
解消「物種問題」 653 Dissolving the Species Problem: A Retail Argument for Anti-Realism Min OuYang Department of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng University E-mail: min.ouyang58@gmail.com Abstract This paper argues that species taxa are neither real, nor mind- independent entities, as they are unobservable, not manipulable as a whole, and path-dependent. The species problem leads to a cul-de-sac if investigated with a scientific realist framework. An anti-realist explanation for species taxa will provide a more feasible approach. Following this line of reasoning, the plethora of species concepts displays not a problem to solve but a phenomenon in need of explanation. Therefore, what the species problem needs is not a solution, but dissolution. Key Words: species problem, scientific realism, anti-realism, unobservable, entity realism