602 歐美研究 1954 18 1. U.S. Grant: Young Horseman (Childhood of Famous Americans) (親美) 2. Benjamin Franklin: Boy Printer (Childhood of Famous Americans) (親美) 3. Russian Purge and the Extraction of Confession (反共) 4. Operating Room Techniques (現代-親美) 5. The Accused (反共) 6. I See the Philippines Rise (親美) 7. Capitalism in America (親美) 8. Leap to Freedom (反共) 9. I Led Three Lives (反共) 10. Sailing to Freedom (反共) 11. The New Empire (反共) 12. Clara Barton (親美) 13. Forward the Nation 14. Conquest by Terror (反共) 15. The Doctors MAYO (親美) 16. Eleven Years in Soviet Prison Camps (反共) 17. Crusade in Europe (1) 18. Crusade in Europe (2) 1955 12 1. The Reds Take a City (反共) 2. Know Your Enemy (反共) 3. The Sea Around US (現代-親美) 4. The Big Change (親美) 5. The Iron Curtain (反共) 6. Tom Edison: Boy Inventor (親美) 7. A Pictorial History of Thailand 8.《紅色中國的叛徒》(劉紹唐) (反共) 9. An Outline History of the United States (親美) 10. I Chose Justice (反共) 11. The Great Peace (反共) 12. Buddhism Answers the Marxist Challenge (反共) 1956 4 1. This is American (親美) 2.《鬥爭十八年》(司馬璐) (反共) 3. The Rise of Modern Communism (反共) 4. Fighting Fire 1957 4 1. Touring Red China (反共) 2. Abraham Lincoln (親美) 3. Luther Burbank: Boy Wizard (親美) 4. Day of Glory 備註:括號內的歸類為筆者所加。 資料來源:United States Information Agency (n.d.)。