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  • Update Date:2024-06-21


IEAS Material Collection list

No. Title ISSN Note AS Library Catalog
1 Administration & society [microform] MF 350 Ad65 AS Library Catalog
2 Aging [microform] / Federal Security Agency MH 362.609 Ag47 AS Library Catalog
3 American Bureau of Industrial Research [microform] : manuscript collections on the early American labor movement, 1862-1908 / general editor, Melvyn Dubofsky MF 331.0973 Am35 AS Library Catalog
4 American economic review [microform] MF 330.973 Am3537 v.1-30 (1911-1940)沾黏受損已報廢 AS Library Catalog
5 American foreign policy current documents. Supplement [microform] MH 327.73 Am3542cu AS Library Catalog
6 American foreign policy, foreign affairs press briefings. Supplement [microform] MH 327.73 Am3542fo AS Library Catalog
7 American historical review [microform] MF 973.05 Am35 AS Library Catalog
8 American immigrant autobiographies [microform] MF 973.0992 Am3548 AS Library Catalog
9 American journal of jurisprudence [microform] MF 340.1 Am35 AS Library Catalog
10 American journal of sociology [microform] MF 304 Am35 AS Library Catalog
11 American political science review [microform] MF 320.05 Am35 AS Library Catalog
12 American politics quarterly [microform] MF 320.973 Am35 AS Library Catalog
13 Analysis [microform] MF 105 An13 AS Library Catalog
14 Anking Newsletter [microform] MF 266.00951 An63 AS Library Catalog
15 Annals of the American academy of political and social science [microform] MF 300.5 Am35 v.7-33 (1896-1909)沾黏受損已報廢 AS Library Catalog
16 Asia [microform] : special studies, 1980-1982 Supplement / [edited by Robert Lester] MF 950 As41 1980-1982 suppl. AS Library Catalog
17 Asia [microform] : special studies, 1982-1985 Supplement / [edited by Michael C. Davis] MF 950 As41 1982-1985 suppl. AS Library Catalog
18 Asia [microform] : special studies, 1985-1988 Supplement / [edited by Michael C. Davis] MF 950 As41 1985-1988 suppl. AS Library Catalog
19 Bestande des Bundesarchivs [microform] = Nachlass Max Bauer MH 943.087 N114be AS Library Catalog
20 Bio-base [microform] MH 016.92 B5201 AS Library Catalog
21 Board of National Missions, Division of Work for Colored People records, 1924-1945 [microform] MF 0259.22 P9202 AS Library Catalog
22 Brookings papers on economic activity [microform] MF 338.73 B791 AS Library Catalog
23 Canadian journal of economics [microform]= Revue canadienne d'economique MF 330.05 C16 AS Library Catalog
24 Captured German soldiers' mail (Feldpostbriefe) in records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 1940-1945 [microform] / Timothy Mulligan prepared the introduction and arranged these records for microfilming, assisted in the latter by Mr. B.H. Custer MF 943.009 C1752 1940-1945 AS Library Catalog
25 Carter Godwin Woodson papers, 1736-1974 (bulk 1915-1950) [microform] MF 973.0496 W868 AS Library Catalog
26 Challenge [microform] MF 330.05 C352 AS Library Catalog
27 China [microform] : special studies, 1970-1980 / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 951.057 C441 1970-1980 AS Library Catalog
28 China and India [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 320.9 Os7 pt.3 AS Library Catalog
29 China and India [microform] : 1950-1961 supplement / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 320.9 Os7 pt.9 AS Library Catalog
30 China Christian advocate [microform] MF 266.00951 C441 AS Library Catalog
31 China Christian year book [microform] MF 266.00951 C4414yb AS Library Catalog
32 China medical journal [microform] / Medical Missionary Association of China MF 610.951 C441 AS Library Catalog
33 China medical missionary journal [microform] MF 610.951 C441 AS Library Catalog
34 China mission advocate [microform] MF 266.00951 C4414 AS Library Catalog
35 China, 1946-1976 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 951.05 C441 AS Library Catalog
36 Chinese recorder, 1868-1941 [microform] MF 226.00951 L822 AS Library Catalog
37 Chronicle of higher education [microform] MF 378.73 C468 AS Library Catalog
38 CIS [microform] MH 348.73 C497 AS Library Catalog
39 Club woman [microform] MF 305.4 C627 AS Library Catalog
40 Collectanea Commissionis Synodalis [microform] : digests of the Synodal Commission of Catholic Church in China MH 282.51 C685 AS Library Catalog
41 Collected records of the woman's peace party, 1914-1920. Series A, Outline History of the Wpp to 4th Annual Meeting, 1919 [microform] MF 327.172 C685 1914-1920 AS Library Catalog
42 Columbia journal of world business [microform] MF 330.9 C723 AS Library Catalog
43 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, 1930-1939 [microform] : internal affairs MF 951 C76071cha 1930-1939 AS Library Catalog
44 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, 1940-1944 [microform] : internal affairs MF 951 C76071cha 1940-1944 AS Library Catalog
45 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, 1945-1949 [microform] : internal affairs MF 951 C76071cha 1945-1949 AS Library Catalog
46 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, 1960-1963 [microform] : foreign affairs : decimal numbers 693, 693A, 693B, 693C, 611.93, 611.93A, 611.93B, and 611.93C / projected coordinator Robert E. Lester MF 951 C76071chb 1960-1963 AS Library Catalog
47 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, Internal Affairs, 1960-1963 [microform] : decimal numbers 793,793A, 793B, 793C, 893, 893A, 893B, 893C, 993, 993A, 993B MF 951 C76071cha 1960-1963 AS Library Catalog
48 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, Peoples Republic of China, 1950-1954 [microform] : foreign affairs, decimal numbers 693 and 611.93 / [edited by Michael Davis] MF 951 C76071chb 1950-1954 AS Library Catalog
49 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, Peoples Republic of China, 1950-1954 [microform] : internal affairs / [edited by Michael Davis] MF 951 C76071cha 1950-1954 AS Library Catalog
50 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, Peoples Republic of China, 1955-1959 [microform] : foreign affairs / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy] MF 951 C76071chb 1955-1959 AS Library Catalog
51 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, Peoples Republic of China, 1955-1959 [microform] : internal affairs / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy] MF 951 C76071cha 1955-1959 AS Library Catalog
52 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, subject-numeric files, February 1963-1966, Part 1 [microform] : political, governmental, and national defense affairs MF 951 C76071chc 1963-1966 AS Library Catalog
53 Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Federal Republic of Germany [microform] : foreign affairs, 1955-1959 decimal numbers 662A and 611.62A / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 943 C76071 1955-1959 AS Library Catalog
54 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Federal Republic of Germany, 1960-January 1963 [microform] : foreign affairs : decimal numbers 662A and 611.62A / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 943 C76071 1960-1963 AS Library Catalog
55 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Formosa, 1945-1949 [microform] : internal affairs / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 951 C76071fo 1945-1949 AS Library Catalog
56 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Formosa, Republic of China, 1950-1954 [microform] / [edited by Michael Davis] MF 951 C76071fo 1950-1954 AS Library Catalog
57 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Hong Kong 1960 -January 1963 [microform] : internal & foreign affairs / project coordinator Robert E. Lester MF 951 C76071ho 1960-1963 AS Library Catalog
58 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. The Far East, 1950-1954 [microform]: internal affairs, decimal numbers 790,890, and 1990 : foreign affairs, Decimal numbers 690 and 611.90 / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy] MF 950 C76071 1950-1954 AS Library Catalog
59 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. The Far East, 1955-1959 [microform]: internal affairs, decimal numbers 790,890, and 990 : foreign affairs, Decimal numbers 690 and 611.90 / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy] MF 950 C76071 1955-1959 AS Library Catalog
60 Confidential U.S. State Department central files. United States-China relations, 1940-1949 [microform] MF 951 C76071un 1940-1949 AS Library Catalog
61 Confidential U.S. State Department special files. Southeast Asia, 1944-1958 [microform] / [edited by Gregory Murphy] MF 959 C76071 1944-1958 AS Library Catalog
62 Congressional member organizations [microform] / CIS. MH 016.32878 C76 AS Library Catalog
63 Congressional quarterly [microform] MF 328.73 C76095 AS Library Catalog
64 Congressional quarterly almanac [microfilm] MF 328.73 C76095al AS Library Catalog
65 Court papers, journal, exhibits, and judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1900-1948 [microform] MF341 C8351 AS Library Catalog
66 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1963-1969 [microform] : official history and documents / [edited by Robert Lester] MF 353.84 D44 AS Library Catalog
67 Department of State bulletin [microform] MF 353.1 D4407 AS Library Catalog
68 Department of State bulletin [microform] MH 353.1 D4407 fiche AS Library Catalog
69 Diaries of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1969 [microform] / edited by Robert Lester MF 973.921 D542 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
70 Diary of Hans Frank, 1939-1945 [microform] MF 940.5318 F8511 AS Library Catalog
71 Die wirtschaftspolitische Kompetenzverteilung in der EU nach dem Vertrag von Maastricht [microform] MH 337.142 St466 AS Library Catalog
72 Diplomatic papers of John Moors Cabot [microform] MF 327.4 D625 AS Library Catalog
73 Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1977 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 355.03 D659 1947-1977 AS Library Catalog
74 Documents of the National Security Council. Fifth supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 355.03 D659 5th suppl. AS Library Catalog
75 Documents of the National Security Council. First supplement [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 355.03 D659 1st suppl. AS Library Catalog
76 Documents of the National Security Council. Fourth supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 355.03 D659 4th suppl. AS Library Catalog
77 Documents of the National Security Council. Second supplement [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 355.03 D659 2nd suppl. AS Library Catalog
78 Documents of the National Security Council. Seventh supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 355.03 D659 7th suppl. AS Library Catalog
79 Documents of the National Security Council. Sixth supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 355.03 D659 6th suppl. AS Library Catalog
80 Documents of the National Security Council. Third supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 355.03 D659 3rd suppl. AS Library Catalog
81 Documents on the history of European integration / edited by Walter Lipgens MH 341.2422 D6598 AS Library Catalog
82 Drugs : special studies, 1972-1986 [microform] MF 363.45 D842 AS Library Catalog
83 Ecology law quarterly [microform] MF 344.73 Ec73 AS Library Catalog
84 Econometrica [microform] MF 330.05 Ec74a AS Library Catalog
85 Economic issues [microform] : studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service 1976-1982 MF 330.973 Ec74 AS Library Catalog
86 Economic journal [microform] MF 330.05 Ec74b AS Library Catalog
87 Economic record [microform] MF 330.05 Ec75 AS Library Catalog
88 Economic report [microform] : Malaysia MH 330 Ec746 AS Library Catalog
89 Economics letters [microform] MF 330.05 Ec74-2 AS Library Catalog
90 Educational review [microform] MF370.957 Ed838 AS Library Catalog
91 Equal rights [microform] MF 305.4 Eq25 AS Library Catalog
92 Europaische Union, Europaischer Wirtschaftsraum und die verfassungsrechtliche Ordnung der Schweiz [microform] / Andreas Blaue MH 330.94 B6137 AS Library Catalog
93 Europe, 1950-1961 supplement [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 320.9 Os7 pt.10 AS Library Catalog
94 Examinee and score trends for the GRE general. Test: 1977-1978, 1982-1983, and 1987-88 [microform] MH 371.26 Ed839 no. 3308-90 AS Library Catalog
95 FBI file on Eleanor Roosevelt [microform] MF 973.917 R677 1996 AS Library Catalog
96 FBI file on the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee [microform] MF 323.119 F317 AS Library Catalog
97 FBI File on the Students for a Democratic Society and the Weatherman Underground Organization [microform] MF 371.81 F317 1991 AS Library Catalog
98 Feminist studies [microform] : FS MF 305.4205 F349 AS Library Catalog
99 Fenchow [microform] MF 266.9951 F351 AS Library Catalog
100 Foochow messenger [microform] MF 266.00951 F739 AS Library Catalog
101 Forerunner [microform] : a monthly magazine MH 813.4 F761 AS Library Catalog
102 Four streams [microform] MF 266.00951 B874 AS Library Catalog
103 Franklin D. Roosevelt [microform] : Usher books MH 327.73 R677us AS Library Catalog
104 German Documents Among the War Crimes Records of the Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe [microform] MF 341.69 G3171 1967 AS Library Catalog
105 GPO new sales publications reference file [microform] MH 025.1734 G7465 AS Library Catalog
106 Hainan newsletter [microform] MF 266.00951 H126 AS Library Catalog
107 Harvard University Library [microform] : a documentary history MH 016.941 H261 AS Library Catalog
108 Herstory [microform] MF 305.4 H439 AS Library Catalog
109 Industrial relations law journal [microform] MF 344.73 In2 AS Library Catalog
110 International economic review [microform] MF 330.05 In8 AS Library Catalog
111 International labour review [microform] MF 331.05 In8 AS Library Catalog
112 International studies quarterly [microform] MF 320.904 In867 AS Library Catalog
113 International trade [microform] : special studies, 1982-1985 / [edited by Michael C. Davis] MF 382 In8 1982-1985 AS Library Catalog
114 Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and the Far East generally [microform] : 1950-1961 supplement / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 320.9 Os7 pt.8 AS Library Catalog
115 John F. Kennedy national security files. Asia and the Pacific [microform] : national security files, 1961-1963, first supplement / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 327.7305 J613 1961-1963 1st suppl. AS Library Catalog
116 John F. Kennedy national security files. Vietnam [microform] : national security files, 1961-1963 / general editor, George C. Herring MF 327.730597 J613 1961-1963 AS Library Catalog
117 John F. Kennedy national security files. Vietnam [microform] : national security files, 1961-1963, first supplement / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 327.730597 J613 1961-1963 1st suppl. AS Library Catalog
118 Journal of American history [microform] MF 973.05 J826 AS Library Catalog
119 Journal of common market studies [microform] MF 341.2422 J8261 AS Library Catalog
120 Journal of economic abstracts [microform] MF 330.05 J8262ab AS Library Catalog
121 Journal of economic literature [microform] MF 330.05 J8262li AS Library Catalog
122 Journal of international economics [microform] MF 382.105 J826 AS Library Catalog
123 Journal of legal studies [microform] MF 340.05 J826 AS Library Catalog
124 Journal of political economy [microform] MF 330.05 J8262po AS Library Catalog
125 Journal of social history [microform] MF 330.9 J826 AS Library Catalog
126 Journal of the history of philosophy [microform] MF 105 J826 AS Library Catalog
127 Journal of urban history [microform] MF 301.3609 J826 AS Library Catalog
128 Keystone & women's column [microform] MF 305.4 K524 AS Library Catalog
129 Kissinger transcripts [microform] : a verbatim record of U.S. diplomacy, 1969-1977 MH 327.73 K643ki 1969-1977 AS Library Catalog
130 Labor law journal [microform] MF 344.01 L113 AS Library Catalog
131 Ladies' garment worker [microform] MF 305.4 L124 AS Library Catalog
132 Lady's friend [microform] MF 305.4 L128 AS Library Catalog
133 Liberal review [microform] : an organ of the independent thinkers of America MF 320.51 L6153 AS Library Catalog
134 Life and labor [microform] MF 305.4 L6261 AS Library Catalog
135 Lily [micrform] : A ladies' journal devoted to temperance and literature MF 305.4 L628 AS Library Catalog
136 Lowell offering [microform] MH 331.4 W411 AS Library Catalog
137 Lucifer, the light-bearer [microform] MF 326 L963 AS Library Catalog
138 Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. Vietnam [microform] : national security files, 1963-1969, second supplement / project coordinator Robert E. Lester MF 327.730597 L992 1963-1969 2nd suppl. AS Library Catalog
139 Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. Vietnam [microform] : national security files, 1963-1969, third supplement / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 327.730597 L992 1963-1969 3rd suppl. AS Library Catalog
140 Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. Western Europe [microform] : national security files, 1963-1969 / general editor, George C. Herring ; project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 327.7304 L992 1963-1969 AS Library Catalog
141 Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service. Supplement [microform] MF 027.652 M2888 suppl. AS Library Catalog
142 Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service. Supplement [microform] MH 027.652 M2888 suppl. fiche AS Library Catalog
143 Malaysia [microform] : Information Malaysia, incorporating Malaysia Yearbook MH 959.5 M2918 AS Library Catalog
144 Malaysia official yearbook [microform] MH 959.5 M2919 AS Library Catalog
145 Malaysia vital statistics peninsular Malaysia [microform] MH 315.95 M2919 AS Library Catalog
146 Map room messages of President Truman, 1945-1946 [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 973.918 M32 1945-1946 AS Library Catalog
147 Mary McLeod Bethune papers [microform] : the Bethune Foundation collection / editorial adviser, Elaine M. Smith ; project coordinator, Randolph H. Boehm MF 378.759 B4657 AS Library Catalog
148 Mary McLeod Bethune papers [microform] : the Bethune-Cookman College collection, 1922-1955 / project coordinator, Randolph H. Boehm MF 378.759 B4657 1922-1955 AS Library Catalog
149 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences [microform] MH 506 Am3513 AS Library Catalog
150 Memos of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs [microform] : McGeorge Bundy to President Johnson, 1963-1966 MF 353.008 M519 AS Library Catalog
151 Middle East, 1950-1961 Supplement [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 956.04 M5842 1950-1961 Suppl. AS Library Catalog
152 Military situation in the Far East and the relief of General MacArthur [microform] MF 950.425 M599 AS Library Catalog
153 Minutes and documents of the cabinet meetings of President Eisenhower, 1953-1961 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris, Joan Gibson] MF 973.921 Ei83 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
154 Minutes and documents of the cabinet meetings of President Johnson, 1963-1969 [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 973.923 J634 1963-1969 AS Library Catalog
155 Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council with special advisory reports [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 353.008 M669 AS Library Catalog
156 Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council. First supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 353.0089 M668 1st suppl. AS Library Catalog
157 Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council. Second supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 353.0089 M668 2nd suppl. AS Library Catalog
158 Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council. Third supplement [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 353.0089 M668 3rd suppl. AS Library Catalog
159 Minutes of the Educational Alliance, 1879-1980 [microform] MH 370 Ed836 AS Library Catalog
160 Monthly statistical bulletin [microform] : Indonesia MH 342.598 M766 AS Library Catalog
161 Mother earth [microform] MH 261.2 M767 AS Library Catalog
162 Mother earth bulletin [microform] MH 261.2 M767 AS Library Catalog
163 Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investment, and technology transfer [microform] : special studies, 1982-1985 / [edited by Michael Davis] MF 338.8 M919 1982-1985 AS Library Catalog
164 Nachlass 246 Falkenhausen [microform] MH 920.043 F188 AS Library Catalog
165 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-1999 (bulk 1919-1991) [microform] MF 973.5 N21311 AS Library Catalog
166 National citizen and ballot box [microform] MF 324.6 N213 AS Library Catalog
167 National journal [microform] MF 320.973 N213 AS Library Catalog
168 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979-1987. Main survey instruments [microform] MH 331.3412 N21368 AS Library Catalog
169 National Woman's Party papers. pt.1, 1913-1974 [microform] MF 324.273 N213 pt.1 ser.I sec.A reel 47-50、ser.I sec.B reel 12, 23-25, 27-36、ser.I sec.C reel 3, 6-10、ser.III reel 24-46、ser.IV reel 1-6沾黏受損已報廢 AS Library Catalog
170 National Woman's Party papers. pt.2, the suffrage years, 1913-1920 [microform] MF 324.273 N213 pt.2 AS Library Catalog
171 New York times [microform] MF 051 N42 AS Library Catalog
172 Nuclear weapons, arms control, and the threat of thermonuclear war [microform] : special studies. Fourth supplement, 1987-1988 MF 327.174 N883 1987-1988 4th suppl. AS Library Catalog
173 Numerical catalog and alphabetical index for State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee case files, 1944-1949 [microform] / edited by Martin P. Claussen, assisted by Evelyn Bills Claussen MF 973.75 C574 AS Library Catalog
174 October [microform] MF 700.5 Oc7 AS Library Catalog
175 Official conversations and meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 327.73 Ac45 1949-1953 AS Library Catalog
176 Pacific philosophical quarterly [microform] MF 105 P119 AS Library Catalog
177 Papers of Carrie Chapman Catt [microform] MF 324.623 C294a AS Library Catalog
178 Papers of Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1915-1950 [microform] / editorial adviser, Jacqueline Goggin ; project coordinator, Randolph Boehm MF 973 W868 1999 AS Library Catalog
179 Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933-1945 [microform] / advisory editors, Susan Ware and William H. Chafe MF 920.72 R735 1933-1945 AS Library Catalog
180 Papers of Emily Greene Balch, 1875-1961 [microform] / editor, Martha P. Shane. MF 327.172 B189 1875-1961 AS Library Catalog
181 Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961. Chronological correspondence series [microform] / edited and compiled by Robert E. Lester MF 327.73 D888-2 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
182 Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961. Minutes of telephone conversations of John Foster Dulles and of Christian Herter, 1953-1961 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris, Joan Gibson] MF 327.73 D888-3 AS Library Catalog
183 Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961. The White house correspondence and memoranda series [microform] / edited and compiled by Robert E. Lester MF 327.73 D888 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
184 Papers of Margaret Sanger [microform] / Reproduced from the Collections of the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress MF 363.96 Sa58 AS Library Catalog
185 Papers of Mary Church Terrell [microform] / Library of Congress Manuscript Division MF 973.049 T277 AS Library Catalog
186 Papers of Robert H. Terrell [microform] / Library of Congress Manuscript Division MF 371.829 T277 AS Library Catalog
187 Papers of the League of Women Voters, 1918-1974 [microform] / advisory editor, Susan Ware MF 324.623 P197 AS Library Catalog
188 Papers of the NAACP [microform] / project coordinator, Randolph Boehm MF 973.9 P1976 AS Library Catalog
189 Papers of the Nixon White House [microform] MH 973.924 P198 AS Library Catalog
190 Papers of the Republican Party [microform] / edited by Paul L. Kesaris MF 324.2734 P197 1911-1980 AS Library Catalog
191 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States [microform] / [United States Department of State] MH 327.73 Un324us AS Library Catalog
192 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States [microform] : general index, 1861-1918 MH 327.73 Un324gi AS Library Catalog
193 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States [microform] : Japan: 1931-1941 MH 327.73 Un324ja AS Library Catalog
194 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States [microform] : lansing papers, 1861-1956 MH 327.73 Un324lp AS Library Catalog
195 Philippines annual reports [microform] MH 330.9599 P538 AS Library Catalog
196 Philosophical quarterly [microform] MF 105 P5492qu AS Library Catalog
197 Philosophical review [microform] MF 105 P5492re AS Library Catalog
198 Philosophy and phenomenological research [microform] MF 105 P5494 AS Library Catalog
199 Philosophy of the social sciences [microform] MF 300.1 P549 AS Library Catalog
200 Political science quarterly [microform] MF 320.05 P7595 AS Library Catalog
201 Postwar Europe [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 940.55 P8471 1977 AS Library Catalog
202 President Dwight D. Eisenhower's office files, 1953-1961 [microform] / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester MF 973.921 P926 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
203 President Eisenhower's meetings with legislative leaders, 1953-1961 [microform] / edited by Robert Lester MF 973.921 P926-2 1953-1961 AS Library Catalog
204 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's office files 1933-1945 [microform] MF 973.917 P926 1933-1945 AS Library Catalog
205 President Harry S. Truman's office files, 1945-1953 [microform] / project coordinators, Gary Hoag, Paul Kesaris, Robert E. Lester MF 973.918 P926 AS Library Catalog
206 President John F. Kennedy's office files, 1961-1963 [microform] / project coordinator, Paul Kesaris, Robert E. Lester. MF 973.922 P926 1961-1963 AS Library Catalog
207 Presidential diaries of Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,1938-1945 [microform] MF 973.917 M823 1938-1945 AS Library Catalog
208 Progressive woman & the coming nation [microform] MF 305.4 P94371 AS Library Catalog
209 Quarterly journal of economics [microform] MF 330.05 Q28 v.35-38沾黏受損已報廢 AS Library Catalog
210 Records of German and Japanese embassies and consulates, 1890-1945 [microform] MF 943.086 R2454 AS Library Catalog
211 Records of German field commands, Army groups [microform] MF 943.086 R245ar AS Library Catalog
212 Records of German Field Commands, Divisions [microform] MF 943.086 R245 AS Library Catalog
213 Records of German field commands, Panzer armies [microform] MF 943.086 R245pa AS Library Catalog
214 Records of the Bureau of Vocational Information, 1908-1932 [microform] MF 331.4128 R245 AS Library Catalog
215 Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Part 1, 1942-1945 : meetings [microform] MF 940.5 R245 pt.1 no.5 AS Library Catalog
216 Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Part 1, 1942-1945 : Pacific theater [microform] MF 940.5 R245 pt.1 no.3 AS Library Catalog
217 Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Part 1, 1942-1945 : the Soviet Union [microform] MF 940.5 R245 pt.1 no.1 AS Library Catalog
218 Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Part 2, 1946-1953 : the Far East [microform] MF 940.5 R245 pt.2 no.4 AS Library Catalog
219 Records of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam [microform] : microfilmed from the holdings of the Library of the U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania / project editor, Robert Lester MF 959.7043 R245 1954-1973 AS Library Catalog
220 Records of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, 1895-1992 [microform] / consulting editor, Lillian Serece Williams ; associate editor, Randolph Boehm MF 369 R245 1895-1992 AS Library Catalog
221 Records of the National Negro Business League / editorial advisor, Kenneth M. Hamilton MF 330.973 R2454 pt.1 (1900-1919) AS Library Catalog
222 Records of the Office of Chinese Affairs, 1945-1955 [microform] MF 327.73051 R245 AS Library Catalog
223 Records of the United States Nuernberg war crimes trials [microform] : United States of America v. Ernst von Weizsaecker et al. (Case XI), December 20, 1947-April 14, 1949 MF 341.69 W439 pt.11 AS Library Catalog
224 Records of the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor, 1918-1965 [microform] / advisory editor, Judith Sealander, edited by Dale Grinder MF 331.4 R245 1918-1965 AS Library Catalog
225 Records of the Women's City Club of New York, 1916-1980 [microfilm] / consulting editor, Elizabeth Israel Perry MF 305.4 R245 1916-1980 AS Library Catalog
226 Report on conditions of women and child wage earners in the United States [microform] MF 331.40973 R299 AS Library Catalog
227 Reports of the Bureau of Applied Social Research on microfiche [microform] MH 300.72 R299 AS Library Catalog
228 Reports required by Congress [microform] MH 353.005 R299 AS Library Catalog
229 Review of economic statistics [microform] MF 330.211 R325 AS Library Catalog
230 Review of economic studies [microform] MF 330.05 R325 1959-1989 AS Library Catalog
231 Revolution [microform] MF 324.623 R328 AS Library Catalog
232 Right wing collection of the University of Iowa Libraries [microform] MF 300.4 R449 1918-1977 AS Library Catalog
233 Rockefeller Foundation Archives Series 1.1 [microform] MF 954 R59 AS Library Catalog
234 Schlesinger Library vertical file for women's studies [microform] MH 026 Sch38 AS Library Catalog
235 Signs [microform] MF 301 Si26 AS Library Catalog
236 Singapore economic and social statistics [microform] MH 330.9595 Si64 AS Library Catalog
237 Singapore yearbook of statistics [microform] MH 310.95957 Si64 AS Library Catalog
238 Southern women and their families in the 19th century, papers and diaries. Series A, Holdings of the southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill [microform] / Consulting editor, Anne Firor Scott. MF 305.42 So87 1785-1923 AS Library Catalog
239 Soviet Union [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 320.9 Os7 pt.6 AS Library Catalog
240 Soviet Union [microform] : special studies. 1985-1988 supplement MF 947.085 S891 1985-1988 AS Library Catalog
241 Statistical abstract of the United States [microform] MH 317.3 St2961 AS Library Catalog
242 Stilletto [microform] MF 818 St54 AS Library Catalog
243 Students for a democratic society papers, 1958-1970 [microform] MF 016.3781 St94 AS Library Catalog
244 Survey Associates Records [microform] MF 353.84 C817 AS Library Catalog
245 Survey of current business [microform] MF 330.5 Su79 AS Library Catalog
246 Taxation and labour supply / edited by C.V. Brown ; contributions by J.S. Ashworth ... [et al.] MH 331.12 T1997 1981 AS Library Catalog
247 Terrorism [microform] : special studies. 1985-1988 first supplement / project coordinator Gregory Murphy MF 303.625 T278 1985-1988 lst suppl. AS Library Catalog
248 Thailand Statistical Yearbook [microform] MH 330.9 T326 AS Library Catalog
249 U.S. military intelligence reports. China, 1911-1941 [microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris MF 951.04 Un3 1911-1941 AS Library Catalog
250 U.S. policy in the Vietnam War [microform] MH 327.730597 Us11 AS Library Catalog
251 UNA [microform] MF 305.4 Un1 AS Library Catalog
252 United States army investigation and trial records of war criminals [microform] : United States of America v. Juergen Stroop et al., Mar. 29, 1945 - Aug. 21, 1957 MF 940.5405 Un323st 1945-1957 AS Library Catalog
253 United States army investigation and trial records of war criminals [microform] : United States of America v. Martin Gottfried Weiss et al., Nov. 15, 1945 - Dec. 13, 1945 MF 940.5405 Un323go 1945 AS Library Catalog
254 Verbal and mathematical ability of high school juniors and seniors in 1983 [microform] : a norm study of the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT / Braun, H.I. ; Centra, J. & King, B.F. MH 371.26 Ed839 no.3248-87 AS Library Catalog
255 Vietnam [microform] : National Security Council histories MF 959.7043 W195 AS Library Catalog
256 Vietnam and Southeast Asia [microform] : special studies, 1960-1980 / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 959.05 V678 1960-1980 AS Library Catalog
257 Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1946-1976 [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 959.704 V678 1946-1976 AS Library Catalog
258 Vietnam and Southeast Asia. supplemeent [microform] / [edited by Paul Kesaris] MF 959.704 V678 suppl. AS Library Catalog
259 War diaries and correspondence of General Alfred Jodl [microform] / Alfred Jodl MF 838.912 J589 AS Library Catalog
260 Wellington Koo memoir [microform] MF 951.04092 K837 AS Library Catalog
261 West China missionary news [microform] MF 266.00951 W52 AS Library Catalog
262 Western woman voter [microform] MF 324.623 W5259 AS Library Catalog
263 William and Mary quarterly [microform] MF 975.5 W67 AS Library Catalog
264 Woman patriot [microform] MF 305.4 W8403pa AS Library Catalog
265 Woman rebel [microform] MF 305.4 W8403re AS Library Catalog
266 Woman voter [microform] MF 324.623 W8404 AS Library Catalog
267 Woman worker [microform] MF 305.4 W8404wo AS Library Catalog
268 Woman's protest [microform] MF 324.623 W8408 AS Library Catalog
269 Women and health [microform] / Women's History Research Center MF 305.40973 W842 1975 AS Library Catalog
270 Women's studies manuscript collections from the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College. Series 1, Woman's suffrage [microform] / consulting editor, Anne Firor Scott. MF 324.623 W8429ws AS Library Catalog
271 Women's studies manuscript collections from the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College. Series 2, Women in national politics [microform] / consulting editor, Anne Firor Scott. MF 305.42 W8429 AS Library Catalog
272 Women's studies manuscript collections from the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College. Series 3, Sexuality, sex education, and reproductive rights [microform] MF 305.4 W8429 AS Library Catalog
273 Women's suffrage in Wisconsin [micrform] MF 324.623 W8429 AS Library Catalog
274 Working papers in economics [microform] MH 336.7 W892 AS Library Catalog
275 World economy [microform] MF 382.105 W893 AS Library Catalog
276 Yale law journal [microform] MH 340 Y12 AS Library Catalog