歐美研究季刊第46卷第1期 - page 158

United Nations.
Examination of the question of the reserva-
tion exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean
floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the
limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their re-
sources in the interests of mankind
UN Doc. A/RES/2340 [XXII],
18 December 1967
. Retrieved from
United Nations.
Question of the reservation exclusively for
peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the
subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of pre-
sent national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the in-
terests of mankind
UN Doc. A/RES/2574[XXIV], 15 January
. Retrieved from
United Nations.
Reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes
of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, un-
derlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national juris-
diction and use of their resources in the interests of mankind, and
convening of a conference on the Law of the Sea
UN Doc.
A/RES/2750[XXV], 17 December 1970
. Retrieved from
United Nations.
Status of European Economic Community in
the General Assembly
UN Doc. A/RES/3208 [XXIX], 11 October
. Retrieved from
United Nations.
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 8 December 2006, 61/105. Sustainable fisheries, including
through the 1995 Agreement for the implementation of the provi-
sions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of
10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management
of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, and re-
lated instruments
UN Doc. A/RES/61/105, 6 March 2007
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