E.U. & U.S. Public Policy Forum Cultural Studies

Being And Nothingness Go Hand In Hand: A Look At American Environmental Disourse And Argumentation Of Organic Agriculture

Author:Shiuhhuah Chou, Assistant Research Fellow

Release Date:2015/01/14

Origin of Topic
       In 2013, for the very first time, the United States’ organic agriculture market exceeded US$3.51 billion, and achieved an annual growth rate of 11.5% (Organic Trade Association xvii). Clearly, organic agriculture’s concept of “nothingness” has caught the interest of a public concerned with food purity. However, to a population steeped in advanced technology, organic agriculture’s high standards of ethical practices, and romanticism with intangibility, may be perceived as impractical, generating skepticism and opposition. Debates over organic agriculture revolve constantly around ideas of “being” and “nothingness”, and American environmentalism is often caught in the tug of war between developing and utilizing nature to maximize economic value, and protecting nature against exploitation. In hopes of breaking away from the stereotypes of “being” and “nothingness”, and “exploitation” and “preservation”, this article offers a fresh way of thinking about “Man vs. Nature” by exploring the fundamental ideology of agricultural labor power.(......more)
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