Library News
New Database Available : Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection

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The database includes almost 100 poets' clubs, 1000 poets, 280,000 poems, and 27 million words. It covers variety fields. There are different types of poems, for example: modern poem, classic poem, and lyric poem. Users can find a lot of information related to Taiwan people, event, time, place, and goods. The sources are Taiwan Nichinichi Sinpou, Taiwan Minpo, Poems, Taiwan Education Association Magazine, and other 40 kinds of periodicals. The Content contains title, author, poetry, preface, note, comment, source, and version information.
Please be advised:
Please adhere to the provisions in the publisher’s copyright notice. The use of this database is limited to individual academic research or
teaching purposes. Any further reproducing or downloading of the contents for any commercial use is strictly prohibited. Copyright
violators will be prosecuted.
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