[ICPSR] ICPSR Summer Program: Models, methods, and measurement—workshops for any need!


Subject: [ICPSR] ICPSR Summer Program: Models, methods, and measurement—workshops for any need!






12 Workshops left in 2023



There is still a ton of variety left in our 2023 Summer Program schedule, even with only a dozen Short Workshops <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=dfaca5ee6f&e=b7fd70316c>  left in the calendar. Multilevel and mixed models, network analysis, creating visualizations with R, and a lot more! As always, take your Short Workshop live or asynchronously; everyone has access to lecture recordings and class materials through December 31.


Find your Short Workshop <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=5a5a0bbe1d&e=b7fd70316c>



If you're interested in analyzing social network data, this is the Short Workshop for you! Some prior experience in network analysis and R is recommended.


Last day to register: Thursday, July 20


This workshop covers both the fundamentals and more advanced methods of interactive data visualization in R. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to make, troubleshoot and deploy your own interactive visualizations. Some familiarity with R required.


Last day to register: Thursday, July 27



Register for Short Workshops <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=001d74a98f&e=b7fd70316c>






Stay up-to-date with the Summer Program!


You can keep up with the program on social media (Twitter, <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=93a462fa75&e=b7fd70316c>  Facebook <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=6f4a6e0141&e=b7fd70316c> , Instagram <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=46f72b40e9&e=b7fd70316c> ), or sign up for our email list. Or both!




Subscribe to the Summer Program email list <https://umich.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4de0acf23f8cd9a943b256ebd&id=70ea0dce59&e=b7fd70316c>




Scott Campbell


ICPSR Summer Program Communications & Video Services Coordinator


Sign up for the Summer Program email list! <https://myumi.ch/ICPSRSumProgEmail>


Follow the Summer Program on social media:


<https://www.facebook.com/ICPSRSummerProgram/>     <https://twitter.com/ICPSRSummer>     <https://www.instagram.com/icpsrsummer/>     <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQWgr9Np3SKx54T_0hbo-Q>



