Roundtable: COVID-19 and the WHO: China's and Taiwan's Role in International Organisations and the Multilateral Order
The deterioration of the relationship between China and the United States has global implications, negatively
impacting the functioning of multilateral institutions. Recently, hostility between the two has intensified, as tensions
have flared concerning the origins of COVID-19 and the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in
managing the pandemic. This roundtable will address the role of both Taiwan and China in multilateral organisations
(or lack thereof) as well as other issues, connected to China's expanding influence.
MODERATOR & CONVENOR: Dr. Simona A. Grano, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1. Dr. Chun-Yi Lee, University of Nottingham, UK: “Digital Democracy, Coping with Pandemic”
2. Prof. Ching-Fu Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan: “Breaking State-Centric Shackles in the WHO:
Taiwan as a Catalyst for a New Global Health Order”
3. Dr. Bonny Ling, Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, UK: “China in the UN
System: Beyond COVID and the WHO”
4. Prof. Chien-Huei Wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan: “Vaccine nationalism, vaccine diplomacy and the waning
authority of WHO in global health governance”