E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum European Union

The American Biomedical Industry Under Academic Capitalism: Implications For Taiwan

Author:Rueyling Tzeng, Research Fellow

Release Date:2015/04/10

Origin of Topic
      In Taiwan, following information technology, biotechnology is considered the next star industry, capable of putting the country on the map. However, within Taiwan, understanding of the developments in biotechnology is limited, and the amount of academic research under way in this emerging industry is relatively small. In contrast, in the United States, “successful” industry-government-academia collaboration makes biotechnology, specifically, its biomedical industry, an ideal model for countries such as Taiwan. While the countries are subject to different conditions, social structures, and developments, this paper nonetheless argues that studying the American biomedical industry will encourage the Taiwanese biomedical industry to reflect on its particular challenges and formulate relevant solutions. This paper takes a close look at industry-government-academia collaboration in the United States, and examines carefully developments in America’s biomedical industry over the years. The findings offer useful references for Taiwan’s own developing biomedical industry.(......more)
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