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  • Publish Date:2016/10/11
    Modify Date:2018/05/23
Jaw-ling Joanne Chang
  • Position:Research Fellow
  • TEL:+886-(02)-37897242
  • FAX:+886-(02)-27827616
  • Email:jljchang@sinica.edu.tw
Jaw-ling Joanne Chang


  • 1983 D. Phil.- Government and Politics, University of Maryland, USA
  • 1975 M.A.- Political Science, University of Delaware, USA
  • 1973 B.A.- Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


  • August 1990- Research Fellow, The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
  • September 2006- May 2008 Deputy Secretary General, National Security Council
  • August 2004-April 2006 Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the United States
  • 1990.09-2004.07 私立淡江大學美國研究所兼任教授
  • January1984-July 1990 Associate Research Fellow, The Institute of American Culture,
  • September 1984-August 1986 Associate Professor, Political Science Department, National Taiwan University
  • 1983.09-1983.12 美國馬里蘭大學法學院副研究員
  • January 1993-December 1994 Visiting Scholar, The Brookings Institution


  • American Foreign Policy, U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations
  • International Negotiation
  • International Organizations


  • 1984年以來多次擔任國科會年度研究計畫論文審查、新聞局重要學術著作獎審查委員、中研院歐美所中美關係重點研究計畫召集人、《美國研究》或《歐美研究》編輯委員。擔任中央研究院歐美研究所主編,出版包括下列九本叢書(二本英文、七本中文):
  • Sino-American Relations, 1998-2000 (2002)
  • The United States and the Use of Force in the 1990s (2001)
  • United States-Taiwan Relations: Twenty Years After the Taiwan Relations Act (2000) (in English)
  • Sino-American Relations, 1992-1994 (1996)
  • U.S. Foreign Policy and Crisis Management (1993)
  • R.O.C.-U.S.A. Relations, 1979-1989 (1991) (in English)
  • Sino-American Relations, 1985-1987 (1989)
  • Sino-American Relations, 1983-1985 (1986)
  • Sino-American Relations, 1981-1983 (1984)


1. Journal Articles

  •  Chang, Joanne J.L. (2010). Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization: The U.S. "Facilitator" Role, American Foreign Policy Interests, 32, 3: 131-46.
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (2004). New dimensions of U.S.- Taiwan relations. American Foreign Policy Interests, 26, 4: 309-315. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (2002). Taiwan and China cross-strait negotiations: The international connection.International Journal of Business, 7, 3: 75-86.(SSCI)(in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (2000). Lessons from the Taiwan Relations Act. Orbis : A Journal of World Affairs, 44, 1: 63-77. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1999). The U.S. Congress v. White House: A case study of the Most-Favored-Nation status for the PRC in 1990-1992. Tamkang Journal of International Affairs , 3, 4 : 111-157. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1995). How Clinton bashed Taiwan- and why. Orbis : A Journal of World Affairs, 39, 4: 567-582. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1994). Political participation of women in the Republic of China on Taiwan. Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (1992-1994), 12: 172-189. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1991). Negotiation of the August 17, 1982 U.S.-PRC Arms Communique: Beijing.s negotiating tactics. China Quarterly, 125: 33-54.(SSCI)(in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1988).Settlement of the Macao issue : Distinctive features of China.s negotiating behavior. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 20 : 1: 253-278. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1984). Peking.s negotiating style : A case study of U.S.-PRC normalization. American Studies, 14, 4: 55-80. Reprinted in occasional papers/ reprints series in contemporary Asian Studies (1985), 5: 1-22. Baltimore: School of Law, University of Maryland. (in English)

2. Book

  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1986). United States - China normalization : An evaluation of foreign policy decision making. Denver, Colorado : University of Denver, Monograph Series in World Affairs, 246 pp. (book review by Allen S. Whiting, China Quarterly, 115: 479-480) (in English)

3. Book Chapters

  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (2005). Taiwan’s policy toward the U.S., 1969-1978. In William Kirby and Robert Ross (Eds.), Normalization of U.S. – China relations: An international history (209-251). Boston: The Harvard University Asia Center. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1998). The Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1995-1996 : Causes and lessons. In Chun-Chieh Huang (Ed.), Postwar Taiwan in historical perspective (280-303). College Park, Maryland: University Press of Maryland. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1997). The present situation and prospects for Hong Kong and Macau to join international organizations. In Rufino Ramos and others (Eds.), Macau and its neighbors in transition (31-36). Macau: University of Macau and Macau Foundation. (in English)
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1989). Gender and the U.S. constitution : The failure of the equal rights amendment. In Tung-hsun Sun (Ed.), The evolving U.S. constitution : 1787-1987 ( 413-441). Taipei : Institute of American Culture, Academia Sinica.
  • - Chang, Joanne J. L. (1987).The White House vs. the State Department : A study of three cases on U.S.-China policy. In Institute of American Culture (Ed.), After the storm : American society a decade after the Vietnam war(307-338).Taipei: Institute of American Culture, Academia Sinica. (in English)