ; introduction by Valerie Scott R 526.09 G694 AS Library Catalog
71 Mars revealed Destination Mars / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine Allen Carroll, chief cartographer LM 912.99 N21353 2001 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
72 McNally Cosmopolitan world atlas R 912 R156 1971 AS Library Catalog
73 McNally new Cosmopolitan world atlas R 912 R156 1968 AS Library Catalog
74 McNally new Cosmopolitan world atlas R 912 R156 1986 AS Library Catalog
75 Mexico A traveler's map of Mexico / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353me 1994 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
76 Mexico & Central America The dividing link, Mexico & Central America / National Geographic William E. McNulty, Director of Maps LM 912 N21353mea 2007 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
77 Mexico & Central America ; The dividing link, Mexico & Central America / National Geographic ; William E. McNulty, Director of Maps LM 912 N21353mea 2007 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
78 Millennium in maps. Biodiversity Diversity of life / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine Allen Carroll, Director of Cartography LM 912 N21353mib 1999 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
79 Millennium in maps. Exploration The Explorers / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mi 1998 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
80 Millennium in maps. Physical earth / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic magazine Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353mia 1998 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
81 Mount Everest = Sagarmāthā (Sagarmatha) = Zhumolongma Feng (Qomolangma) / National Geographic Society, Committee for Research and Exploration, Barry C. Bishop, vice chairman, in a joint research effort with the Henry S. Hall, Jr., Everest Fund of Boston's LM 912 N21353mo 1988 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
82 National Geographic atlas of the world / [chief cartographer, John F. Shupe] R 912 N213 1992 AS Library Catalog
83 National Geographic atlas of the world / Melville Bell Grosvenor, editor-in-chief. Frederick G. Vosburgh, editor. Wellman Chamberlin, chief cartographer. Athos D. Grazzini, associate chief cartographer. William T. Peele, assistant chief cartographer. Fran R 912 N213 1970 AS Library Catalog
84 National Geographic atlas of the world / Melville Bell Grosvenor, editor-in-chief. Frederick G. Vosburgh, editor. Wellman Chamberlin, chief cartographer. Athos D. Grazzini, associate chief cartographer. William T. Peele, assistant chief cartographer. Fran R 912 N213 1970 AS Library Catalog
85 National Geographic satellite atlas of the world R 912 N213sa 1998 AS Library Catalog
86 Native American heritage, a visitors guide / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ina 1991 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
87 New international atlas = Der neue internationale Atlas = El nuevo atlas internacional = Le nouvel atlas international = O nôvo atlas internacional R 912 In8 1982 AS Library Catalog
88 North America in the age of dinosaurs Dawn on the delta 74 million years ago / Produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353di 1993 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
89 Oxford economic atlas of the world / prepared by the Cartographic Department of the Clarendon Press R 912.133 Ox2 AS Library Catalog
90 Peoples Republic of China administrative atlas R 912.51 P39 AS Library Catalog
91 Philippines The history of the Philippines / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief cartographer John F. Shupe, associate chief principal consultants, Claude A. Buss ... [et al.] LM 912 N21353ph 1986 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
92 Planet of the dinosaurs / National Geographic art, Pixeldust Studios ... [et al.] paleographic maps, C.R. Scotese, PALEOMAP Project LM 912 N21353dia 2007 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
93 Recueil des arrets, avis consultatifs et ordonnances / Cour internationale de justice = Reports of judgments, advisory opinions, and orders / International Court of Justice LM R 341.522 In8 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
94 Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances = Reports of judgments, advisory opinions, and orders / Cour internationale de justice = International Court of Justice LM 341.522 In8 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
95 Russia and the newly independent nations of the former Soviet Union The economic evolution of the former Soviet Union. Communism to capitalism / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer des LM 912 N21353ru 1993 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
96 Solar system, our sun's family Portraits of our celestial family / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society LM 912 N21353soc 1990 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
97 South America Amazonia, a world resource at risk / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353soa 1992 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
98 Southwest U.S.A. The land of open sky, Southwest U.S.A. / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353sob 1992 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
99 Soviet Union : forged during a millenium of expansion, the largest country on earth is an unwieldy federation containing a hundred ethnolinguistic groups / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver, Jr., chief car LM 912 N21353so 1990 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
100 Spain and Portugal / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Society Allen Carroll, director of cartography LM 912 N21353sp 1998 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
101 Times atlas of the world R 912 T482 1985 AS Library Catalog
102 Times atlas of the world / Comprehensive ed., produced and published by the Times of London in collaboration with John Bartholomew & Son Ltd., Edinburgh R 912 T482 1971 AS Library Catalog
103 Treasures of the world, lost-and-found Sunken treasures / produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine Allen Carroll, Chief Cartographer LM 912 N21353tr 2001 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
104 United States Water, precious resource / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, Chief Cartographer LM 912 N21353un 1993 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
105 United States, the physical landscape Federal lands in the fifty states : [United States] / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society Allen Carroll, director of cartography John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353una 1996 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
106 Victorian Ordnance Survey collection. London : covering the city of London and the surrounding area including Windsor, Watford, Brentwood, Southend, Maidstone, Guildford, and Bracknell LM 912 V6668 2004 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
107 We the people : an atlas of America's ethnic diversity / James Paul Allen, Eugene James Turner R 305.8 AL53 1988 AS Library Catalog
108 West Indies and Central America Tourist islands of the West Indies / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society Richard J. Darley, chief cartographer John F. Shupe, associate chief cartographer text, Larry Kohl research, LM 912 N21353we 1981 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
109 World ocean floors. Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John B. Garver Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353wo 1990 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
110 World ocean floors. Pacific ocean Indian ocean / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912 N21353woa 1992 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
111 World transformed When cultures collided / National Geographic LM 912 N21353wob 2007 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
112 World, political The world, physical / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society John F. Shupe, chief cartographer LM 912.1 N21353woa 1994 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
113 Yellowstone and Grand Teton, special places of the world map series / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society National Geographic Magazine Wilber D. Garrett, editor, John B. Garver Jr., chief cartographer LM 912 N21353ye 1989 單張地圖 AS Library Catalog
114 世界地圖集 = Atlas of the world / 李勉民主編 R 716 4027 AS Library Catalog