Academic Publications
2022. From the Cultural Cold War to the Cold War Culture: the Literary Communication and Cultural Politics of World Today. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 251 pp. 【With a grant for publication from the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2021】
2020. The Craft of Interviewing. Kaohsiung: Center for the Humanities, NSYSU. 120pp.
2019. Yu Kwang-chung the Translator. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press. 351 pp.
2019. Border Crossings and Local Practices: Multiple Perspectives on Asian American Literary Studies. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 352 pp.
2016. Translations and Criticisms. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 264 pp.
2016. Translations and Contexts. Simplified Chinese hardcover revised edition. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 220 pp.
2013. Aspects of Edward W. Said. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press. 345 pp.
2011. Edward W. Said in Taiwan. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 511 pp.
2009. Translations and Contexts. Revised and Enlarged edition. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 337 pp.
2009. Exploring Chinese American Literature and Culture. Tianjin: Nankai University Press. 210 pp.
2008. Transgressions and Innovations. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 273 pp. 【With a grant for publication from the Center for Humanities Research, National Science Council, 2008】
2007. Translations and Contexts. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 239 pp.
2006. Exploration and Expansion of the Frontiers—Chinese American Literature and Culture: A Collection of Interviews and Research Papers. Tianjin: Nankai University Press. 325 pp.
2006. Reconstructing American Literary History. Peking: Peking University Press. 408 pp.
2001. Re(-)acting (Hi-)story: American Literary History and Cultural Criticism. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 317 pp.
2000. Inscriptions and Representations: Chinese American Literary and Cultural Studies. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co. 411 pp.
2013. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels (《格理弗遊記》). Popular edition. The Chinese Annotated Translation Project of Foreign Classics sponsored by the National Science Council. Taipei: Linking Publishing Co. 376 pp.
2011. Master Sheng-yen. Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou (《虛空粉碎:聖嚴法師話頭禪法旨要》). Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 203 pp.
2009. Master Sheng-yen. The Method of No-Method: The Chan Practice of Silent Illumination (《無法之法:聖嚴法師默照禪法旨要》). Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 172 pp.
2006. Master Sheng-yen. Song of Mind: Wisdom from the Zen Classic Xin Ming (《禪無所求:聖嚴法師的〈心銘〉十二講》). Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 267 pp.
2005. Gauri Viswanathan, ed. and intro. Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said (《權力、政治與文化:薩依德訪談集》). Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co. 712 pp. Beijing: San-lian Bookstore, January 2006. 712 pp. (Winner of the Golden Tripod Award for the Best Translator of the Government Information Office, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, 2006)
2004. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels (《格理弗遊記》). Scholarly edition. The Chinese Annotated Translation Project of Foreign Classics sponsored by the National Science Council. Taipei: Linking Publishing Co. 672 pp.
2003. Master Sheng-yen. Zen Wisdom: Conversations on Buddhism (《禪的智慧:與聖嚴法師心靈對話》). Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 350 pp; Large print edition, Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co., September 2020, 372pp.
1998. Writers at Work (《文學心路:英美名家訪談錄》). Rev ed. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 308 pp.
1997. Edward W. Said. Representations of the Intellectual (《知識分子論》). Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co., November 1997, 233 pp; Simplified Chinese edition, Beijing: San-lian Bookstore, April 2002, 156 pp; Enlarged edition, Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co., January 2004, 276 pp; Classic edition, Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co., October 2011, 318 pp. (Selected as 1997 Top Ten Best Books by the China Times; 1997 Top Ten Book Awards by the United Daily News)
1997. Francis L. K. Hsu. The Challenge of the American Dream: The Chinese in the United States (《美國夢的挑戰:在美國的華人》). Sponsored by the National Institute of Translation and Compilation. Taipei: Nan-tien Publishing Co. 186 pp.
1995. J. Hillis Miller. New Starts: Performative Topographies in Literature and Criticism (《跨越邊界:翻譯‧文學‧批評》) (Co-translated with Chen Tung-jung, Ho Wen-ching, and Lin Su-yin). Sponsored by the National Institute of Translation and Compilation. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 198 pp. (Recommended by the Government Information Office as one of the excellent Chinese translations of the year)
1995. Murray Krieger. The Ideological Imperative: Repression and Resistance in Recent American Theory (《近代美國理論:建制‧壓抑‧抗拒》). Sponsored by the National Institute of Translation and Compilation. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 165 pp. (Recommended by the Government Information Office as one of the excellent Chinese translations of the year)
1990. Frank Kermode. Lawrence (《勞倫斯》). Taipei: Linking Publishing Co. 184 pp.
1989. Joseph Griffin. Virgil (《味吉爾》). Taipei: Linking Publishing Co. 121 pp.
1988. P. E. Russell. Cervantes (《塞萬提斯》). Taipei: Linking Publishing Co. 127 pp.
1986. John Spurling. Graham Greene (《格雷安‧葛林》). Taipei: Shih-pao Publishing Co. 186 pp.
1986. Writers at Work (《英美名作家訪談錄》). Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 400 pp.
1979. J. P. Stern. On Realism (《寫實主義論》). Taipei: Ch’eng-wen Publishing Co. 279 pp.
1977. Dee Brown. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (《魂斷傷膝河:美國原住民滄桑史》). Taipei: Ch’ang-ho Publishing Co. 242 pp.
2022. Interviews with Wang Wen-hsing. Taipei: Wenhsun . 255 pp. 【With a grant for the Arts from Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, 2022】
2021. A Dharma Life: Through Heart, Mind, and Practice. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 264 pp.
2020. Speaking with the Ferryman: Interviews with Contemporary Scholars and Writers. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 454 pp.
2017. Reflections on Chan and Literature. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 480 pp.
2014. Then and Now: Conversations with Contemporary Writers and Critics. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 444 pp.
2009. In the Company of the Wise: Conversations with Asian American Writers and Critics. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 303 pp. 【With a grant for publication from the Center for Humanities Research, National Science Council, 2009; shortlisted for the Golden Tripod Award for the non-literary publications of the Government Information Office, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, 2010】
2007. Margins and Centers. Taipei: New Century Press. 304 pp.
2006. Chan Meditation. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. 206 pp.
2001. Dialogues and Interchanges: Interviews with Contemporary Writers and Critics. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co. 398 pp.
1996. The Reminiscences of Mr. Limin Chu (Co-interviewed with Yu-cheng Lee and Li Chang). Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica. 221 pp.
Books Edited (in Chinese)
2023. From Shandong to Taiwan: The Memoirs of a Refugee Student Couple. Taipei: Self-published. 248pp.
2020. Huamei: Essays on Chinese American and Sinophone Diasporic Literature (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2). Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 992pp.
2018. A Feast of Splendor: Chinese American Literary Studies in Taiwan. Taipei: Bookman Books Co. 448 pp.
2016. Pang-yuan Chi: A Collection of Critical Writings and Bibliographical Data. In Critical Series of Modern and Contemporary Taiwan Writers. No. 68. Tainan: Nationa Museum of Taiwan Literature. 378 pp.
2015. The Other and Asian American Literature. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 274 pp.
2013. Global Identities, Local Voices: Amerasia Journal at 40 Years, Vol. 2 (Co-edited with Russell C. Leong and Don T. Nakanishi). Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 398 pp.
2012. Global Identities, Local Voices: Amerasia Journal at 40 Years, Vol. 1 (Co-edited with Russell C. Leong and Don T. Nakanishi). Taipei: Asian Culture Co. 510 pp.
1996. Politics of Representation and Chinese American Literature (Co-edited with Ho Wen-ching). Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 277 pp.
1994. Cultural Identity and Chinese American Literature (Co-edited with Ho Wen-ching). Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 233 pp.
1993. Selected Essays of the Third Conference on American Literature and Thought: The Literature Section. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 364 pp.
Books Edited (in English)
2000. Wolfgang Iser, The Range of Interpretation. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 266 pp.
1993. J. Hillis Miller, New Starts: Performative Topographies in Literature and Criticism. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 149 pp.
1993. Murray Krieger, The Ideological Imperative: Repression and Resistance in Recent American Theory. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 125 pp
Professor Te-hsing Shan was born in Nantou, Taiwan in 1955. He received his B.A. in English and American literature from National Chengchi University in 1976, his M.A. in English and American literature and Ph.D. in comparative literature from National Taiwan University in 1980 and 1986, respectively. He previously served as the President of the English and American Literature Association of the Republic of China (2000-2001) and the President of the Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China (2008-2010). In addition, he served as the Convener of the Foreign Literatures Division of the National Science Council (1996-1997, now renamed National Science and Technology Council) and the Advisor to its Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (2007-2009, 2013-2014, 2015, 2017). Currently, he is Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in Taiwan.
Professor Shan was a Fulbright Post-doctoral Research Fellow at University of California, Irvine from 1989 to 1990, a Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar from 1994 to 1995, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Birmingham from 1998 to 1999, and a Fulbright Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley from 2005 to 2006. He devoted much of his time to promoting international exchanges by inviting a number of distinguished scholars to Taiwan, including Murray Krieger, J. Hillis Miller, Wolfgang Iser, and Richard Rorty. In order to make the most of these visits, he guest-edited Chung Wai Literary Monthly special issues for Miller and Rorty, edited the lecture series for Krieger, Miller, and Iser, and edited and translated Krieger's and Miller's lecture series into Chinese. Moreover, he is also an experienced interviewer. Over the years, he has interviewed dozens of writers, scholars, and historians, such as Maxine Hong Kingston, Gish Jen, Ha Jin, Edward W. Said, Emory Elliot, Sacvan Bercovitch, Paul Lauter, Elaine Kim, Ronald Takaki, King-Kok Cheung, Sau-ling Cynthia Wong, Him Mark Lai, Judy Yung (譚碧芳) , Shu-mei Shih (史書美), and Wen-hsing Wang (王文興). He shares these interviews and his experiences in recent publications, including Speaking with the Ferryman: Interviews with Contemporary Scholars and Writers (2020), The Craft of Interviewing (2020), and Interviews with Wang Wen-hsing (2022).
In order to promote American literary studies in Taiwan, he and his colleagues have organized many national and international conferences, notably including those on Asian American literature. In addition, he has been involved in several international projects, such as the PALA (Project of American Literature in Asia), headed by Paul Lauter, and the LOWINUS Project (Languages of What Is Now the United States), headed by Werner Sollors and Marc Shell. He has published widely in both Chinese and English. In addition to journal articles and book chapters, his publications include Inscriptions and Representations: Chinese American Literary and Cultural Criticism (2000), Re(-)acting (Hi-)Story: American Literary History and Cultural Criticism (2001), Translations and Contexts (2007), Transgressions and Innovations: Asian American Literary and Cultural Studies (2008), Edward W. Said in Taiwan (2011), Border Crossings and Local Practices: Multiple Perspectives on Asian American Literary Studies (2019), Yu Kwang-chung the Translator (2019), From the Cultural Cold War to the Cold War Culture: the Literary Communication and Cultural Politics of World Today (2022).
He has also published three collections of interviews: Dialogues and Interchanges: Interviews with Contemporary Writers and Critics (2001), In the Company of the Wise: Conversations with Asian American Writers and Critics (2009), and most recently, Speaking with the Ferryman: Interviews with Contemporary Scholars and Writers (2020). Moreover, as a practicing translator, he has translated nearly twenty books from English into Chinese, including The Challenge of the American Dream (1997), Representations of the Intellectual (1997), an annotated translation of Gulliver's Travels (2004), Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said (2005), for which he was conferred the Golden Tripod Award for the Best Translation of the Year in Taiwan in 2006, and both edited and translated chapters in Professor Sau-ling Cynthia Wong’s recent publication Huamei: Essays on Chinese American and Sinophone Diasporic Literature (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, 2020).
In recognition of his academic achievements, he was conferred with the Award of Excellence by the National Science Council three times (1996, 2002, 2009), the Academic Award by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan (2010), the first scholar in the field of foreign literary studies to receive such an honor, Distinguished Alumnus Award of National Chengchi University (2017), and the Merit MOST Research Fellow Award (2019). His research areas include English and American Literature, Comparative Literature (including Asian American Literature), Cultural Studies, and Translation Studies.