E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum US-TW-CH Relations

Analysis of Organizational Structure of Central Government in Various Countries: Taking OECD Countries as Examples

Author:Thomas C. P. Peng Associate Research Fellow

Release Date:2017/12/07

Origin of Topic

  In order to improve the efficiency of management and resolve the people’s problems, government organizations in modern countries constantly make changes to meet the needs of social development. Theoretically, research on organizational structure of the central government in various countries should involve administering comprehensive classification and long-term analyses. Taking into account that Taiwan has gradually transformed into a developed country, this paper focuses on Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries for an in-depth discussion. Most OECD countries have undergone many government reforms since the implementation of constitutional democracy, and the differences among these countries’ current central government structures or constitutional systems have marked different types of development. Aside from reflecting the traces of historical development, these OECD countries offer adequate reference for other countries to organize their own government reforms. Consequently, this paper not only studies extensively the evolution of central government organizations of the United States but also explores the developmental characteristics of central government organizations of parliamentary system countries. The experiences of these countries can help Taiwan reshape the framework of its central government organizations, and become more in line with international trends and administrative effectiveness(.....more).

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