About Fees and Charges
Fees and Charges
Library of Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
Fees and Charges
(Implemented on April 1, 2004)


Academia Sinica Affiliates

General Public



NT$0.3 / page

(NT$1 / page for copying without library card)

NT$1 / page


NT$2 / page

Microform Copying

NT$3 / page

Interlibrary Loan

Photocopies  of Library Items


NT$6 / page + NT$20 service charge / item


NT$5 / page + NT$20 service charge / item (currently not available)


NT$3 / page + NT$20 service charge / item

NT$3 / page + NT$20 service charge / item

Delivery within Academia Sinica (currently not available)

NT$20 (registered mail), NT$30 (prompt registered mail)



NT$100 / book

Overdue Fines

NT$5 / day for each book

Compensation for Loss or Damage

Replaceable Books

For lost or damaged books that are available in the market, patrons may supply replacements in the same edition that are clean and in good condition as compensations. Patrons are not required to pay the book price and handling fee; or patrons may ask the library to purchase the books for them. Patrons are required to pay the book price and handling fee  of NT$300 for each book for these purchases.

Irreplaceable Books

Patrons are required to pay the book price. If the books can be reproduced domestically in compliance to Taiwan copyright laws, patrons are required to pay the reproduction fee, a handling fee of NT$300 for each book, and other additional fees. For books that can be reproduced in Taiwan, patrons are required to pay the market price, if available. If the books cannot be reproduced or do not have market price, the Library committee will determine what constitutes reasonable compensation. The exchange rate will be fixed on the date the books are reported lost to the Library.