Philosophical work
1.Lee, Y.-T. (2024). In Defense of Virtual Veridicalism. Philosophical Studies, 181(12), 3477–3498. (A&HCI)
Empirical work
2.Liou, W.-K., Lin, W.-H., Lee, Y.-T., Chen, S., & Liang, C.* (2024). The Distinction Between First-Person Perspective and Third-Person Perspective in Virtual Bodily Self-Consciousness. Virtual Reality, 28(1), 1–19. (SCI)
3.Liang, C., Lin, W.-H., Chang, T.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Wu, C.-W., Chen, W.-Y., Huang, H.-C., & Lee, Y.-T.* (2021). Experiential Ownership and Body Ownership Are Different Phenomena. Scientific Reports, 11(10602), 1–11. (SCI)
4.Liang, C.*, Lee, Y.-T., Chen, W.-Y., & Huang, H.-C. (2018). Body-as-Subject in the Four-Hand Illusion. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1710), 1–9. (SSCI)
5.Chen, W.-Y., Huang, H.-C., Lee, Y.-T., & Liang, C.* (2018). Body Ownership and the Four-Hand Illusion. Scientific Reports, 8(2153), 1–17. (SCI)
6.Huang, H.-C., Lee, Y.-T., Chen, W.-Y., & Liang, C.* (2017). The Sense of 1PP-Location Contributes to Shaping the Perceived Self-location Together with the Sense of Body-Location. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(370), 1–12. (SSCI)
7.Liang, C.*, Chang, S.-Y., Chen, W.-Y., Huang, H.-C., & Lee, Y.-T. (2015). Body Ownership and Experiential Ownership in the Self-Touching Illusion. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(1591), 1–13. (SSCI)