Second Session registration and housing closes soon!


Subject: Second Session registration and housing closes soon!


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Last day to register and pay for Second General Session is Sunday, June 30!

Our Second General Session comes with so many options and lots of ways to customize your experience! Choose up to 4 of our 16 methods Courses AND any or all of our 5 Lectures in math and computing.

All Second Session classes are available both in-person and online, synchronously or asynchronously. Registration includes access to all class materials, including recorded meetings, through December 31!

Registration for the Second Session ends Sunday, June 30.

We also have on-campus housing available for anyone coming in-person! Conveniently located, air conditioned, and a great way to jumpstart connections with other Summer Program participants. Register for on-campus housing and get 10% off your Summer Program fees!

The last day to book housing for Block 3 (July 7-13) is TODAY.

Block 4 (July 14-August 3) closes June 21.

General Sessions schedule
Housing information
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