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[International Trade Law] Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond 出口管制的法律與政治:超越世界貿易組織 Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond
  • Cambridge University Press:Cambridge University Press,2021
  • ISBN:9781108844789    (Pages:284)

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        Delving into export restrictive measures this book links the key areas of WTO law, public international law, investment law, and competition law to expose how and why WTO rules on export dimension are insufficient due to export bias; how public international law helps justify their adoption or maintenance; and how investment and competition laws contribute to their regulation. Built on works on accession protocols and national security exceptions, this book goes beyond international trade law and looks into international political economy, competition and investment law.It contributes to academic debates in conceptualising public and private forms of export restrictions, appreciating the complementary nature of trade and competition law in disciplining them; capturing the dynamic between trade and investment policies for their effectuation and circumvention; and bridging trade law and public international law to better understand their impositions for political and diplomatic purposes with the invocation of the national security justification. (2021-08-27 歐美所副研究員吳建輝先生)


       二戰以來,國際貿易秩序以GATT以及其後WTO體系上為主軸,此一體系建立在出口導向的內在邏輯,亦即國家希望出口以促進經濟成長,因此,國際貿易體系的談判與規則制定著重於進口關稅與非關稅障礙之消除,進而促進自由化。然而,這個自由貿易的目標僅限於自由民主陣營。戰後乃至於冷戰時期東西陣營的對抗,管制貿易(controlled trade)乃是民主陣營對抗蘇聯集團,避免蘇聯集團取得關鍵技術的重要工具。隨著柏林圍牆倒塌,蘇聯垮台,中國與俄羅斯相繼加入WTO,自由貿易與經濟整合成為全球經濟秩序的主要邏輯,隨之而來的是全球供應鏈的形成。經濟相互依存成為促進經濟安全以及世界和平的主要工具。然而,在美中貿易戰,美國對於中國進行經濟圍堵,防止中國取得關鍵技術。隨後,COVID-19疫情爆發後,口罩、維生器乃至於疫苗的出口管制,各國紛紛意識到供應鏈短缺以及斷鍊之經濟安全問題。本書系統性地討論WTO對於出口管制的法律規範,其次從國家安全以及國際政治經濟的角度探討出口管制涉及的國際公法問題,最後並連結競爭與投資法,討論全球供應鏈下出口管制與投資與競爭政策的互動。在美中經濟冷際之際,本書除學術貢獻,更有政策價值。



                Preface  xiii
                Table of Legislation   xv
                Table of Cases xviii
                List of Acronyms and Abbreviations   xx
            1  Introduction     1
            2  WTO Rules on Export Restrictions   20
            3  Governing Export Restrictions: National Security and International Political Economy 112
            4  Export Restrictions in the Global Supply Chain: Investment and Competition 192
            5  Conclusion:Reconfiguring the Global Supply Chain in the Post–COVID-19 Era 261
                Bibliography 270
                Index 281


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