E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum Social Development

Controversies Surrounding Freedom of Speech In The Age Of “Liking” Facebook

Author:Hui-Chieh Su, Assistant Research Fellow

Release Date:2015/03/13

Origin of Problems
        As Facebook has become more prevalent, a variety of controversies have arisen, many of which have impacted our understanding of speech and freedom of speech. In addition to analyzing controversies concerning social networking sites generally, and Facebook in particular, there is a need for a closer look at why these burgeoning technologies are giving rise to controversies, and their impact. This article examines the rapid expansion of Facebook over the past decade, and its influence on speech. Borrowing from court decisions in the United States and Germany, this article looks at the styles of speech, and changes in the distribution of social networking sites, to determine the types of social networking sites that instigate controversies, and the effects of social networking sites on the current system of freedom of speech. (......more)
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