E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum European Union

Climate Change and Policy Responses by the EU and the USA: The Future of Paris Agreement

Author:Der-Chin Horng Research Fellow

Release Date:2017/12/14

Origin of Topic

        Climate change is a contemporary global issue that has profound and far-reaching implications and challenges to mankind, ecology, and global environment. In addition to environment, climate change is often associated with issues related to energy shortage, food safety, nuclear safety, alternative energy, drinking water, biodiversity, public health, environmental refugees, and sustainable development, which includes energy, technology, industry, economy, society, health, law, politics, human rights, international negotiation, global governance, etc. Climate change has both domestic and international implications, as well as theoretical and practical significance.

        Industrial and technological advances in Europe and the United States have made their regulations and policies on climate change more comprehensive as compared to other parts of the world. Moreover, by providing foreign aid, Europe and the United States have relatively stronger bargaining power and more leverage when participating in negotiations during international climate change forums, enabling them to influence and dominate the development and direction of international regulations on climate change. The European and American experiences not only will provide comparison and reference for Taiwan’s legislations and policies on climate change but will also serve as a model with research and academic value for the country to be more aware of the development on climate change policies, the international mainstream trends, and the future of Paris Agreement. (......more)

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