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Just 2 weeks left to register!





Space still available for 1-2 week workshops


Last day to register for these Workshops:

August 4

Regression Discontinuity Designs, August 7-9 Discuss standard and recent developments in regression discontinuity designs, focusing on methodology and practice.

Multilevel Modeling in the Social Sciences, August 7-11 Estimate and interpret multilevel data in R! Participants can bring their own projects to practice with.

Mixed-Effects Models for Multilevel and Longitudinal Data Using Stata, August 7-11 Test, interpret, and visualize multilevel and mixed models in Stata, including missing data and power.

Scale Construction and Application in Social Science Research, August 7-11 Evaluate, build, and improve scales used in surveys, questionnaires, self-reports, and other common measuring tools in the social sciences.

Spatial Econometrics: Empirical Analysis of Geospatial Association and Cross-Unit Interdependence, August 7-18 Learn about the ways that the actions, behaviors, and outcomes of units affect other units, and how to incorporate those complex relationships in your research.

Register now <https://myumi.ch/QqPNZ>


Last day to register for this Workshop:

August 11

Collecting, Classifying, and Analyzing Textual Data Using R, August 14-18 Dive into this emerging field and analyze text using machine learning, web-scraping, APIs, and more. Participants encouraged to work with their own projects!

Stay up-to-date with the Summer Program!


You can keep up with the program on social media (Twitter, <https://twitter.com/ICPSRSummer>  Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/ICPSRSummerProgram/> , Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/icpsrsummer/> ), or sign up for our email list. Or both!

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