Advanced Education and Mortality Compression in the United States 153
education have a statistically smaller standard deviation above the
modal age of death [SD(
+) = 7.5, 95% CI = (7.0-8.0)] than do
American men with 0-11 years of education who have a standard
deviation above the modal age of death [SD(
+) = 9.0, 95% CI =
(8.6-9.5)] (p < 0.05). Older American men with 12 years of
education have a statistically smaller standard deviation above the
modal age of death [SD(
+) = 7.8, 95% CI = (7.3-8.4)] than do
American men with 0-11 years of education (p < 0.05). The
difference of SD(
+) between men with 12 years of education and
men with 13+ years of education is not statistically significant (p >
0.05). If the 13+ years of education is broken down into 13-15 and
16+ years of education, men with 16+ years of education have
statistically (p < 0.05) higher modal age at death [
= 87.0, 95%
CI = (86.3-87.7)] and a smaller (but not statistically significant, p >
0.05) standard deviation above the modal age of death [SD(
+) =
7.4, 95% CI = (6.8-8.0)] than those of men with 13-15 years of
education [
= 83.4, 95% CI = (82.8-84.1), SD(
+) = 7.7, 95%
CI = (7.2-8.3)] and 12 years of education. The differences of M and
SD(M+) between men with 13-15 years of education and men with
12 years of education are smaller and not statistically significant (p
> 0.05).
A similar pattern is observed among older American women.
Older American women with 13+ years of education have a higher
modal age at death [
= 89.3, 95% CI = (88.8-89.8)] than do
American women with 12 years of education who have modal age
at death of 87.6 [95% CI = (87.1-88.2)] (p < 0.05). Also, older
American women with 0-11 years of education have a lower modal
age at death [
= 85.0, (95% CI = (84.4-85.5)] than that of
American women with 12 years of education (p < 0.05). Older
American women with 13+ years of education also have a
statistically smaller standard deviation above the modal age of death
+) = 6.7, 95% CI = (6.4-7.1)] than do American women
with 0-11 years of education who have a standard deviation above
the modal age of death [SD(
+) = 8.2, 95% CI = (7.8-8.6)] (p <