Services Acquisition Service (Books & others )

Order Books & Others Service

1. Who May Apply :  This service is only available for research fellows and is not available for visiting scholars. 

2. When to order:  Before the end of each May (suggested).

3. How to Apply : IEAS faculty can hand in order forms to acquisition librarian, and are requested to please sign the form.  IEAS faculty also can mark books wanted to order on the advertisement or bibliographic lists.  Please remember to sign-in and hand this to the IEAS acquisition librarian.  Also IEAS faculty can email an Excel/pdf file to the IEAS acquisition librarian.

4.Please be aware of the duplicate rule of Academia Sinica which stipulates that there will be, at most, two copies of any particular book/material in the Academia Sinica collections.  Please check the Academia Sinica Library Catalog .
5.Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact acquisition librarian by phone at 3789-7215 or by email acquisition librarian .