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  • Publish Date:2016/10/11
    Modify Date:2021/11/23
Hung-Dah Su
  • Position:Adjunct Research Fellow
  • TEL:886-(02)-37897282
  • FAX:886-(02)-27827616
  • Email:hdsu@sinica.edu.tw
Hung-Dah Su


  • 1998 Docteur en Histoire - Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, France
  • 1995 Postgraduate Diploma of EC Law – Universite de Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris I, France.
  • 1994 DEA of International Relations - Universite de Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris I, France.
  • 1991 M.A. - Graduate School of Diplomacy and International Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  • 1986 B.A. - Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.


  • August 2010 - Full-time Jean Monnet Chair Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • August 2008 - June 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • August 2006 - Part-time Associate Professor, Graduate School of European Studies, Nanhua University, Taiwan
  • May 2006 - August 2008 Full-time Associate Research Fellow, IEAS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • August 2000 – April 2006 Full-time Assistant Research Fellow, IEAS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • August 2000 – July 2006 Part-time Assistant Professor, Graduate School of European Studies, Nanhua University, Taiwan
  • August 1998 - July 2000 Full-time Assistant Professor, Graduate School of European Studies, Nanhua University, Taiwan
  • January 1991 – Febuary 1992 Diplomat, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • January1990 – December 1990 Secretary of Director General, Governmental Information Office, Republic of China (Taiwan)


  • Diplomatic and International History
  • European Union
  • Transnational Integrations in comparison Integration theory


  • Octover 2010, Deputy Director general, European Union Centre in Taiwan
  • In November 2005, Su was elected as member of the Council of Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Since July 2006, Su is the Coordinator of EU Study Group of IEAS at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Since January 2006, he is also director of the Computer Center of IEAS.


  • 2001.05 行政院國家科學委員會學術著作甲種獎勵
  • 1999.05 行政院國家科學委員會學術著作甲種獎勵
  • 1998.06 瑞士洛桑「莫內基金會」(Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe)「莫內銅質獎章」(Médaille de bronze de Jean Monet)
  • 1997.06 法國-歐洲共同體舒曼基金會(Fondation Robert Schuman)「歐洲研究舒曼獎」(Bourse Robert Schuman)


  • 蘇宏達(2010.6)。〈從自由政府間主義解析里斯本條約的發展過程〉,《問題與研究》,49,2:1-38。(TSSCI)
  • Su,H. (2010.3), The EU's Taiwan Policy in a New Context, Issue & Studies, 46,1:1-53. (SSCI)
  • Su,H. (2009.12), Jean Monnet's Great Design for Europe and its Criticism, Journal of European Integration History, 15,2:29-45.
  •  蘇宏達(2009.6)。〈里斯本條約生效後對歐盟對外行動能力與民主治理機制可能的影響〉,《政治科學論叢》,40:81-126。(TSSCI)
  • Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2007). The father of Europe in China: Jean Monnet and the creation of CDFC. Journal of European Integration History. Accepted. Forthcoming.
  • 蘇宏達(2007)。〈論歐洲憲法的優位性〉,《歐美研究》,37, 2: 323-389。(TSSCI)
  • Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2007). Politics of differentiation: enhanced cooperation in the EU and the pathfinder in APEC. Asia Europe Journal, 5:51-66.
  • Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2005). The dynamics of widening on the deepening of the European Union: The consitutiotnalization of enhanced cooperation. EurAmerica (歐美研究), 35, 3: 501-545。(TSSCI)(英文書寫)
  • Su, H. (蘇宏達)(2004). EU policy towards Taiwan: Some inspiration for the emerging EU China policy. UNISCI Discussion Papers【西班牙馬德里大學電子學報】 (http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/homeingles3.htm)
  • 蘇宏達(2004)。〈從制度主義解析歐洲聯盟憲法條約草案〉,《政治科學論叢》,20: 167-208。(TSSCI)
  • Su, H. (2004, December). Can the constitution-building advance the European Integration? A three-pillared institutionalist analysis. Journal of European Integration, 26, 4: 353-378.
  • Su, H. (2004, décembre). Les Etats-Unis et Taïwan vis-à-vis de la Nouvelle Politique Chinoise de la France. Revue d’Histoire Diplômatique, 4: 369-406.
  • 蘇宏達(2003)。〈論網路資源在台灣歐盟研究中的角色〉,《問題與研究》,42, 5: 81-113。(TSSCI)
  • 蘇宏達(2002)。〈以「歷史機制論」解析歐盟憲法倡議與憲政秩序建立間的競合〉,《理論與政策》,16, 2: 1-25。(TSSCI觀察名單)
  • 蘇宏達(2001)。〈WTO關於『印度輸歐體亞麻棉被控傾銷案』的判決及其意義〉,《進口救濟論叢》,18: 165-176。
  • 蘇宏達(2001)。〈以「憲政主權」概念解釋歐洲統合之發展〉,《歐美研究》,31: 4: 629-687。(TSSCI)
  • 蘇宏達(2001)。〈歐盟經驗與兩岸統合:建立WTO架構下的雙邊商務糾紛解決機制〉,《問題與研究》,40: 2, 1-32。(TSSCI)
  • 蘇宏達(2000)。〈歐體法院對反傾銷案判決的最新趨勢 --- 以一九九七到一九九九年的判例為分析對像〉,《進口救濟論叢》,17: 31-50。
  • 蘇宏達(2000)。〈「一個中國原則」與「兩岸國際共存」並行的可能性評估〉,《美歐季刊》,14, 1: 83-112。
  • Su, H. (1998, trimestre). Tempête sur l’Asie – La construction européenne ne pourrait-elle inspirer une solution proprement asiatique?. France Forum, 322, 4e: 15-22.
  • 蘇宏達(1997)。〈法國第五共和外交決策的機制〉,《問題與研究》,36, 6: 57-77。(TSSCI)
  • 蘇宏達(1996)。〈論歐市「非關稅障礙」之排除與貨物自由流通之實踐〉,《問題與研究》,35, 4: 41-66。(TSSCI)
  • Su, H. (2002). Jean Monnet face à la politique européenne du général de Gaulle de 1958 à 1969. Lille, France: Presse universitaire du Septentrion.
  • 蘇宏達 (2007)。〈歐盟理事會的機制與運作〉,黃偉峰 (編),《歐洲聯盟的組織與運作》,增訂二版,頁159-213。台北:五南。
  • 蘇宏達 (2007)。〈論歐洲憲法的優位性〉,洪德欽 (編),《歐盟憲法》,頁121-183。台北:中央研究院歐美研究所。
  • Su, H. (2005, March). Asian perspective of constitutional reform processes. In M. Gehler, G. Bischof, L. Kühnhardt and R. Steiniger (Eds.), Towards a European constitution: A historical and political comparison with the United States (443-454). Vienna and Cologne: Boehlau Publisher.
  • 蘇宏達 (2003)。〈歐盟理事會的機制與運作〉,黃偉峰 (編),《歐洲聯盟的組織與運作》,頁147-198。台北:五南。
  • Su, H. (2009, Oct. 23). A Historical and Academic Review of the EU Studies in Taiwan, paper to be presented at the Regional Workshop of EU Centres in Asia in Kobei, Japan.
  • Su, H. (2009, Sep. 3). The New EU, New Taiwan, and New EU-Taiwan Relationship, paper presented at the Annual Conference of UACES (University Association of Contemporary European Studies) in Angers, France.
  • Su, H. (2008, Dec. 8). EU Law on the CFSP under the Treaty of Lisbon, paper presented at International Conference on the EU-Asian Relationship under the Treaty of Lisbon, IEAS at Academia Sinica, ROC.
  • 蘇宏達,(2008, May),從政府間主義解析里斯本條約的發展過程與條約內容,國際關係學會首屆年會暨「台灣與國際關係的新紀元」學術研討會。
  • Su, H. (2007, May 23-26). Asian perceptions of the Europe-building in world politics. Paper presented at International Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Rome Treaty, Hildseim University, Hildseim, Germany.
  • Su, H. (2007, December 1-2). Jean Monnet and the Creation of CFDC. Paper present at International Conference on the EU-Taiwan Relationship, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Su, H. (2007, May 23-26) . Asian perception of Europe-building in world politics. Paper presented at International Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Rome Treaty, Hildseim University, Hildseim, Germany.
  • Su, H. (2006, November 16-17). EU Needs a Role in the Management of Cross-Strait Relationship. Paper presented at International Conference on EU-China Relationship, Berlin, Germany.
  • 蘇宏達(2005年10月7日)。〈論歐洲憲法的優位性〉,「歐洲憲法研討會」。台北:中央研究院歐美研究所主辦。
  • Su, H. (2005, March 30-April 1). Politics of Differentiated Integration: A Comparative Study of Enhanced Cooperation in the EU and the Pathfinder in APEC. Paper presented at The Ninth Biennial International Conference of the EUSA, Austin, Texas, USA.
  • Su, H. (2004, June 18-19). The Dynamics of Widening on Deepening of the EU: the Constitutionalization of the Enhanced Cooperation. Paper presented at The Fourth Annual International Conference of EpsNet on Political Science after the EU Enlargement: Challenges to the Discipline. University of Cologne & Charles University, Prague, Czech.
  • Su, H. (2003, December 12-13). Does the Draft Constitutional Treaty Advance the European Integration? A Three-pillared Institutionalist Analysis. Paper presented at International Conference on The Constitutionalization of the EU. Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • 蘇宏達(2003年9月10日)。〈歐洲聯盟憲法條約草案初探:在正當性重建與東擴準備中的統合擴張〉,「歐洲聯盟制憲研討會」論文。台北:歐洲聯盟論壇主辦。
  • Su, H. (2003, May 5-7). Asian Perspective of Constitutional Reform Processes: European Dream Search Approach. Paper presented at International Conference on Towards a European Constitution? Historical, Political and Comparative Aspects: Europe-US. held jointly by University of New Orlean, U.S. and University of Innsbruck, Austria, Innsbruck,.
  • Su, H. (2002, November 29). EP Policy toward Conflicts between Taiwan and PRC. Paper presented at Franco-Taiwanese Conference on Euro-Asian Relations. Institute of International Relations of National Chengchi University, Taipei.
  • 蘇宏達(2002年4月12日)。〈如何有效利用網路資源研究歐洲統合之分析〉,「第二屆政治與資訊研討會」論文,宜蘭:佛光人文社會科學院主辦。
  • Su, H. (2001, September 11-12). Internalization of the EU External Relations: the Case of Enlargements. Paper presented at International Conference on the EU External Relations: Competition, Cooperation, Association and Accession. Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • Su, H. (2001, June 22-23). France’s Role in Taiwan’s External Relations: A Demand-Supply Model. Paper presented at International Conference on the Roles of Germany and France in the Sino-European Relations. Europe-China Center of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.
  • Su, H. (2001, May 30-June 1). Back to the Historical Comparative Analysis: A European Dream Search Approach. Paper presented at The Seventh Biennial International Conference of ECSA on the EU/EC and the Member States. American Association of European Union Studies, Madison ,W.C., USA.