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[OR-Announce] [ICPSR] : ICPSR DataBytes -- Winter 2018

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ICPSR DataBytes: Winter 2018

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ICPSR's Winter Byte

The ground-hog was right! A cold and snowy winter in Ann Arbor is here to stay! Why not warm up with ICPSR's winter edition of DataBytes?

The 2018 Summer Program is Heating Up

Registration for the 2018 Summer Program is open. The four-week courses run June 25-July 20 and July 23-August 17. And, numerous three- to five-day workshops beginning in May are also in the mix!

Data Services-Learn to Deliver this Summer!

This five-day workshop starting on July 30 and delivered by ICPSR Official Representatives (ORs), is being offered to individuals who manage or support local services for ICPSR and other research data for quantitative analysis. This workshop, titled, "Providing Social Science Data Services: Strategies for Design and Operation," is organized around four data service areas: collections; users; access; and preservation.

ICPSR Loves Data!

It's Love Data Week - an international event, running February 12-16, to raise awareness and build a community to engage on topics related to research data management, sharing, preservation, reuse, and library-based research data services. ICPSR will be supporting the event with several posts about our data and a webinar on February 15 highlighting our new data dissemination system! #lovedata18

Experience ICPSR's New Dissemination System-Metadata Makes a Difference!

ICPSR new dissemination system is here! Join us for a live demonstration on February 15 for the unveiling! The demo, approved for all audiences, will take you through updated and more user-friendly data interfaces from data discovery, to evaluation, to download, usage, and interpretation - all made possible by the meticulous data curation, including extensive metadata, that ICPSR curators undertake as they care for data brought into ICPSR's holdings.

New Council Members join ICPSR in March

ICPSR's Official Representatives (ORs) approved the Council slate presented to them at the 2017 ICPSR Meeting. New members include: Bobray Bordelon, Princeton University; Lisa Cook, Michigan State University; Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux, University of Southern California; Katherine Wallman, US Office of Management & Budget (retired); Keith Whitfield, Wayne State University; Esther Wilder, CUNY Lehman College. In addition, Michael Jones-Correa, University of Pennsylvania, will take the gavel as Council Chair.

ICPSR Hosts New U.S. Census Bureau Data Repository!

A new U.S. Census Bureau Data Repository has been launched to preserve and disseminate survey instruments, specifications, data dictionaries, codebooks, and other materials provided by the Census Bureau. This repository helps fulfill key recommendations made by the 2017 "Report of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking." Specifically, the repository improves transparency by establishing a "searchable inventory, through which the public can learn about the data that government collects." See the press release for more details.

The ICPSR Bulletin-A Blizzard of Information

The most recent ICPSR Bulletin provides a flurry of news on former Associate Director Peter Granda's retirement, a review of the 2017 ICPSR "Data-Driven" Meeting, ICPSR's updated data deposit system, and much more.

FY2019 Invoices Coming Soon

Membership fees for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, will be mailed in April. Please note that fees reflect changes both Carnegie classifications and pricing. To find your FY2019 classification, scroll to Fiscal Year 2019 Dues and select "find your FY2019 category."

Oh Canada! ICPSR Heading to Congress 2018

ICPSR is headed to the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences held at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan! ICPSR will exhibit May 30-June 1, and will conduct a Career Corner workshop on Friday, June 1, titled: Data curation for re-use: Moving beyond "open" data. We look forward to visiting with our Canadian members this spring!

A Final Forecast for Winter 2018

Stay tuned to ICPSR communications for participation in Endangered Data Week, February 26-March 2. Endangered Data Week is a new, collaborative effort, coordinated across campuses, nonprofits, libraries, citizen science initiatives, and cultural heritage institutions, to shed light on public datasets that are in danger of being deleted, repressed, mishandled, or lost. Saving data is not a spectator sport!


