Only 2 more Workshops still open for June



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Registration deadlines march ever onward

We have only TWO Short Workshops starting in June that are still enrolling, and the deadline to join the First 3-Week Session is this Monday, June 12. Sign up while you still can, even if you can't sit in live; all 2023 Summer Program offerings are recorded and available through December 31!

Short Workshops
3-Week Sessions
Last call for Short Workshops this month
Learn to analyze nested data (e.g., justice votes on a case within a term), measure latent traits (e.g., ideology), use text as data, and more! Participants will walk away with tons of tools to work with data in the frequently difficult-to-analyze world of the courtroom.

The last day to register for this workshop is June 15.
Difference in differences (DiD) designs are one of the most versatile and powerful tools for observational causal inference in use today. This workshop covers basic DiD design before moving to advanced extensions like matching, synthetic control, and others. Practical examples, assumptions, diagnostics, and code in R and Stata (when available) will be used.

The last day to register for this workshop is June 23.
Register today
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