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EurAmerica Manuscript Submission

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Manuscript Submission

Information for Authors

Requirements for Submissions
1.EurAmerica does not accept manuscripts that are currently under consideration or already published elsewhere.
2. If a manuscript is a revision of a conference proceeding paper, a part of a dissertation, or has received any funding, authors are required to disclose this information in the “Related Information of Manuscript” field in our online submission system.
3. Submitted manuscripts should be no longer than around 30,000 words in Chinese or 15,000 words in English, footnotes and references included. Authors will be asked to shorten manuscripts that exceed the word limit.
4.Please submit an electronic copy of the manuscript in MS Word format through our online submission system (https://euramerica.org). Authors are advised to consult the Submission Guidelines on our website: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/Content_Page.aspx?pid=26&uid=73
5.Before submitting the manuscript, written consent must be obtained from all authors and copyright holders.
6. Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed in the “Related Information of Manuscript” field in our online submission system.
7.To preserve anonymity, manuscripts should contain no identifiable information such as author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, etc.
8.Should authors identify any significant error after the manuscripts are accepted and published, they are required to immediately inform us, offer a detailed explanation for the error, and, depending its severity, assist in correcting or retracting the paper
9.Except in rare cases, the first round of review will normally be completed within three to four months. Authors will be notified of the result of the review with an official letter.
10.If generative AI technology is utilized in the course of writing or research, its methods and extent of use must be disclosed in the “Related Information of Manuscript” field in our online submission system.
11.Accepted manuscripts are subject to stylistic editing. If the editorial board deems that further editing is called for, we will ask authors to revise their manuscripts accordingly.
12.If the article includes quotations of texts, reproduction of tables, figures or photographs, the authors are responsible for adhering to the relevant academic citation guidelines and copyright laws. Should the article use any copyright-protected materials, authors are responsible for providing proof of licensing after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. Please ensure that the license covers the databases in which EurAmerica is indexed, or at the very least, both the print and electronic versions of EurAmerica.
13.In addition to its print and electronic versions, EurAmerica has entered into agreements with Academic OneFile, IBZ, Periodicals Index Online, National Central Library of Taiwan, Taiwan Citation Index-Humanities and Social Sciences, and other databases to provide an electronic version of published papers for indexing, researching, downloading and printing. Authors are requested to sign a Copyright License Agreement upon publication, granting the journal and its authorized databases nonexclusive and royalty-free rights to use and reproduce the article.
14.EurAmerica does not offer an honorarium. Authors will receive a digital copy (PDF file) of their articles via email after publication.
15.Authors assume full responsibility and accountability for their published articles.

Personal Information Collection Announcement

As the collection of personal information involves your privacy rights, in accordance with the provisions of Item 1, Article 8 of the Taiwan Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), we should clearly inform you of the following: (1) the name of the government agency or the non-government agency; (2) purpose of collection; (3) classification of the personal information; (4) time period, area, target and way of the use of personal information; (5) rights of the Party and ways to exercise them as prescribed in Article 3; (6) the influence on his/her rights and interests while the Party chooses not to provide his/her personal information.

1. The name of the government agency or the non-government agency: The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
2. Purpose of collection: The information will be used to contact the author(s) during the editorial process, and the information will be published in EurAmerica.
3. Classification of the personal information: Name, mobile phone number, email address, affiliation/department, and title.
4. Time period, area, target and way of the use of personal information: From the time you submit the manuscript to the end of the manuscript review, and the use of your personal information stays within our institute.
5. Rights of the Party and ways to exercise them: You may contact us to add or correct your information.
6. You may choose whether or not to provide the information, but we may not be able to provide related services if you choose to withhold the information. Thank you for your understanding.

Online Submission


Chinese Title (Leave blank if not applicable.)

English Title

※Author(s) (Authors

    Name Affiliation/Department Position  

※Author Contact Information




※Chinese Abstract (250 words)(Leave blank if not applicable.)

※English Abstract (250 words)

※Chinese Keywords (3-5)(Leave blank if not applicable.)

※English Keywords (3-5)

※Upload File (file format:docx,doc,txt)(size<=10MB)

※Main Text Word Count

※Discipline of Manuscript

Related Information of Manuscript

1.If your manuscript is a revision of a conference paper, please provide information of the conference Manuscript (ex: Name, date, venue)

2.Other additional information( 1.If the submitted manuscript is subsidized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, etc., please provide relevant information and project number.
               2.If the submitted manuscript is a revision of a thesis or dissertation, please provide relevant information.)

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