Circulation Service
Publish Date:2016/10/11
Modify Date:2021/01/28
Request / Recall / Overdue / Loss / Compensation
Request / Recall
1. Books checked out by others can be recalled. Please choose the book you want in the Academic Sinica Library Catalog and click <Request>.
2. After receiving the on-line request, the patron will be asked to return books after having possession of them for a one-month borrowing period. The patron should return books within 7 days of receiving notification. Borrowing privileges will be suspended if books are not returned in time.
3. After receiving the on-line request, if the regular loan period is one month, the patron will be asked to return books after having possession of them for a fourteen-day borrowing period. The patron should return books within 7 days of receiving notification. Borrowing privilege will be suspended if books are not returned in time.
4. The patrons should check out books requested within 7 days of receiving notification.
5. Should the patron have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 3789-7213 or by email
1. The patron does not need to pay overdue fines if books are returned within 15 days. Fines will be charged after 15 days and will be calculated from Day 1 to the day when the books are returned.
2. The privilege of book borrowing will be suspended if the patron has not yet paid fines within one month upon receiving the notification.
3. The privilege of book borrowing will be suspended if the patron has not yet returned books upon receiving the fourth notification.
4. Overdue fines will be charged according to the related regulations.
5.Should the patron have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 3789-7213 or by email
1. The patron should take responsibility for the cost of replacement if loaned books have been lost or damaged.
2. A patron who loses books which were not been returned for over 15 days past their due date should take responsibility for the cost of replacement and pay the fines which will be calculated from Day 1 to the day when the library is informed of the case.
3. The privilege of book borrowing will be suspended if the patron does not accept responsibility for the cost of replacement or has not yet paid accrued overdue fines.
4. Should the patron have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 3789-7213 or by email
1. For For lost or damaged books that are available in the market, patrons may supply replacements in the same edition that are clean and in good condition as compensations. Patrons are not required to pay the book price and handling fee; or patrons may ask the library to purchase the books for them. Patrons are required to pay the book price and handling fee for these purchases.
2. For books lost and not available in books market, if the books can be legally reproduced in other libraries in Taiwan, the library will arrange for a reproduction in compliance with the relevant regulations. The patron should pay the reproduction fee and handling fee.
3. For books lost and not available in books market, if the library cannot find the same one in other libraries in Taiwan, the Library committee will determine what constitutes reasonable compensation. The exchange rate will be fixed on the date the books are reported lost to the library.
4. The handling fee is charged according to related regulations.
5.Should the patron have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 3789-7213, 3789-7214 or by email .