E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum European Union

The Italian Food Safety System and Food Police Framework

Author:Meng-Jen Chang, Der-Chin Horng, Research Fellow

Release Date:2016/11/19

Origin of Topic

    A series of food safety scandals such as adulterated cooking oil, toxic starch, plasticizer, and expired and fake ingredients, which occurred in recent years had brought to light the increasing importance of establishing a solid food safety system in Taiwan. This paper hopes to analyze in detail the establishment of Italy’s specialized food police (Carabinieri, NAS), and its significance in monitoring Italy’s food safety in terms of legal basis, mandate and legal status. Furthermore, the paper hopes to explore the practical operation of the NAS by delving into its organizational structure and decision-making processes. From what we can learn in the Italian experiences, it will provide useful references for Taiwan’s establishment of its own food safety system in the future.(......more)

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