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in political orientation, Deasy worries that the Jews keep a

firm hand on England and destroy her: “In all the highest

places: her finance, her press. And they are the signs of a

nation’s decay. Wherever they gather they eat up the nation’s

vital strength. . . . Old England is dying” (28). Despite being a

colonial subject, Deasy is deeply concerned about the Empire’s

impending doom rather than Ireland’s long-term subjection. At

the end of the episode, he says playfully to Stephen that

Ireland never persecuted the Jews because “she never let them

in” (30). His statement, inaccurate though it is, reveals his

deep-rooted anti-Semitism and bigotry. By keeping the Jews at

bay, he seems to suggest, Ireland can be free from the

contamination brought about by the degenerate and

destructive race. In this respect, Deasy does not differ much

from his ideological opponent: his support of a powerful

Empire and anti-Semitism points to his inclination toward

racial purity, whereas MacHugh’s celebration of the Hellenistic

and condemnation of the Roman, as well as his acclaim for

Taylor’s speech, suggests his accentuation of cultural purism.

A counterpart to the professor, the headmaster is also

ideologically similar to the lawyer, Menton. While Menton

reveals his chauvinism by regarding women as sex objects,

Deasy displays misogyny when lecturing Stephen. “We have

committed many errors and many sins,” he declares, and these

errors and sins can be imputed to women:

A woman brought sin into the world. For a woman

who was no better than she should be, Helen, the

runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks made

war on Troy. A faithless wife first brought the

strangers to our shore here, MacMurrough’s wife and

her leman, O’Rourke, prince of Breffni. A woman too

brought Parnell low. (Joyce, 1986: 29)

Men err and sin, according to Deasy, on account of women,

and vices and corruptions would not have come into existence