520 歐美研究 第四種判斷標準為「模範刑法典模式」,亦稱ALI (The American Law Institute) 模式,並在1962 年於美國模範刑法典第4.01 條增 定:「行為人於行為時,因精神疾病或心智缺陷,以致其欠缺辨識/ 理解 (appreciate) 其行為違法或遵照法律規定而行為之能力時,行 為人對該犯罪行為不需負責。」44 模範刑法典模式乃兼採「姆納頓 法則」以及「不可抗拒之衝動準則」之內涵,並在定義及用字上採 取更為明確的方式表述。 首先,模範刑法典模式將姆納頓法則採用的知道 (to know) 用 語,改以了解 (to appreciate) 其行為的犯罪性或可責性(參見表1), 以明確表達精神障礙抗辯在乎的是法律上的錯誤而非道德上的錯 誤 (Erickson & Erickson, 2008: 96)。其次,模範刑法典模式以行為 表1 姆納頓法則與模範刑法典模式差異對照表 姆納頓法則 模範刑法典模式 判 斷 標 準 Whether the accused “was labouring under such defect of reason, from disease of the mind as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or, if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong.” A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality [wrongfulness] of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. 差 異 to know to appreciate+criminality [wrongfulness] of his conduct 新 增 X he lacks substantial capacity 44 Model Penal Code Section § 4.01 (1961).