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  • Publish Date:2024/11/06
    Modify Date:2024/11/06

[OR-Announce] ICPSR Biennial Meeting Save the Date — You'll Want to Pay Attention to This One

Subject: [OR-Announce] ICPSR Biennial Meeting Save the Date — You'll Want to Pay Attention to This One


The ICPSR Biennial Meeting is Moving Up in the Year!




Save the Date — You Will Want to Pay Attention to This One!






Dear ICPSR Official and Designated Representatives,


Indeed, this is the time of year that ICPSR traditionally issues the “Save the Date” message for the ICPSR Biennial Meeting of Official and Designated Representatives <https://umich.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22efdb2c40e55b8126be00251&id=8d10f76d38&e=61b7f62d2f> . But this one, if you look closely at the dates, is very different.


From Cider Season ...

For some time now, many of you have been advising us that, though beautiful in Michigan, the October meeting is frequently a difficult time for our representatives to gather. We took this feedback to heart, and have been contemplating a change. Sometimes, change is forced quickly upon us. The University of Michigan, where ICPSR is based, is part of the Big10 Conference (now fully 18 universities). With the Big 10 expansion, we have been advised that the athletic conference will not commit to the fall football schedule until June in the same year. Thus, ICPSR is not able to secure hotel room blocks, meeting rooms, or catering until 3-4 months in advance, which also limits your time to budget for or schedule travel to Ann Arbor. ICPSR has decided that this is not a workable situation for a gathering of sometimes 150+ guests and staff.


... to Camping, Boating, and Summer Program Season!

Thus, as the enticing graphic indicates, the 2025 ICPSR Biennial Meeting will take place June 18-20, and we expect all further biennial meetings to take place in June. Indeed, we are moving from cider season to camping & boating season in Michigan! Notably, the ICPSR Summer Program will be in full swing allowing you to peer into the spaces alive with quantitative methods training.



Why Move to June?

Earlier this year, ICPSR Representatives told us via a survey that they would be open to a spring meeting. We thank you for your flexibility. We have done our best to avoid spring religious holidays, other professional meetings, and commencements this coming June. We hope that you will join us in this inaugural June ICPSR Biennial Meeting, and by all means, please save the date!




Warm, June regards,


Linda Detterman


ICPSR Membership & Communications Director














© 2024 The Regents of the University of Michigan <https://umich.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22efdb2c40e55b8126be00251&id=5dc6240308&e=61b7f62d2f> . ICPSR is part of the Institute for Social Research <https://umich.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22efdb2c40e55b8126be00251&id=41593ad8f8&e=61b7f62d2f>  at the University of Michigan <https://umich.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22efdb2c40e55b8126be00251&id=804a4018c1&e=61b7f62d2f> .


Our mailing address is:


University of Michigan

Institute for Social Research

P.O. Box 1248

Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248


Send questions or comments to ICPSR-help@umich.edu <mailto:ICPSR-help@umich.edu> .


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