E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum Conference
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  • Publish Date:2016/11/15
    Modify Date:2016/11/17


1. Organizer and Venue: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
2. Date: July 13, 2015 (Monday)

July 13, 2015 (Monday)
14:00~14:30 Registration
14:30~14:40 Chairperson Speech
Dr. Der-Chin Horng (Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

Topic:Impact and Revelations of Greece's Debt Crisis and Bailout Referendum

14:40~16:00 Invited Speakers:
1. Dr. Catherine Li (Professor, School of Law, Soochow University)
   Topic: Another Chapter in Modern Greek Tragedy: Seeking Temporary Relief Regardless of the Consequences? 
2. Dr. Hsieng-Feng Lee (Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University)
   Topic:Revelations That Taiwan Can Draw from Greece's Debt Crisis and the Euro Experiment 
3. Dr. Teh-Feng Huang (Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Tamkang University)
   Topic:Developments and Revelations of Greece's Debt Crisis and Bailout Referendum 
4. Dr. Tai-Lin Chang (Professor/Chair, Department of European Languages and Cultures, National Chengchi University
   Topic:Greece's Debt Crisis and the Future of European Union's Political Economy
16:00~16:20 Panelist Speech
Dr. Chien-Yi Lu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

Topic:Are Recent Developments the Beginning of the End of Greece's Debt Crisis?

16:20~17:00 Discussion
Note: Speakers have 20 minutes to present their speech, and panelists have 3 minutes to present a question during discussion.


3. The topics:
1) Background, Developments, and Overview of Greece’s Debt Crisis
2) Main Contents and Conditions of Bailout Plans Set by the European Commission, ECB, and IMF 
3) Reasons and Impact of Greece’s Failure to Make Loan Repayment
4) Results and Impact of Greece’s Bailout Referendum
5) Possible Solutions to Greece’s Debt Crisis, and Its Economic Future
6) Meaning and Impact of Greece’s Debt Crisis to the European Union
7) United States’ and China’s Perspective on Greece’s Debt Crisis 
8) Meaning and Revelations That Taiwan Can Draw from Greece’s Debt Crisis

For information on the Institute of European and American Studies, please visit our website

4. Reply:
Chyong-Fang, Ko(Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies)

Topic:Greece's Debt Crisis and Social Values

Links:Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

Links:pictures in the Workshop