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Mark Osteen also has it that the newspapermen circulate

borrowed rhetoric and money instead of exchanging news

(1995: 204). Remiss in their duties and failing to meet their

obligations as pressmen, the Dubliners in the office embody the

degenerate and corrupt journalistic intellectuals Joyce distrusts;

far from acting as the conscience of the nation, they are

concerned more about a drink in the pub and the cash in their

pockets than about the soul of Ireland.

IV. Joyce’s Representations of Other

Intellectuals: Lawyers and Educators

Joyce also depicts intellectuals in other fields than the

press in “Aeolus.” It is true that Crawford rules over the

newspaper office, yet J. J. O’Molloy and Professor MacHugh,

representing the law and Classics respectively, dominate the

discussion on oratory. At sight of O’Molloy in the office,

Bloom comments inwardly:

Cleverest fellow at the junior bar he used to be.

Decline, poor chap. That hectic flush spells finis for a

man. Touch and go with him. What’s in the wind, I

wonder. Money worry. . . .

Practice dwindling. A mighthavebeen. Losing

heart. Gambling. Debts of honour. Reaping the

whirlwind. Used to get good retainers from D. and T.

Fitzgerald. . . . Believe he does some literary work for

the Express with Gabriel Conroy. Wellread fellow.

(Joyce, 1986: 103)

Bloom appreciates O’Molloy’s talent at the bar and his

versatility, but notes that


he is characterized by

unfulfillment, deterioration, and bankruptcy. Bloom

conjectures correctly about the barrister’s purpose in the

Evening Telegraph

office: he comes to see Crawford for a loan,

but is refused by the editor, who claims to be as hard up as his