Immersive methods workshop starts Monday, sign ups close tomorrow



Subject: Immersive methods workshop starts Monday, sign ups close tomorrow

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One more chance to up your methods game this summer!

ICPSR-MIDAS Social Data Science Summer Academy
Online or in-person at the University of Michigan
August 12-16, 2024

Whether hoping to upskill methodological toolkits or tap into emerging techniques in the field, this immersive academy will provide social scientists and related researchers and applied practitioners with the foundations to advance their study and understanding of the social world through data science. Registration ends tomorrow, August 8, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Who should register?
Designed for both ICPSR members and University of Michigan researchers, this intensive workshop will provide a thorough and practical overview of essential data science techniques and how they can be applied to advance social science research.

This workshop is limited to faculty, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and applied practitioners. Current Master's and undergraduate students are not eligible to participate.

What is covered?
Through lectures, hands-on workshops, example applications, and group discussions, participants will develop core competencies in areas like machine learning, statistical modeling, data visualization, and textual analysis. Additionally, instructors will highlight cutting-edge methods like deep learning and neural networks tailored to social science research questions and data.

Specific applications covered will align with research interests of participants, exploring relevant case studies and projects across the social sciences and beyond, in domains like political science, sociology, public health and epidemiology, communications, economics, and more.

What can I do after the Workshop is over?
Participants will walk away with the knowledge and tools to implement data science approaches in their own work as well as connections to a community of peers for continued learning, including access to all Zoom-session recordings and materials through December 31, 2024.

Register now!
The ICPSR-MIDAS Social Data Science Summer Academy is a 5-day, 40-hour workshop hosted collaboratively by the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) and the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Led by globally leading experts in data science and social science, sessions will be offered simultaneously virtually by Zoom and in-person at the University of Michigan campus.
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