In This Issue
· ICPSR's Autumn Byte
· The 2017 ICPSR Meeting in Review!
· Membership Categories and Fees updated for Membership Period beginning July 1, 2018
· Save the Date: 2018 Summer Program
· Henry “Hank” Heitowit Scholarship: Funding Scholars’ Return to the Summer Program
· A Bounty of Student Opportunity!
· ICPSR’s Annual Report Ready for Review
· For ICPSR Members Only: An Offer from Sociometricse
· Are You Among the Over 90 Percent?
· Giving Thanks for Great Leadership
· And More Thanks for New Leadership
· And a Fall, Fond Farewell
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ICPSR's Autumn Byte
With a crisp chill in the air of Ann Arbor, warm apple cider, and the brilliant colors of fall ablaze, it’s autumn at ICPSR, and time for our fall edition of DataBytes!
The 2017 ICPSR Meeting in Review!
Over 170 attendees from 90 institutions joined us for 17+ workshops and sessions October 11-13 for Building for a Data-Driven Future! The biennial meeting highlighted ICPSR’s core functions, including current data collections and data-related tools and exciting new data projects. The meeting also imparted practical approaches and strategies to work with data producers to share data, write data management plans, and to support researchers seeking to reuse research data for analyses and publications. Did you miss it? Recordings and presentation slides can be found on ICPSR’s YouTube Channel as well as on the ICPSR Meeting website.
Membership Categories and Fees updated for Membership Period beginning July 1, 2018
At its June meeting, the ICPSR Council set membership fees one year in advance as required by the ICPSR Constitution. The Council also adopted the 2015 Carnegie Classification as a means to associate membership fees; ICPSR has been working with the 2000 classifications since 2005. More information is forthcoming and will be provided to Official and Designated Representatives. The new fees begin on July 1, 2018.
Save the Date: 2018 Summer Program
The ICPSR Summer Program is excited to announce its four-week session dates with the first session beginning June 25, 2018. More information, including workshop announcements, will become available soon. Visit the ICPSR Summer Program website for the latest details!
Henry “Hank” Heitowit Scholarship: Funding Scholars’ Return to the Summer Program
A scholarship fund has been established in honor of Hank Heitowit, who served as Director of the Summer Program from 1981 to 2007. Every year, a sizable number of former Summer Program participants want to come back to the Program to strengthen their research capabilities. But, for a variety of reasons, many are unable to do so. The Henry “Hank” Heitowit Scholars Fund was established to help people in this situation. Learn more about the Henry “Hank” Heitowit Scholars Fund and how you can help sustain the Heitowit Scholarship.
A Bounty of Student Opportunity!
ICPSR invites submissions for the ICPSR 2018 Research Paper Competitions for undergraduates and master’s students. The competitions award first place cash prizes of $1,000!
ICPSR’s Annual Report Ready for Review
ICPSR’s 2016-2017 annual report is now available. ICPSR started the fiscal year with a new director, Margaret Levenstein, who reflects on her first year at the helm. The year also saw the launch of a new data deposit system, and the DataLumos and Open Data Flint projects, among others. It was truly a year of r(E)evolution within!
For ICPSR Members Only: An Offer from Sociometrics
Sociometrics is excited to inform the ICPSR membership that last month it launched a new web platform for showcasing its research-based social and behavioral health research-based products. The new website features streamlined menus, simplified navigation, augmented search capabilities, a responsive layout for all platforms/devices (including mobile tablets and phones), and additional resources. In addition to the datasets in the SSEDL, the website now offers access to two new categories of peer-reviewed and vetted subscription-based materials! New to Sociometrics? ICPSR members can enjoy a free, one-month trial!
Are You Among the Over 90 Percent?
Invoices for the membership period beginning July 1, 2017, were mailed in April and were due on August 30. Thanks to more than 90 percent of members who have already paid. Missing your invoice? Please contact us and help reduce the significant consortium resources typically dedicated to collecting unpaid membership fees!
Giving Thanks for Great Leadership
ICPSR held its fall Council Meeting on October 11. In addition to a full agenda, the Council and Staff bid a fond farewell five members who have guided ICPSR over the last four years. These members include: Robert S. Chen, Columbia University & CIESIN; Lisa Cook, Michigan State University; Colin Elman, Syracuse University; Philip N. Jefferson, Swarthmore College; Ronald Nakao, Stanford University. ICPSR thanks you for your years of service and leadership!
And More Thanks for New Leadership
ICPSR is thankful for two recent additions to its staff. Trent Alexander recently joined us as ICPSR Associate Director and Research Professor, and Libby Hemphill joins ICPSR as the Director of the Resource Center for Minority Data (RCMD), and as Associate Research Professor at ICPSR, and Associate Professor in the University of Michigan School of Information.
And a Fall, Fond Farewell
We bid a fond, fall farewell to Peter Granda, Associate Director, ICPSR, on November 3, 2017. He served ICPSR and the data community for over 32 years, making us all more thoughtful data stewards. Best wishes Peter for a wonderful retirement!