E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum European Union

On the Future of Food Safety in Taiwan from the Perspective of EU Food Safety Jurisprudence

Author:Der-Chin Horng, Research Fellow

Release Date:2017/01/13

Origin of Topic

        Since the 1990s, Europe and Taiwan have been hit with massive food scandals, which ascertained the importance of food safety regulation. A sound food safety system is not only essential for regulating and ensuring food safety, but it is also necessary in protecting consumer rights, public health, and other public interests. As early as 2002, the EU has adopted the division of authority and responsibility for risk evaluation and risk management. The EU has also established a fairly comprehensive food safety system that covers the entire food chain, which has raised the objectivity and credibility of food safety governance, and has provided high-standard protection toward EU citizens’ consumer rights and health rights. In order to fully understand policy changes, mainstream trends, and international standards related to food safety regulation in Europe and the US, this paper will explore the aspects of EU food safety jurisprudence in depth. Consequently, the findings will serve as references for Taiwan to reform its food safety system and to promote national well-being of its citizens.(......more)

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