Vol. 46, No. 1
March 2016
Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
Human Rights Protection,
Democratic Deliberation, and
Prevention of Violence against Women
Steve On
Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University
No. 70, Lien Hai Road, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan
Implementations of human rights into enforceable
laws generally involve this move: provide the protections
embodied by internationally recognized human rights
principles in a way that shows sensitivities to local
contexts and customs. This move has come to structure
major human rights approaches, including those
addressing the phenomenon of violence against women.
Received August 19, 2014; accepted November 9, 2015; last revised January 18,
Proofreaders: Wenchi Chang, Yu-hsien Liao, Kuei-feng Hu
I would like to duly acknowledge that this article benefited from the comments of
Peter Jones, Patti Tamara Lenard, and three anonymous reviewers. Earlier drafts
were presented at the 2012 Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy
in Osaka, Japan; at Christine Straehle’s seminar, the Graduate School of Public and
International Affairs, University of Ottawa, Canada, March 2014; and at the 2014
meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada. I would like to
thank all the participants for their questions and suggestions. Special thanks go to
Roy Tseng for his encouragements and interventions. Financial support was in part
provided by a grant from Taiwan’s National Science Council: 100-2410-H-110-
071-MY2. Finally, as usual, I could not have completed this article without the
support, patience, and love of my wife Chi-Ching Chen.