Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. “Rational Norms for Degreed Intention (and the Discrepancy between Theoretical and Practical Reason),”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2023) 101(2): 360–374.
2. “Intention,” (in Chinese)
The ChineseEncyclopedia of Philosophy (2022).
3. “Misinformation, Subjectivism, and the Rational Criticizability of Desire,”
Philosophical Studies (2021) 178(3): 845-66.
1. ”Temporally-Extended Instrumental Rationality and Self-Defeat”
08/2024 Humboldt Normativity Conference 2024, Humboldt University
2. ”Putting Things in Order”
07/2024 The British Society for Ethical Theory Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh
05/2024 The 2nd Annual Workshop on Value Theory, Lund University
12/2023 The 5th Taiwan Philosophical Logic Colloquium, National Taiwan University (invited)
3. ”Instrumental Agency and the Pre-conditions of Ends”
04/2024 Annual Laval Agency Conference, Laval University
4. ”Self-Defeat and Means-End Incoherence”
01/2024 The 10th Workshop on Normativity and Reasoning, NYU Abu Dhabi (invited)
5. ”Rational Choice Beyond the Comparative Frame”
04/2023 The 30th Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Valencia
6. ”Do Reasons Transmit to the Pre-conditions of Reasons?”
04/2023 2023 Pacific Division Meeting (Colloquium), American Philosophical Association
05/2022 Workshop on Reasons, Ought, and Normative Transmission, Humboldt University
7. ”Can Epistemic Defects Provide Practical Defeaters?”
03/2023 Workshop on Knowledge, Rationality, and Defeat, Hiroshima University (invited)
8. ”Distorted Perception and Irrational Evaluation,”
09/2022 Conference on Apprehending Value, PThU Amsterdam
9. “Comparative Judgment and Evaluation”
08/2022 Work-in-Progress Seminar, Academia Sinica (invited)
04/2022 Workshop on Mind and Judgment, National Taiwan University (invited)
10. “Some Rational Problems with Comparative Valuing”
01/2022 2022 Eastern Division Meeting (Colloquium), American Philosophical Association
08/2021 The 14th Annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, University of Colorado
07/2021 The 95th Joint Session, Aristotelian Society & the Mind Association
04/2021 Faculty Colloquium, National Chung Cheng University (invited)
11. “The Constitutive Norms and Justification for Commitment”
09/2021 Conference on Preferences, Commitments and Choice, University of Zurich
12. “The Internalist Connection between Intention and All-Things-Considered Judgment”
02/2021 Central Division Meeting (Colloquium), American Philosophical Association
13. ”Re-motivating the Internalist Constraint”
11/2020 Workshop on Metaethics and Metaepistemology, University of Vienna
14. “Do We Have a Reason to Do What We Desire to Do?”
11/2020 Faculty Colloquium, Soochow University (invited)
15. “Value and Reason in the Face of Misinformation”
08/2020 Faculty Colloquium, National Tsing Hua University (invited)
16. “In Defense of the Executive Conception of Instrumental Rationality”
03/2020 Slippery Slope Normativity Summit, Inland Norway University
07/2019 The 5th Annual Southern Normativity Group Conference, Cardiff University
17. “Why Intention Presupposes Mental Unity”
10/2019 Action and Ethics: How, Why, Ought, University of Utah
08/2019 New Horizons in Action and Agency, University of Helsinki
18. “An Analysis of the Structure of Instrumental Irrationality and Executive Vice”
07/2019 The 93rd Joint Session, Aristotelian Society & the Mind Association, University of Durham
03/2019 Tennessee Value and Agency Conference, University of Tennessee
19. “Subjectivism and Two Kinds of Authenticity”
12/2018 Lake Geneva Graduate Conference, University of Neuchâtel
20. “The Rational Irrelevance of Desire Strength”
11/2018 Ockham Society, University of Oxford
21. “Misinformed Desire and the Foundations of Subjectivism”
03/2018 Connecticut Graduate Conference in Philosophy, University of Connecticut
04/2017 Stockholm Philosophy Graduate Conference, University of Stockholm
22. “Davidson’s Constitutivist Picture of Practical Rationality”
11/2017 Workshop on Donald Davidson's Philosophy, National Taiwan University
23. “Agency, Instrumental Rationality, and the Hierarchy of Desires”
09/2017 Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy, University of Salzburg
24. “How Can Ends Be Rationally Criticized under Instrumental Rationality?”
02/2017 DPhil Seminar, University of Oxford
25. “Instrumental Rationality and the Cognitive Grounding of Desire”
01/2017 Ockham Society, University of Oxford
26. “Two Constraints on Subjectivist Theories of Normative Reason”
07/2016 The 5th Understanding Value Conference, University of Sheffield
27. “Moral Motivation, Goal, and Background Beliefs”
06/2014 Ockham Society, University of Oxford