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[OR-Announce] [ICPSR] Webinar Alert: Overview and Access to the American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES) 2015

Overview and Access to the American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES) 2015

Join us for a webinar on Jun 04, 2018 at 1:00 PM EDT.

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Join Research Connections and Mathematica researchers for a webinar on the new American Indian and Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey 2015 (AI/AN FACES 2015) data file, the first national study of Region XI Head Start children and families.

About the Study
The American Indian and Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey 2015 (AI/AN FACES 2015) was designed and implemented through a partnership of tribal Head Start directors, researchers, and federal officials. Region XI Head Start programs are those operated by grants to federally-recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. AI/AN FACES 2015 is the first study of a nationally representative sample of Region XI Head Start children and families. The study was conducted with 21 Region XI Head Start programs in the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016. At both time points, we assessed the school readiness skills of approximately 1,000 Region XI Head Start children, surveyed their parents, and asked their Head Start teachers to rate children’s social-emotional skills. In the spring, we observed children’s classrooms and asked teachers, center directors, and program directors to complete surveys.

The webinar will introduce researchers to the study’s purposes, design, instruments, and data structure. In order to obtain access to the AI/AN FACES 2015 data, researchers must complete the ICPSR standard application, as well as study-specific requirements. The training will present information on the application process and the special requirements for access and dissemination, to include review by the AI/AN FACES Data Committee (per agreements with the tribal communities whose Head Start programs participated in AI/AN FACES 2015). This process is intended to ensure that the data are used accurately and appropriately, taking into account tribal input when interpreting and reporting findings. While protecting participant privacy, the process also ensures dissemination of findings more broadly with tribal programs and communities.

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